PETA Global AU 2022 Issue 2


6 PAGE 50 great ideas inside Free the Animals!

Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptiles 15 PAGE Ryan Eggold D ctor’s orders: Adopt, don’t shop

19 PAGE Sew Kind

Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptiles PETA ets crafty o save fish

PETAPrevails! The Power of Protest: Stand Up, Speak Out, Sit In…and Win!

F orty dogs needed help: A PETA undercover investigation had found dozens of Jack Russell terriers kenneled outdoors in the freezing cold at a Michigan dog breeding operation. With subzero wind chills blasting the area, the dogs were in grave danger. One was found dead after a night in a wet pen, and we feared more deaths would follow. Having submitted the incriminating findings from the investigation, including photographs and video of the misery, PETA pushed the local sheriff for rescue and prosecution. For five weeks, the sheriff stalled, hedged, and then went silent. The dogs couldn’t wait any longer. So PETA took a page from its original playbook: When all else fails, plant yourself directly in front of your target – and stay there until you get results. In 1985, a PETA sit-in at the National Institutes of Health got a head-injury study on baboons stopped. In 1994, a PETA sit-in at Calvin Klein’s office pushed the designer to ditch fur. Could the same tactic save these dogs? PETA issued an appeal for help, and people from all over the US canceled their New Year’s plans, jumped in their cars or booked flights, and headed for Michigan. The first eight to arrive entered the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office, sat down, and refused to move.

They were called “freaks” by the dog breeder himself, who came by for a friendly chat with the sheriff. Two of the peaceful protesters were arrested for trespassing when the sheriff tried to oust them by shutting down the lobby – a public space that’s supposed to remain open – but two others took their place. For four days straight, they stayed put, holding signs that made their message clear: We won’t leave until every dog is safe! And on the fourth day, it happened! An animal control truck rolled up to the Sheriff’s Office, followed by another and then another. A PETA demonstrator at the breeder’s property heard the dogs’ desperate barking grow quieter as, one by one, they were loaded into the trucks. Finally, every dog was out of there! It took investigation, documentation, and determination, but PETA won for animals again, thanks to all our staff and supporters who lived up to these famous words by Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”

Woman with megaphone: © • Fish: © • Mouse: ©


























J Read on to learn how PETA busted this breeder – and how people like you are changing everything for animals.

If there’s anything Joan Jett loves more than rock ’n’ roll, it’s animals, so what better way to pay tribute to the longtime vegan and PETA supporter’s massive hit than with a (Black)heart-shaped vegan pizza piled high with veggies and melty vegan cheese fromMiyoko’s Creamery. The Joan Jett PETA pie debuted at Los Angeles restaurant PIZZANISTA!, which also celebrated Jett’s legacy with a mural by artist Tait Roelofs. PETA ♥ Joan Jett … and Pizza! USA



Miss Universe 2020 Andrea Meza appeared in a new ad for PETA urging everyone to protect animals, the planet, and their own health by going vegan like she did. It couldn’t be easier, she says: “You just have to adjust some things, like change dairy for almond milk, soy milk, or any kind of milk that you want. And you can change meat for vegan meat that you can find in every supermarket

A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President

After PETA India found 11 rose-ringed parakeets suffocating and jostling for air and space in a plastic bag in a Lucknow bird market, they contacted the police. The birds were confiscated from the illegal wildlife traders, examined by a veterinarian, and released back into their natural countryside habitat. It’s illegal to cage native parrots in India, as it should be everywhere. To help that compassionate message take flight, PETA-supported charity Animal Rahat held a student drawing competition with the theme “Birds Belong in the Wild, Not in Cages.” It was a hit, with 241 entries! PETA India Seizes Trafficked Parrots

Andrea Meza ad: © Photo – Fernando Rodríguez | Stylist – Michael Cook | Food Stylist – Susan Ottaviano | Makeup – Yuko Takahashi | Hair – Walton Nuñez

Long ago, driving through the Maryland countryside, I spotted a pack of foxhounds bounding across a field. They were from the Potomac Hunt club. Formed in 1931, it had a large following of wannabe colonialists then. Today, it plays up “fox chasing” and “countryside conservation,” but no one’s fooled. In England, eons ago, in school, when we recited what we’d been up to over the holidays, I recall one girl describing her

or use tofu or mushrooms.”

Take Action Now Choosing vegan cheese (or a cheese-free pizza) spares cows and calves the cruelty rife in the dairy industry. Looking for places to order vegan pizza?

Take Action Now Go to to find out what to buy, what to make, and where to eat.

Take Action Now You can help! Never buy a bird, and visit to urge Petco to stop selling them.

Try one of the 50+ chains at .

“The pre-vegan Newkirk who apologizes to the horses she rode.” HOWL, the magazine of the Hunt Saboteurs Association




Win! PETA Persuades Kenya Airways to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Labs

initiation into foxhunting: She had been “blooded” – meaning her face was painted with blood from the fox’s “brush” or tail. From then on, I regarded foxhunting with the same revulsion I’d reserved for bullfighting. So, that day, there were the hounds – obviously as happy to be let out of their kennels as cows released from a barn after being cooped up all winter. I jumped out of my van and, with great enthusiasm, called to them. Miraculously, they ran right over! I ripped open a sack of kibble, and they all jumped into my van to eat it. I’d interrupted a training day: The young hounds were out “cubbing” in an area cruelly “seeded” with foxes for the hunt. I drove them to our animal shelter, a fine, clean, caring place, miles away. The session having been disrupted for that day, the “master of the hounds” had to inconvenience himself by coming to bail the dogs out the next day and paying a hefty boarding fee and a fine for each dog impounded. It was just a small disruption, but HOWL , the magazine of the Hunt Saboteurs in the UK, published the account. Here’s wishing more power to the hunt sabs and to everyone who creates what the late civil rights Senator John Lewis called “good trouble.” Let PETA know what good trouble you are causing, please!

