PETA AU Global Issue 3 2020

This online version of PETA Australia Global Times Issue 3 2020 is interactive, designed with clickable links, pop-up images, and videos to enhance your viewing experience. Happy reading


Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptiles Out of the Crate and Onto a Loving Lap 21 PAGE PETA: Agitating for All ‘Weird’ and Wonderful Wildlife 12 PAGE Eat Like a Queen Beyoncé’s fierces r cipes 18 PAGE Tofu Diplomacy PETA gets creative to help animals during lockdown H E L P P E T A T I P T H E



Did you know that alligators and crocodiles like to play and that they can form lifelong friendships – even with members of other species? After a kind man nursed a crocodile who’d been shot in Costa Rica back to health, the unlikely pair played every day until the crocodile’s death 20 years later. Not only did he swim with his human friend, he also liked to be petted, hugged, and kissed on the snout.

Exposing the Misery Behind ‘Luxury’ Leather In the mid-1990s, a first-of its-kind PETA investigation in Florida revealed hundreds

But don’t try that at home! PETA isn’t suggesting that crocodiles should be kissed. In fact, Florida’s social distancing warning to “stay at least an alligator’s length away” is sound advice. But it’s speciesist (and nonsense) to be kind to – and care about – “cute” animals while disregarding the well-being and interests of unpopular ones. PETA has always spoken up for the “ugly,” the misunderstood, and the unfamiliar.












of alligators crammed into tanks of filthy water inside dark sheds that reeked of rancid meat and waste. Workers bludgeoned the young animals with baseball bats and cut into their necks with switchblades. Their skins were made into “luxury” bags, watch straps, and shoes. Saving Crocs One Clutch at a Time Since then, PETA and its international affiliates have released more exotic-skins exposés, each one revealing rampant cruelty. Workers kill crocodiles by ramming a rod down their spines, and snakes are nailed to trees and skinned end to end while still alive. PETA has caused major international fashion brands – including Brooks Brothers, Chanel, Diane von Furstenberg, Victoria Beckham, H&M, Mulberry, Paul Smith, and Roland Mouret – to ban wild-animal skins from their collections. Today, health experts warn that the global wildlife trade can contribute to the spread of diseases to humans, risking another pandemic – so please join the movement to stop this cruel industry. J

Beyoncé: © • Lizard: © Voinakh • Big crocodile: © • Small crocodiles: ©

PETA is pushing hard to defend ALL animals. Read on to learn more.





A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President

M y new book, Animalkind , was getting a great reception. I was taking it on tour and all set to fly into Toronto, when COVID-19 sent us to our rooms and said, “Stay there!” The virus has been blamed on bats, snakes, and pangolins – those sweet, gentle beings who look like elongated artichokes. But the blame rests squarely on human beings who capture, cage, and kill animals. After all, filthy meat markets and factory farms are petri dishes for dangerous viruses that can jump the species barrier, mutating as they travel from host to host, and knock us down or even kill us. We say that we “share our planet” with the other animals. In reality, though, they can only attempt to hide from our dominant species in the little patches of land left in “the wild,” meaning their natural habitat. And often, we don’t tolerate even that. Closer to home, think about the tiny snails so often poisoned by gardeners. As I write in Animalkind , if you take snails away from their garden location (and I’m definitely not recommending that!), they will work hard to return – it is home, after all – at a top speed of 0.029 mph (0.047 kph) … even if it takes a couple of years. So, who is the real “pest”? Isn’t it the humans who think that only they should be permitted to eat those tasty veggies planted right in the snail’s own garden?

Come Together: Alicia and Bear Recreate Iconic Paul and Linda Ad PETA Honorary Director Alicia Silverstone and her son, Bear, offer two clear signs pointing people in the right direction: to go vegan and to stop eating animals. Their ad pays tribute to Paul and Linda McCartney’s iconic PETA campaign from 1992. Paul loved it, saying, “The meat trade’s threat to our health can be halted, and there are hopeful signs that people are starting to realize that this must be done to secure a brighter future for our children and theirs.”

You Did It! Chrysler Rams Iditarod

Paul and Linda ad: © MPL • Alicia and Bear ad: © Photo: Brian Bowen Smith | Makeup: Christopher Ardoff | Hair: Ericka Verrett • Lamb with mother: ©

Snail: © • Bunny: © Vasyl Helevachuk |

Sheep Shearer Guilty!

PETA supporters worldwide sent more than 250,000 e-mails, flooded Chrysler’s social media, handcuffed themselves to Chryslers, smashed donated cars – and got results: Anchorage Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Center ended its sponsorship of the deadly Iditarod! Alaska Airlines did, too, after hearing from PETA supporters and meeting with PETA representatives, as did Baird Private Wealth Management. It’s a howling shame to force dogs to run the equivalent of 38 marathons over snow and ice while hauling heavy sleds – especially when they’re exhausted, vomiting, frostbitten, and suffering from pneumonia and bloody paws. More than 150 dogs have died as a result of this wretched race.

