PETA Global AU 2022 Issue 2

If there’s anything Joan Jett loves more than rock ’n’ roll, it’s animals, so what better way to pay tribute to the longtime vegan and PETA supporter’s massive hit than with a (Black)heart-shaped vegan pizza piled high with veggies and melty vegan cheese fromMiyoko’s Creamery. The Joan Jett PETA pie debuted at Los Angeles restaurant PIZZANISTA!, which also celebrated Jett’s legacy with a mural by artist Tait Roelofs. PETA ♥ Joan Jett … and Pizza! USA



Miss Universe 2020 Andrea Meza appeared in a new ad for PETA urging everyone to protect animals, the planet, and their own health by going vegan like she did. It couldn’t be easier, she says: “You just have to adjust some things, like change dairy for almond milk, soy milk, or any kind of milk that you want. And you can change meat for vegan meat that you can find in every supermarket

A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President

After PETA India found 11 rose-ringed parakeets suffocating and jostling for air and space in a plastic bag in a Lucknow bird market, they contacted the police. The birds were confiscated from the illegal wildlife traders, examined by a veterinarian, and released back into their natural countryside habitat. It’s illegal to cage native parrots in India, as it should be everywhere. To help that compassionate message take flight, PETA-supported charity Animal Rahat held a student drawing competition with the theme “Birds Belong in the Wild, Not in Cages.” It was a hit, with 241 entries! PETA India Seizes Trafficked Parrots

Andrea Meza ad: © Photo – Fernando Rodríguez | Stylist – Michael Cook | Food Stylist – Susan Ottaviano | Makeup – Yuko Takahashi | Hair – Walton Nuñez

Long ago, driving through the Maryland countryside, I spotted a pack of foxhounds bounding across a field. They were from the Potomac Hunt club. Formed in 1931, it had a large following of wannabe colonialists then. Today, it plays up “fox chasing” and “countryside conservation,” but no one’s fooled. In England, eons ago, in school, when we recited what we’d been up to over the holidays, I recall one girl describing her

or use tofu or mushrooms.”

Take Action Now Choosing vegan cheese (or a cheese-free pizza) spares cows and calves the cruelty rife in the dairy industry. Looking for places to order vegan pizza?

Take Action Now Go to to find out what to buy, what to make, and where to eat.

Take Action Now You can help! Never buy a bird, and visit to urge Petco to stop selling them.

Try one of the 50+ chains at .

“The pre-vegan Newkirk who apologizes to the horses she rode.” HOWL, the magazine of the Hunt Saboteurs Association




Win! PETA Persuades Kenya Airways to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Labs

initiation into foxhunting: She had been “blooded” – meaning her face was painted with blood from the fox’s “brush” or tail. From then on, I regarded foxhunting with the same revulsion I’d reserved for bullfighting. So, that day, there were the hounds – obviously as happy to be let out of their kennels as cows released from a barn after being cooped up all winter. I jumped out of my van and, with great enthusiasm, called to them. Miraculously, they ran right over! I ripped open a sack of kibble, and they all jumped into my van to eat it. I’d interrupted a training day: The young hounds were out “cubbing” in an area cruelly “seeded” with foxes for the hunt. I drove them to our animal shelter, a fine, clean, caring place, miles away. The session having been disrupted for that day, the “master of the hounds” had to inconvenience himself by coming to bail the dogs out the next day and paying a hefty boarding fee and a fine for each dog impounded. It was just a small disruption, but HOWL , the magazine of the Hunt Saboteurs in the UK, published the account. Here’s wishing more power to the hunt sabs and to everyone who creates what the late civil rights Senator John Lewis called “good trouble.” Let PETA know what good trouble you are causing, please!

Saved! PETA India Gives India’s Skinniest Elephant a New Life

To protest against speciesism, PETA US “aliens” sliced into “organic, free-range humans,” while a PETA Germany supporter attached pumps to her breasts to show solidarity with the millions of cows who are subjected to milking machines every year. Given that we humans have subjugated and exploited our fellow Earthlings, we should be trembling in our moon boots at the idea of an alien invasion. Take Action Now Vegan milk is cow-friendly. Check out the array of tasty options at . PETA’s Out-of-This-World ‘Lunch-In’

Lakshmi was in terrible shape. She was forced to beg on the streets, even though she suffered from chronic arthritis, deformed joints, and painful abscesses. After PETA India and local activists succeeded in having her seized, PETA India’s veterinary team treated her wounds, created a sandpit for her to ease her arthritis, fed her ample, nutritious food, provided a custom-made jacket to keep her warm, and massaged her daily. Following an intensive campaign by PETA India, a court ordered Lakshmi’s permanent rehabilitation, and she will spend the rest of her days at the Wildlife SOS elephant care center.

After a horrific truck crash in which 100 caged monkeys found themselves out in the freezing cold, their flimsy wooden shipping crates strewn across a Pennsylvania highway (resulting in the shooting deaths of three monkeys), Kenya Airways, which had flown the monkeys from a notorious breeding farm in Mauritius for use in US laboratory experiments, will stop transporting monkeys to laboratories. The decision came less than 24 hours after PETA contacted its chair and its CEO and urged them to consider the misery endured by monkeys during long flights and years in laboratory cages. Take Action Now Visit to tell Air France to follow the example of almost every major airline and refuse to transport monkeys to laboratories.

Take Action Now Avoid tourist attractions that use animals. Get tips at .

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