Saved! PETA India Gives India’s Skinniest Elephant a New Life

To protest against speciesism, PETA US “aliens” sliced into “organic, free-range humans,” while a PETA Germany supporter attached pumps to her breasts to show solidarity with the millions of cows who are subjected to milking machines every year. Given that we humans have subjugated and exploited our fellow Earthlings, we should be trembling in our moon boots at the idea of an alien invasion. Take Action Now Vegan milk is cow-friendly. Check out the array of tasty options at . PETA’s Out-of-This-World ‘Lunch-In’

Lakshmi was in terrible shape. She was forced to beg on the streets, even though she suffered from chronic arthritis, deformed joints, and painful abscesses. After PETA India and local activists succeeded in having her seized, PETA India’s veterinary team treated her wounds, created a sandpit for her to ease her arthritis, fed her ample, nutritious food, provided a custom-made jacket to keep her warm, and massaged her daily. Following an intensive campaign by PETA India, a court ordered Lakshmi’s permanent rehabilitation, and she will spend the rest of her days at the Wildlife SOS elephant care center.

After a horrific truck crash in which 100 caged monkeys found themselves out in the freezing cold, their flimsy wooden shipping crates strewn across a Pennsylvania highway (resulting in the shooting deaths of three monkeys), Kenya Airways, which had flown the monkeys from a notorious breeding farm in Mauritius for use in US laboratory experiments, will stop transporting monkeys to laboratories. The decision came less than 24 hours after PETA contacted its chair and its CEO and urged them to consider the misery endured by monkeys during long flights and years in laboratory cages. Take Action Now Visit to tell Air France to follow the example of almost every major airline and refuse to transport monkeys to laboratories.

Take Action Now Avoid tourist attractions that use animals. Get tips at .

Global 3






As COVID-19 continues to exact a high human cost, PETA India and PETA honorary board member Alicia Silverstone joined forces Alicia Silverstone, PETA India Give Out 1,000 VeganMeals

Bipartisan Group Backs PETA’s Push to End Animal Experiments

to provide 1,000 meals to waiting relatives at a Mumbai hospital. “A vegan diet is a kind diet, and I’m happy to get these healthy, immune-boosting vegan meals

Citing the US National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) own statistic that 95% of new drugs found to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) sent a letter to NIH signed by eight members of the US Congress calling on the agency to end ineffective animal experiments and implement the strategy of PETA’s Research Modernization Deal.

Following over two decades of pressure from PETA entities – including protests at its stores and e-mails from hundreds of thousands of supporters – fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana has banned fur and angora from its collections. Three more nails were hammered in the fur industry’s coffin when Elle banned fur from its pages and Moncler and RUDSAK vowed to stop using fur in their designs. Persistence Pays! Dolce & Gabbana Goes Fur-Free

Confirmed : This is the last year that one of the Iditarod’s last major sponsors, Millennium Hotels and Resorts, will help prop up this death race for dogs. This victory follows a tenacious PETA campaign that included ads and protests from Alaska to New Zealand and appeals from nearly 500,000 of our supporters. PETA has also already persuaded Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Jack Daniel’s, and others to end their Iditarod sponsorships, but Liberty Media, which owns Formula 1, still has ties to the deadly race. PETA UK upped the pressure by delivering a “dead dog” prop to F1’s CEO. WE DID IT! MILLENNIUM HOTELS DROPS THE IDITAROD

to patients’ families during this awful pandemic,” said Silverstone, who will appear in the highly anticipated Netflix crime thriller Reptile .

“We saw the European Parliament take action to modernize scientific innovation,” Lieu said. “It’s time for us to do the same.”

Take Action Now Read about PETA’s Research Modernization Deal, which was reviewed by members of the

Take Action Now Make a difference by donating

European Parliament, on page 10. If you live in the US, urge your lawmakers to act at .

There’s more: Italy became the sixteenth country in Europe to ban fur farming following a years-long blitz by PETA UK and tens of thousands of supporters.

lifesaving vegan foods to your local food pantry, surprising the customer in the fast-food lane behind you with a vegan burger or burrito, or supporting efforts like these at .

Take Action Now Visit to tell the company that dogs deserve better than being run to death for mushers’ prize money.

Available at

Take Action Now Visit to urge Shopbop and other holdouts to ban fur.


TigersWinWhen PETA ForcesMagician’s Hand

Rat: © Liliia lilechik • Alicia Silverstone and Bear: © Photo – Brian Bowen Smith | Makeup – Christopher Ardoff | Hair – Ericka Verrett • Maggots: © Olga Kurdyukova • Man with coconut: © Alija



USA PETA Duck Sculpture Makes a Big Splash

Asian Online Grocer Dumps Cruel Chaokoh Coconut Milk!