A shearer pleaded guilty to cruelty to animals after PETA Asia caught him on camera punching sheep and beating them in the face with electric clippers during an undercover investigation into shearing sheds in South Australia and Victoria. The exposé marks the 13 th time since 2014 that PETA or its international affiliates have revealed appalling cruelty to sheep exploited by the global wool industry. Take Action Now Never buy wool. Check the labels when you’re shopping – and if an item uses animal-derived materials, leave it on the shelf.

Take Action Now Please visit to urge Millennium Hotels and Resorts to

Take Action Now You’ve got the green light to head straight to and order Alicia and Bear’s traffic-stopping tees.

Please go to to urge J.Crew to shed all wool.

stop supporting the Iditarod.



Boom! TigerMill Closes: Big Relief for Big Cats

A+! Medical College Stops Using Animals Talk about a quick study. A student at Maharaja Agrasen Medical College in Haryana contacted PETA India to report that rabbits being used to train undergraduates were denied food for days and crowded into wire cages that cut their paws and were spattered with waste and urine. PETA India immediately contacted the school’s director, who agreed to end animal use, teaching students that animals don’t belong in the classroom.

Each of us must stick up for the “underdogs,” showing others who animals are and helping them see that even the smallest,

Longtime target Dade City’s Wild Things (DCWT) closed its doors just days after PETA obtained a default judgment and permanent injunction in a lawsuit against it. The sleazy Florida roadside zoo violated US federal law by prematurely separating tiger cubs from their mothers and forcing them to swimwith the public. Over the years, PETA has rescued 27 tigers once held at DCWT – including 19 who were sent on a grueling 18-hour trip to a roadside zoo in Oklahoma owned by so-called

the most misunderstood, and the least liked – for whatever arbitrary reason – deserve respect.

As for my book tour, I switched to radio programs and online appearances. You can see a clip at and order the book at . Thanks for reading!

Hop on over to to collar Ingrid’s bunny bling.

“Tiger King” Joe Exotic in violation of two court orders. He is currently serving 22 years in prison for murder-for-hire and wildlife crimes, including killing five endangered tigers.


Take ActionNow Tiger exploitation is terrifying. Raise awareness with PETA’s “Tiger Killer” Halloween costume, available at (mullet included!). Learn more

ways to help captive big cats at .

Global 3






The American Red Cross has long been a lifesaver for humans during American Red Cross Lends Cows a Helping Hand

disasters – now, it’s saving cows, too. After hearing from PETA, the relief organization agreed to ban leather gloves in its flood and fire kits in favor of animal-friendly ones. It also agreed to stop recommending leather gloves for emergency purposes and removed references to them from its website and other messaging. Take Action Now Please join the American Red Cross in coming to cows’ aid: Visit to urge Levi’s to stop putting leather patches on its jeans.

Dolphins aren’t surfboards, but SeaWorld was treating them as if they were, letting trainers stand on their faces and ride on their backs in its cruel sea circus shows. But thanks to a wave of pressure from PETA – including a damning veterinary report, a shareholder question posed by Alec Baldwin, and an ad blitz – the cruel tricks have been wiped out. Sweet Success After hearing from PETA, Snickers – once the “official candy bar for SeaWorld” – ended its years-long ties with the park. And after input from PETA UK, the luxury travel company Premier Holidays will no longer sell tickets to SeaWorld or any other parks that exploit dolphins. PETA Forces SeaWorld to Stop Dolphin-Surfing SeaWorld dolphin-surfing: © Paul Brewster | • Judge illustration: © Villeneuve • Alba Flores ad: © Photo/Nico Bustos | Styling/Alba Melendo | Hair/Yoann Fernandez | Makeup/Fanny Maurer | Flowers/Fabien Joly | Set designer/Olivia Aine | Production/Allan Vetier Take Action Now Many local AAA clubs have stopped selling SeaWorld tickets. Please visit to urge the national organization to follow suit.

Go small or go home. To abide by COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings, PETA UK rallied an army of tiny animal figurines in front of the Houses of Parliament to mark World Week for Animals in Laboratories. In 2018, British laboratories conducted 3.52 million experiments on animals. In the US, the figure was even higher. Studies show that 90% of basic research – most of which involves animal tests – fails to deliver treatments for humans. PETA UK Holds World’s Tiniest Anti-Vivisection Protest


This year’s Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, was canceled because of the pandemic, and PETA UK offered the city a quarter of a million euros to bring the cruel bull runs and subsequent bullfights to a permanent halt. Every year, PETA PETA UK Offers Big Money to Retire Running of the Bulls

PETA UK and PETA France pulled back the curtain on the cruel leather industry in protests at fashion weeks in London, Paris, and Milan (the last was led by actor Daniela Martani, pictured) to call for an end to animal skins on fashion show catwalks. Leather is not only a product of murder but also, according to a Pulse of the Fashion Industry report, the most environmentally damaging material of all. And under pressure from PETA supporters worldwide, Versace banned kangaroo leather – as have many other brands, including Chanel, British luxury label Paul Smith, and H&M. PETA Goes All In to Save Animals’ Skin

Leather demo: © Wisteria • Cows: © Bastian • Hand: © • Mouse: © • Smoke letters: © Akarsu • Cigarette: ©


Money Heist Star: Eat Like Animals’ Lives Are Priceless

affiliates team up with Spanish groups for eye-catching protests of this hideous event. Already, the Parliament of Catalonia has banned bullfighting, and many French towns have, too. More than 100 Spanish towns are now opposed to the blood sport, and The Pernod Ricard group – which owns Absolut Vodka, Malibu, and other brands – ended its financial support of the world’s largest bullfighting organization following a PETA France campaign. We’ll drink to that!

She’s a savvy thief in the breakout international Netflix hit Money Heist , but Alba Flores is also using her head for a loftier goal: saving animals. She stopped eating meat after she saw leftover food thrown away and realized that animals deserve better than being consumed or following an event

Take Action Now Please visit to urge H&M to protect animals and the environment by banning all skins.


PETA Lawyers: 2 Cruel Labs: 0 Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and Texas A&M University thought they could stifle PETA, but they were wrong. OHSU tried every trick in the book to keep video footage of its cruel and useless “junk food” experiments on monkeys hidden from PETA and the

Take Action Now Tourism is bullfighting’s main excuse for continuing. Please tell everyone you know why they shouldn’t go.


Scientists can now study the effects of cigarette smoke and other substances on the lungs without harming animals . Aided by funding from the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd., MatTek Life Sciences developed EpiAlveolar, a revolutionary three-dimensional lung model using human cells that is the first of its kind. The groundbreaking technology promises to prevent tens of thousands of rats and other animals from being crammed into tubes and forced to inhale toxins before being killed. RATS BREATHE EASIER, THANKS TO NEW 3-D LUNG MODEL

public. But PETA sued, and the court agreed: OHSU must release 74 videos of experiments that involve feeding pregnant monkeys experimental diets, tearing their babies away from them, and then terrorizing the youngsters. Texas A&M tried to cover up its muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs by censoring comments on its Facebook page. PETA filed a First Amendment lawsuit and received US$75,000 in legal fees after the school caved.

tossed out with the trash. Visit to hear her tell PETA how changing what’s on her plate has changed her life.

Take Action Now Please visit to help get the dogs out of Texas A&M’s lab.

Global 5


Taking Animal Rights to a Presidential Podium By Ingrid Newkirk

Getting active for animals is easy at . PETA gear enables you to speak volumes before you even open your mouth! Say It Loud, Say It Proud! END SPECIESISM:

Squirrel: © • Jimmy Carter Library photo: courtesy of Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Macaw: © • Spray can: © • Torn paper: ©

Man wearing t-shirt: © Khabirov • Lawn sign:

These thought provoking T-shirts will help you take a stand against speciesism every time you walk out the door.


Your next cup of coffee will

deliver more than caffeine when it’s in a PETA mission statement mug.

E arlier this year, C-SPAN’s Book TV filmed me giving a talk about Animalkind at The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. Dozens of writers, activists, and scholars have delivered stirring addresses from that stage, and I was there to discuss one of the most pressing ethical issues of our time: speciesism. So I talked about squirrels. Yes, squirrels.

PETA’s hoodie makes it clear that we’re all in this together. I


All Value Life and Fight the Knife I also recounted the time when President Carter’s envoy and I were both speaking at the International Nonviolence Conference in Bethlehem. The first night, on our way to a banquet, we passed a marketplace where butchers were slaughtering bleating sheep. When dinner came, everyone was served a lamb shank. No one connected the dots: The organizers were serving a violent meal at a conference on nonviolence.

Let Compassion Take Wing I shared another story in Bethlehem: The writer Loren Eiseley once trapped two sparrow hawks to ship to a zoo. But he slipped as he was moving them, and the male bit him on the thumb, allowing his mate to fly off. The next morning, as Eiseley was building a cage, he picked up the male hawk and could feel his heart pounding under his feathers. As the bird stared up into the sky, Eiseley decided to let him go. “He flew up into the towering emptiness of light and crystal that was so intense that my eyes could scarcely bear to penetrate it. There was silence. Then, from far up somewhere, a cry. When I heard that cry my heart turned over,” Eiseley recalled. “Coming straight out of the sun’s eyes, where she must have been soaring restlessly above us for untold hours, hurtled his mate. And from far up, ringing from peak to peak, came a cry of such unutterable and ecstatic joy that it sounds down across the years as I write. … Then they were gone forever somewhere into those upper regions beyond the eyes of men.”