SAVED! Chloe and Luna

When a public art project was launched in a Chicago suburb to support businesses hurt by COVID-19, PETA set up a whimsical duck sculpture decorated with facts and quotes celebrating the splendor of ducks. But its “migration” didn’t end there: PETA then

Illusionist Jay Owenhouse wanted to confine three tigers to a parking lot near the Las Vegas Strip for a year-long show, that is, until he ran into opposition from PETA and local residents. Right before the board of commissioners was scheduled to vote on his application – poof! – Owenhouse withdrew it

Victory! PETA Push Ends Cruel Tests Feds Yank Chinchilla Dealer’s License After PETA Investigation Dan Moulton – operator of Minnesota’s Moulton Chinchilla Ranch – is out of business after a federal judge fined him $18,000 and revoked his US Department of Agriculture license. The remaining chinchillas have been freed from this hellhole’s filthy wire cages and will soon have a chance to find the homes that they have always deserved. These actions came after a PETA investigation revealed that Moulton denied chinchillas veterinary care for swollen and infected eyes and exposed bones, left a chinchilla to suffer for weeks from a bloody wound, and killed chinchillas by violently snapping their necks.

NYC-based Umamicart became the first Asian food company to drop Chaokoh coconut milk after PETA Asia blew the lid off the Thai coconut industry’s use of forced monkey labor. The investigation revealed that terrified young monkeys are kept chained, abusively trained, and forced to climb trees to pick coconuts that are used to make Chaokoh. More than 33,000 other stores – including chains Publix, Wegmans, Walgreens, Food Lion, and Stop & Shop – have banned coconut milk brands that hurt monkeys.


donated the colorful quacker to a children’s museum, where it now educates visitors in the water exhibit. PETA also outfitted the iconic “Make Way for Ducklings” statues that roost in Boston’s Public Garden with signs encouraging people to cherish all ducks and never eat or wear them. Take Action Now Ditch down, and go to to urge the company to commit to offering only vegan fashion in all its brands.

And at PETA’s repeated urging, the US Department of Agriculture inspected notorious animal exhibitor Adam Burck’s Oklahoma operation and yanked his license after he ignored a warning against distressing tigers by keeping them in cramped transport cages inside a stiflingly hot, maggot-infested barn. Take Action Now Don’t buy tickets to animal acts. Burck isn’t permitted to exhibit tigers anymore, but it’s likely he’s still warehousing them and trying to get his license back. Visit to push him to transfer them to accredited sanctuaries.

Take Action Now Visit to urge Walmart, Tony’s Fresh Market, and others to follow suit.

Take Action Now Demand that Moulton be prosecuted for cruelty at .

Global 5



California teenager Simone S. learned from PETA that goldfish and bettas are roughly handled and often die prematurely in cramped bowls. She helped pass an ordinance against giving away fish as "prizes"! Simone

Fifteen-year-old California student Jennifer G. sued her school district for not allowing her to complete an alternative project instead of dissecting an animal. Her lawsuit resulted in the first dissection-choice law in the US.


University of Wisconsin Madison student Erin W. informed others about cruelty at the school’s national primate research center, where PETA revealed that monkeys were deprived of food, fatally overdosed, and denied pain relief. Erin

Laura-Ann C. and Jeff S. are leaving a legacy for animals by naming PETA in their wills. You can join them by visiting . Laura-Ann & Jeff

Jessica W. paid to place this ad near a university that experiments on animals to alert locals to cruelty in their own backyard. You can, too! Visit to sponsor a billboard or newspaper or radio ad.


Dr. Poulton


The late Tom Poulton, M.D ., once experimented on dogs but later quit. He spoke out in PETA’s groundbreaking #IStoppedYouCanToo short-video series, explaining, “I felt ethically compromised and morally soiled by the process. Less than 5% of studies result in any altered trials, even for humans, much less clinical breakthroughs.”

Baggage handler Lynn J. was fired for refusing to load an emaciated dog covered with sores onto a plane. Finally, airport police called animal control, and the dog received veterinary care. “My

Woman with arms up: © • Summer S: © Summer S • Dog with Petaluma bag: © Uri Guzman • Crab: © Victor Photo Stock/

Laura-Ann C and Jeff S with donkeys: © Laura-Ann C and Jeff S • Frog: © Jmrocek / • Man with dog: © • Cat: © Susan H

Samantha S. and David P. rename their Wi-Fi networks with animal rights messages like "DissectionKills" and "GoVegan," and Ken P. named his Venmo account "$EndSpeciesism." Samantha & David

supervisor said it wasn’t my concern, but animal abuse is everyone’s concern,” said

Neighbors of notorious

For her bat mitzvah, Summer S. chose PETA to receive her tzedakah (money to a righteous cause), explaining, “Animals should be treated with the same amount of respect as we are.” Summer

Lynn. She was rehired after a public outcry.

experimenter Elisabeth Murray learned that she terrorizes monkeys with fake snakes and spiders, thanks to Evelyn W.’s door hangers.

Jason B. and Steve K. show the way to kindness on Google Maps, by posting photos of animal rights landmarks

and messages. You can, too: In Google Maps, click on a location’s icon, choose “Add a Photo,” and upload your image. Steve’s photo has been seen 20,000 times! Jason & Steve

Martina B. bought vegan kibble for a friend’s dogs, which cleared up their skin Martina



When a restaurant server commented that her son loved animals and that they had chickens at home, Katie L. returned with A Chicken’s Life comic book (available at ) and a pack of vegan chicken for the family.


problems and allergies. The dogs are now vegan!

Dress to grill : Get your apron at .

A PETA supporter tried to help a chained dog next door, but the dog’s owners refused his offers to make her life better. Just before he moved, the dog broke free and ran to his door, so he took her to his new home, where she enjoyed the rest of her life.

Eilene & Devante

Susan H. humanely trapped cats Susan san trying to survive behind a motel. She got them sterilized and placed and also adopted this handsome boy!

Instead of: "Bring home the bacon." Say:

After Eilene C. gave the manager of a Middle

Jen Let your tote do the talking - available at . Jen O. shares

Eastern restaurant some vegan meat


crumbles, he added them to the menu. Devante J. took vegan cheese to a new pizza restaurant and helped the manager create a vegan stuffed-crust pizza.

Ingrid N. checks traps to make sure no one is inside. Once she found a live crab and released him into the sea, sparing him starvation and being boiled to death. Ingrid

"Bring home the bagels." animal– friendly idioms on social media and in the comments sections of national newspapers.

They didn’t say, “ Someone should do something.” They said, “ I’m going to do something!” And here’s how they’re changing the world for animals in ways big and small. How many of these actions will you take in 2022? Tell us how you are making a difference at , and your name may be in the next feature on fabulous “ordinary” activism.

Global 7



While vacationing in the Dominican Republic, Kelly F. gave back by volunteering at an animal rescue group. Kelly

Casey & Karin


Jennie M. thanks restaurants for their vegan dish selections in her online reviews, which often inspires them to add even more. And when Roxanne C. added photos to her online reviews, they got 1,500 more views in just a few days!

Casey K. enhances stores’ holiday

Man jumping over money: © • Brooklyn M: © Anna Murray


displays with ThanksVegan guides, and at TJ Maxx, Karin B. moves leather bags to the back and

Alex J. spent his 50th birthday walking 50 dogs at his local animal shelter and raised $12,000 by asking friends to donate to the shelter in lieu of gifts!

Seven-year-old Brooklyn M. requested toys, food, treats, and supplies for her local shelter instead of birthday gifts. PETA Kids honored her with a Hero to Animals Award.

puts vegan ones front and center.

Dylan C. leaves copies of PETA Global magazine on airplanes, Amanda B. slides leaflets under hotel room doors, and Alexandra S. pops PETA’s “How to Go Vegan” pamphlets into bank teller tubes. Dylan, Amanda & Alexandra “No fishing” sign: © • Dog enjoying breeze: © • Bears: © Kaitlyn2496/

Stacy D. ensures leaflets for the Miami Seaquarium - which confines Lolita the orca to a cramped, miserable tank - are disposed of properly.

Chrissy & Scott


Demos are a family affair for Tricia L. and her daughter, Ruth. Sign up for demos in your area at and get Tricia’s tee at .

Hailey H. and friends gave shoppers food for thought in front of a busy grocery store. One person who watched PETA’s video footage even commented, “Maybe I won’t get my bacon!” Hailey & friends

Ottavio & Sallie

Michael & Landon

Tricia & Ruth


When Michael L. and his son, Landon , saw

Whistleblowers Ottavio G., Sallie L. , and other

a hooked fish gasping for air, Landon asked the fishers, “Did you

concerned citizens alerted PETA to cruelty at a Las Vegas animal act, seedy roadside zoos, and other decrepit attractions. Their video documentation, testimony, and persistence helped PETA shut down abusive facilities and get orangutans, a chimpanzee, bears, tigers, and a lion sent to sanctuaries!

Dr. Crain has protested New Jersey’s black bear hunts since 2003, leading to eight arrests for civil disobedience - and a PETA Hero to Animals Award. In 2020, state lands were closed to hunting, and in 2021, there was no bear hunt!

For their “silver” (25th) anniversary, Chrissy and Scott M. are donating “silver” (cash!) to to help neglected dogs in North Carolina – their home state.

know that fish feel pain?” They refused to release the fish, so Michael gently put her back in the water himself, resulting in a misdemeanor charge and a story that went viral and made countless people reconsider going fishing.

Dr. Crain


Alisa M. gives cruelty-free gifts like PETA’s “kind heart” soy candle (available at ) and tells the recipients why.

From supermarket packages to scooters, Sam B. leaves animal rights messages that “stick.” Sam

Jeffrey J. posted on Nextdoor: “Free Organic Heirloom Tomatoes: All you have to do is go vegan for a week.” He hand-delivered the tomatoes and a vegan starter kit. Now, his neighbors are planning a vegan potluck! Jeffrey J

Noahble R. set up shop outside his local Starbucks to protest the chain’s vegan milk upcharge. The vegan lattes he gave out — and the conversations — were a hit. Noahble

Robyn W. raised $500 for animals by donating her 20-year-old car to PETA. Visit to donate your car, boat, motorcycle, motor home, or even airplane. Robyn

Take Action Now Ready to be “someone” who does “something” to help? Visit for many more ideas and opportunities to help animals!


Molly P. went to to bump up her traffic-stopping activism.





animal tests, animal tests will continue. We need a change, and we need it now.”

Catch These Chilling Facts

Here Are the Desperately Needed Major Reforms PETA scientist Dr. Emily Trunnell once experimented on animals, but now she promotes state-of-the-art, animal-free research methods. NIH pays lip service to ending animal tests,” Dr. Trunnell explained. “They haven’t provided any framework or plan for doing so. PETA has.” This is what the RMD would do: • Eliminate the use of animals immediately in areas where it has already been shown to fail •Critically review additional areas of research to determine where animal use can be ended • Promote the international harmonization and acceptance of non-animal chemical testing methods among all government agencies and research bodies • Redirect funds from animal experiments into the promotion of non-animal methods “It is common sense to think that we should have always prioritized science that gives preference to humans and is not harmful or deadly to animals,” Dr. Trunnell said, “but that’s not what’s going on, and that needs to change for all our sakes. Modern methods including in vitro , organs-on chips, computer modeling, and three-dimensional human tissue printing are already rewriting the rules. Patient cells can even be used to study an individual’s unique biology and tailor precision, personalized medicine. Unlike crude, shot-in-the dark experiments on animals, these methods offer real hope of cures and treatments. Science must embrace them without delay.” A Global Revolution The RMD is backed by physicians across the US, including the National Medical Association and the National Hispanic Medical Association, and after PETA shared its roadmap with members of the European Parliament last year, it voted almost unanimously to create a plan to phase out animal testing. “Other countries around the globe are moving toward a more sustainable, animal-free, human biology-based research paradigm,” Dr. Trunnell said. Take Action Now Wherever you are in the world, animals need you to weigh in on this. US residents, visit to keep the ball rolling by asking your legislators to back PETA’s plan. Canadian residents, please contact the Canadian Institutes of Health Research at 1-888-603-4178 or .

More than 90% of basic research, most of it involving animals, fails to lead to treatments for humans.

Booklet:© • Booklet cover:© Niam

PETA Takes Its Game-Changing Research Modernization Deal to Governments Worldwide EDIE ON THE HILL Scientific Evolution , Animal Rights Revolution !


US Capitol:© • Edie Falco:© SundholmMagnus/Action Press/Shutterstock

At least 95% of new drugs that test safe and effective in animals fail in human

clinical trials. 95%

Mouse on coins: © • Background: © Bhadramani • Illustrations: © • Syringe: ©

Nearly 90% of experiments on animals cannot be reproduced from one

laboratory to the next. 90%

How PETA Brings Science Into the 21 st Century

• PETA Science Consortium International e.V. funded a project that led to the creation of fully human-derived antibodies capable of blocking the poisonous toxin that causes diphtheria. These human-derived antibodies are the first step toward ending the method in which horses are repeatedly injected with the diphtheria toxin and then their blood is drawn in order to collect the antibodies that their immune systems produce to fight the disease. • PETA scientists worked with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on research that led to a new EPA policy saving hundreds of birds each year from tests in which they were fed pesticide-laced food for days and then killed. And after a meeting with PETA scientists, the EPA announced another new policy that it says will prevent approximately 750 rats, rabbits, or guinea pigs each year from undergoing tests in which pesticides are applied to their shaved skin. • Funding from the Consortium helped lead to the creation of a first-of-its-kind three-dimensional model that can study the effects of chemicals and other substances on the deepest part of the human lung. This model can prevent tens of thousands of rats and mice from being confined to small tubes and forced to inhale toxic chemicals for hours or months and then killed.

T he dusty old way of doing “science” – tormenting and killing animals in cruel, unreliable experiments – is failing. But PETA’s brilliant scientific team has created a plan to bring biomedical research into the 21st century: It’s the lifesaving, game-changing Research Modernization Deal (RMD), a first-of-its-kind roadmap for shifting science away from experiments on animals and toward human-relevant methods. In a US Congressional briefing hosted by Rep. Brendan Boyle, PETA honorary director and The Sopranos star Edie Falco and respected physicians joined the PETA Science Advancement team to lay out the compelling case explaining why the government can’t afford not to adopt the RMD. I

experiments are unbelievably cruel, there’s no doubt about that. But it adds insult to injury when you learn that they rarely amount to anything remotely resembling scientific progress.” Falco explained that

By enacting the RMD, Falco said, “Congress has the power to ensure better health research for Americans and spare the lives of countless vulnerable animals.” Let’s Fix This Broken System Former US National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical researcher and now PETA scientist Dr. Katherine Roe knows firsthand how badly the current system is broken. Despite the abject failure of animal experiments to save human lives, NIH wastes nearly half its annual budget – $19.6 billion – on them. “Experimenters don’t measure ‘success’ by cures and treatments, as it must be,” Dr. Roe explained from her personal experience, “but by getting papers published and pocketing grant money. Many scientists have spent their entire careers doing animal experiments and don’t want to learn new methods or update their laboratories. As long as NIH continues to incentivize

millions of animals suffer immensely and are killed in US laboratories every year, while millions of human patients wait for treatments and cures for serious diseases that never materialize.

PETA Presents a New Paradigm Edie Falco’s introduction got straight to the point: “The




What’s Cooking, Omari? Recipes From an Award-Winning Teen Chef

SPRING Into Action Speak Up for Animals With Tees, Toys, and Treats from .

© Food photography by Tim Atkins | Omari and family photography by Haarala Hamilton Photography | Design by Aimee Stuart | Omari McQueen is the author of Vegan Family Cookbook , published by Scholastic

Omari McQueen started cooking when he was 7, after his mother began experiencing debilitating migraines. One year later, while researching how to help his mum, he clicked on a link about going vegan, and that’s all it took. “I didn’t like the way that animals are treated,” he says. Omari’s first vegan dishwas a barbecue jackfruit wrap. Today, he’s the founder and CEO of vegan dip company Dipalicious, the star of TV’s What’s Cooking Omari? and the author of two vegan cookbooks. Omari says his goal is “bringing people together with good food without harming animals”.

PETA president Ingrid Newkirk’s new book and these adorable cat toys are the cat’s meow.


Torn paper: © • Female model: © • Blank book: © • Flowers: ©

medium-low heat for 5 minutes, until golden, then flip and cook the other side. Remove to a plate. • In the same pan, quickly cook the lettuce over medium heat until slightly charred. • Build the burritos by layering scoops of the rice and beans on the tortillas, followed by a bit of charred baby lettuce and a few plantain slices. Top with your favourite sauce and roll up.


Animal rights are groovy with PETA’s tie-dyed hoodie.



PETA’s chicken-friendly potholder protects birds’ wings and your hands.

Pasta Salad Makes 4 servings

Get in touch with your inner animal.

These recipes are adapted from Omari’s latest cookbook, available on Kindle. Visit to learn how to support PETA while you shop. I

YOU’LL NEED 250 g egg-free pasta 1/2 cantaloupe, cut into small chunks 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1 red onion, finely chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped 1 yellow pepper, chopped 2 Tbsp maple syrup 3 Tbs apple cider vinegar 1 lemon, juiced

Save rabbits and resources with PETA’s handcrafted, recycled aluminum necklace.


Sock it to ’em

Don’t forget Fido.



Vegetable oil cooking spray 2 ripe plantains, cut at an angle into 1-cm thick slices 1 baby gem lettuce, cut into quarters 500 g cooked brown rice

1 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp oregano 1/2 tsp basil 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley

Black Bean and Plantain Burritos Makes 8 servings

8 small tortillas Hot sauce

PETA’s vegan chocolates allow you to indulge without harming cows.


Delight yourself or another cat enthusiast with this eye- cat ching accessory.


YOU’LL NEED 1 red onion, finely chopped 3 garlic cloves, minced 2 spring onions, finely chopped 1 can black beans, drained 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp all-purpose seasoning 1 tsp cumin

METHOD • In a large frying pan, sauté the red onion in a tablespoonful of water over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and spring onions and cook another 2 minutes. Stir in the black beans, pepper, salt, all-purpose seasoning, and cumin and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Set aside. • Coat a separate small pan lightly with vegetable oil cooking spray. Add the plantain slices and cook over

METHOD • Cook the pasta according to the instructions, drain, and set aside. Place the cantaloupe, tomatoes, onion, and green, red, and yellow peppers into a serving bowl. • To make the dressing, place the remaining ingredients in a bottle and shake well to mix. • Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss to coat. Add the pasta and toss again.

After reading the excerpt from Free the Animals on page 20, buy the book and matching tee.

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A Legal Eagle Takes Flight In college, I founded a campus animal rights group that drew on PETA for all sorts of resources. I went vegan, and my mom soon followed suit. Today, even my dad – the former hunter – is mostly vegan. In 2003, I interned for PETA and participated in circus protests. My job was to wear a body-screen TV showing how animals are abused while another campaigner, covered in tiger-stripe body paint, sat in a cage. As much as I love grassroots activism, I felt driven to make an impact in another way: I went to law school specifically to become an animal rights lawyer. I attended UCLA because it had just received a million dollar grant from Bob Barker for the study of animal law. I continued helping animals however I could – I got a legal externship in the Animal Protection Unit for the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, and after graduation, I did pro bono work for animals. But my heart was set on working for PETA, and now I help lead the most effective, precedent-setting animal rights litigation team in the world. From Touring With PETA’s ‘Tiger Lady’ to Taking Down the ‘Tiger King’ PETA’s lawyers are redefining and expanding how the law considers animals and applying it in creative ways to secure and protect their rights. One way we’re achieving this is by filing lawsuits against dismal

roadside zoos that violate the US Endangered Species Act (ESA).

My team and I helped dethrone Tiger King villain Tim Stark when we won a lawsuit establishing the first-ever federal precedent holding that prematurely separating tigers and lions from their mothers, declawing them, or using them in public encounters violates the ESA. Another successful lawsuit resulted in the transfer of three big cats to an accredited sanctuary in Colorado and secured a ruling prohibiting the roadside zoo from owning or possessing endangered or threatened species. My team is also taking on humane-washing, and PETA’s landmark lawsuit against Nellie’s Free Range Eggs – whose packaging depicted hens enjoying lush grassy fields – put egg sellers on notice: Even if they disingenuously advertise their eggs as “free-range,” they can’t deceptively depict hens frolicking outdoors with impunity. I’ve come a long way since I was that little girl in Idaho, but one thing hasn’t changed: I’ve never wavered in my belief that all animals have rights.

Ryan Eggold ad: © Photo – Piper Ferguson | Art director – Greg Garry | Stylist – Alison Brooks | Grooming – Ananda Tuyes • Roses: © Sukharchuk

Find Caitlin's pin at . I

By Caitlin Hawks,

I was born an animal advocate. Even though I grew up in a rural community in Idaho – there was a slaughterhouse right next to the sole stoplight in town – by the age of 4, I knew I didn’t want to eat animals. We were having “cube steak” for dinner when I asked my momwhere it came from. After she told me, I sat at the table for what seemed like hours, refusing to eat. Not long afterward, I told my parents I wanted to go vegetarian. They said I had to wait until I could cook for myself; I stopped eating meat when I was 11. Deputy General Counsel for Litigation

Ryan Eggold, who plays Dr. Max Goodwin on New Amsterdam , knows the prescription for a happy life, and he teamed up with PETA to spread the word: Adopt an animal companion. In a new PETA video, Ryan describes the day he met his rescue dog, Jody: “I walked around the shelter and Jody just jumped up and was licking my hands and was like, ‘We’re friends! We're friends now. Let's hang out.’ And since that day, we’ve been pretty much inseparable.” Every time an animal is purchased from a pet store or breeder, an animal in a shelter, like Jody, loses an opportunity to find a loving home. “You’re not going to beat a rescue dog. They just have the biggest hearts in the world,” Ryan says. So, adopt, don’t shop, and then “snip” – doctor’s orders! For Ryan Eggold, Adoption Is the Only Option

Take Action Now Your donations help PETA’s attorneys take on well-funded opponents in the courtroom.

Visit to make a gift.


Passion Prevails In those intervening years, my desire to help animals

never dimmed. When I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, I wrote an angry letter to TV news anchor Ted Koppel after he made comments in favor of wolf “culls.” I joined PETA in elementary school. My parents had given me a book that contained a directory of animal protection groups, and when I read the description about PETA, I asked my dad to send in a check for my $16 membership fee. My dad used to hunt and fish and even owned a business that made shoes and bags out of deerskin – I’m pretty sure he had no idea what I’d signed up for.

When we win, we get to see the impact of our victories. PETA’s successful lawsuit resulted in the transfer of three big cats to an accredited sanctuary and secured a ruling prohibiting the roadside zoo from owning or possessing endangered or threatened species.

Take Action Now Watch Ryan Eggold’s video at and visit

Caitlin and J.T.

CHEYENNE AFTER to support PETA’s free and low-cost spay/neuter surgeries.

15 Global









Then there was the carport. That’s where Jones kept mother dogs and their newborn puppies in wooden boxes (shown on the cover) and where they lay on urine-soaked straw. The air reeked of ammonia, which the nursing mothers and their pups had to inhale for weeks, through noses thousands of times more sensitive than ours. Before selling the puppies, the breeder used nail clippers to cut off their dewclaws, which have bones in them and are akin to our thumbs, and twisted off their tails – all without any pain relief. The mothers could see and hear their puppies screaming. PETA’s investigator caught it all on video. PETA Pushed Relentlessly Until the Dogs Were Freed! That video footage and all of PETA’s damning findings were presented to the local sheriff, but he did nothing as weeks went by and temperatures

animal protection laws – as well as two felonies for assaulting, resisting, and/or obstructing police. A judge ruled that 39 dogs not be returned to Jones and instead be placed for adoption!. YOU Can Help Shut Down the Puppy Pipeline Breeders like Jones operate in every country, and they will exploit dogs as long as people keep buying them. It’s up to us to stop being seduced by that doggie in the window (or online). Never, ever buy animals from breeders or pet stores, and tell everyone you know why they shouldn't, either.

















Dog in badge: © • Billboard frame: ©

Take Action Now Want to help PETA stop cruelty in your area? Sign up at .

The Term ‘Responsible Breeder’ Carries as Much Credibility as ‘Humane Meat’ – None! A D O P T , D O N ' T S H O P • A D O P T , D O N ' T S H O P •

Callous breeder John Jones twisted off the tails of screaming puppies without pain relief and called the protesters at the Sheriff’s Office “freaks.”

plummeted well below freezing. That’s when PETA turned up the heat, bringing caring souls to the town for a sit-in at the Sheriff’s Office (see cover story), rallying thousands of supporters to make the sheriff’s phone ring off the hook, and flooding his inbox with e-mails. It worked!


Animal control agencies rescued all the dogs, and based on PETA’s evidence, Jones was charged with three felonies for neglecting dogs and severing their dewclaws and tails without pain relief and three misdemeanor counts of violating other

Thank you to everyone who canceled their New Year’s Eve plans to rush to Michigan!

endlessly; barked incessantly; and leapt up and down clawing at the fencing.

PETA’s billboards and ads blast vanity-driven purebred purchases for fueling the cruel breeding industry and killing homeless dogs’ chances at adoption.

Jack Russell Terriers Shivering in the Freezing Cold At JRT John’s Jack Russell Terriers, a breeder named John D. Jones kept dogs outdoors in barren pens full of snow, ice, and mud. There was no heat and almost no straw inside their inadequate shelters. They got drenched in rain and sleet, and their bodies shook from the bitter cold. When PETA’s investigator asked for permission to give the freezing dogs extra straw, Jones refused. The dogs’ drinking water froze daily. A few dogs managed to punch holes in the ice to lick up some water, while others went thirsty. When PETA’s investigator dumped out the ice and poured in water, the dogs were so thirsty that they drank and drank and drank.

Then, Love Island star Molly-Mae Hague found herself in hot water online after her new Pomeranian puppy had a seizure and died six days after being shipped all the way fromRussia. A necropsy revealed that part of his brain was exposed because his skull hadn’t fully developed and that he didn’t have a single white blood cell in his body. Purebreds are plagued by health problems like these – a result of being inbred and bred for appearance. Norway has even banned the breeding of British bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles spaniels because doing so would violate the country’s animal welfare laws. PETA’s billboards and ads blast vanity-driven purebred purchases for fueling the cruel breeding industry and killing homeless dogs’ chances at adoption. And PETA goes undercover to reveal what breeders and pet stores will never show their customers, including at a shoddy Jack Russell terrier–breeding operation in rural Michigan.


J essica Alba did it. So did Hilary Duff and Reese Witherspoon. They ordered “purebred” dogs from a breeder, much as one might order a handbag or a pair of shoes. Alba even tagged the breeder on social media, sending more clients their way. She later removed the tag, but the damage was already done.

Lonely, Exploited, and Aching for Homes All dogs crave companionship, exercise, and

stimulation, but these dogs had none of that. They frantically circled their kennels; paced back and forth





BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND FISH OUT OF WATER Fish: © Inkwelldodo/ • Fish Cartoon: © Robert Thompson/originally printed in The Oldie • Good Catch product: © Good Catch

Clever Quilters Working for a Sea Change

Needle and thread: ©

By Ingrid Newkirk

W hen we snatch fish from their natural homes and lives and doom them to a lonely life in captivity, swimming in their own diluted urine (yes, ugly but true) just so that we can possess them, look at them, use them as decorations, is it not an indictment of our own species? This is one fish’s story. In the morning, when the house was quiet, the fish spent his time at the end of the tank near the window, catching the sunlight on his fins. But at about 4:30 p.m., he swam to the other side of the tank and stared at the hallway door. At that time of day, the man came home from work. Before the key turned in the lock, the fish began “pacing,” swimming back and forth without letup. Every few laps, he paused and hung in the water, staring hopefully at the door. When the man entered the living room, the fish jumped and wagged his tail like a dog, lifting a fifth of his body clear out of the water. The man gently scratched the fish’s back, the fish offering first one Fish just want to have fun. Cichlids have been documented playing with weighted thermometers, knocking them over and watching them bounce back. I

Are you a quilter? Donate a square to PETA! To draw attention to who fish are and what they endure, PETA members and supporters created the Fish Empathy Quilt, which PETA took on a US tour. Compassionate quilters have already donated more than 100 handmade squares and shared their stories. One Canadian quilter told PETA that she and her grandfather stopped fishing for “fun” because of the cruelty involved. They found other ways to spend time together instead.

side of his body to be petted then the other.

truck to the pet store, and then in the car on the way home. Others succumbed to epidemics of “ich,” which destroyed their fins, sending them spinning helplessly to the bottom of the tank.

suffered a terrible injury. When the substitute tank was set up, he couldn’t breathe properly or keep his balance. Within a week of the injured elephant nose’s death, his companion died, too. After that, the old fish was alone again. The first time I saw him, he had only been about half an inch long. As he grew, so did my understanding that there was something wrong with the speciesist idea of keeping fish as decorations.

If you or someone you know would like to help expand the Fish Empathy Quilt, please visit . And if you have connections to a museum where the quilt could be displayed, please e-mail

The fish tried to make the best of what was otherwise a plain life. He cleaned rocks by rolling them around in his mouth, swam through the hair curlers fastened together to form a “jungle gym,” and tickled his back in the bubbles from the aerator. Once, he swam purposefully to the west end of the tank, seized a plastic plant in his tiny jaws, and dragged it to the east end. The next day, when the man tidied the tank and put the plant back “in its place,” the fish moved it again to the new spot he had chosen for it. The fish had devised a sport to alleviate his endless boredom. When he saw a cat tiptoe over the bookshelves to lap water from the aquarium, he would lie in wait. When the cat’s tongue descended, he burst into action, propelling himself up through the reeds like a torpedo. The cat might get one lap in before tongue and fish met. The fish outlived all newcomers to his tank. Some died of “seasickness” – the trauma of sloshing around in the transport bag from ocean to distributor, in the

Take Action Now Fish are friends – not food, decorations, or


On the Saturday when the tank

objects to be used for recreation. Collect unwanted fishing tackle from friends and family (after you persuade them to stop fishing).

cracked, there were only two other fish left, little African

It’s o fish al: Vegan seafood maker Good Catch netted PETA’s 2021 Company of the Year Award, and its fishless fillets and crab-free cakes are now on the menu at fast-food chain Long John Silver’s!

And if you still eat fish, visit for your free vegan starter kit.

“elephant noses.” The man had been at the movies and returned to find water all over the floor. In the inch of liquid left in the bottom of the tank, three individuals lay on their sides, dying. The senior fish was whisked into a large pot. One elephant nose went into a saucepan, the other into a coffee pot. But this last little fish struggled and





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