Birds are capable of profound love, most stay with their partner for life, and they are great parents – yet many humans still treat them like unfeeling objects rather than fellow sentient beings. Who’s Watching You? It’s so simple to act compassionately, as Eiseley did. And just as with the squirrels, there’s usually someone watching us – someone we can inspire to be kind. Before I left Bethlehem, I spraypainted this message on the wall: “All beings want to be free!” The children watching me vowed to stop eating meat. Our job is to guide people to the slippery slope of thinking about animals, which leads to caring about them, and finally to push them over the edge toward working for the rights of all animalkind. Take Action Now Visit to order your copy of Animalkind and read jaw-dropping stories about who animals are and how we can help them. Order extras for friends, libraries, and schools!

I did share anecdotes about President Carter, but then I described how squirrels bury their nuts using the position of the stars and how they are so self-aware and smart that if someone is watching, they use sleight of hand, pretending to bury the nut but actually hiding it somewhere else. My point was that animals aren’t just like us – they are us, and they deserve to be treated with respect.

Before I left Bethlehem,


Turn your front yard into a billboard with PETA’s anti-discrimination lawn sign.

The next day, speakers described being imprisoned unjustly, losing their land to seizure, and enduring other violence. Each ended by saying, “Please respect us. We are human beings.” But I thought about something my mother often said: It doesn’t matter who suffers – it matters that they suffer. I ended my speech with these words: “One day, I hope all of us will say, ‘Please respect us. We are living beings .’”

I spraypainted this message on the wall: "All beings want to be free!" The children watching me vowed to stop eating meat.

Global 7



PETA Launches NewDeal to End Animal Experiments

Rat: © • Booklet: © • Booklet cover: © Niam • Blank billboard: ©

F orget for a second how cruel, unethical, and wasteful of lives, time, and money animal experiments are. Wipe from your mind all “curiosity-driven” procedures, like catching penguins and attaching recording devices to their heads to listen in on their underwater sounds. Instead, let’s look only at experiments intended to determine whether a new drug works. Now, take a guess: What percentage fails? Twenty-five? Fifty? No – an astounding 95% of new medications that test safe and effective in animal experiments fail or harm humans in clinical trials. The failure rates of drugs developed in research on specific diseases are even higher: 100% for HIV/AIDS vaccines and 99.6% for Alzheimer’s and cancer treatments. Nearly one in three pharmaceuticals still come with safety concerns even after FDA approval, leading to adverse reactions Torturing Monkeys, Not Investing in Cures

Slashing NIHWaste NIH’s mission is to “enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness.” Instead, the agency throws away nearly half its budget, or roughly US$18 billion last year, on maiming and terrorizing millions of animals as if they were disposable lab equipment instead of unique individuals who feel fear and pain and yearn to be free. Scientists have known since 2013 that sepsis, a deadly reaction to acute infection, is not the same disease in mice that it is in humans – which is why none of the dozens of treatments developed in mice have yielded useful results. After PETA revealed that an experimenter at the University of Pittsburgh was inducing sepsis in mice by puncturing their intestines so that fecal matter would seep into their abdomens, his NIH gravy train, which had been running for more than a decade, was derailed. PETA Will Prevail Using animals as human “models” robs funds from promising state-of-the-art research methods, such as organs-on-a-chip, human stem cells, genomics, and high-speed computer modeling. PETA and its international affiliates are now working with governments, industry, and educational institutions and contributing millions of dollars toward the development and implementation of non-animal test methods. As a result, scientists and physician organizations representing more than 100,000 doctors endorse the RMD. Take Action Now US readers: Please visit and urge Congress to direct NIH to end animal experiments and redirect funds toward non-animal research.

and black-box warnings. That’s why so many attorneys run ads to represent people who’ve taken such “wonder” drugs. But PETA has the solution: the ResearchModernization Deal (RMD), a strategy mapped out by a team of PETA scientists to refocus laboratory research onmodern, non animal methods that save lives. The Dutch government, which aims to eliminate animal experiments in some areas and promote better research, originally requested the plan. Now, PETA is taking it global!

far-reaching – PETA’s affiliates in the UK, Germany, and India are busy with this effort, too.

Its strategies include the following: • Promptly ending animal experiments in fields in which their use has been shown not to lead to treatments for humans • Reviewing all other research to determine where non-animal methods would yield better results • Redirecting funds toward human-relevant biomedical research • Working with governments around the world to implement this plan

PETA Plan Lands in Important Laps The RMD has been presented to US government agencies, including the National

Institutes of Health (NIH). The plan’s benefits will be

Over the course of 30 years, Elisabeth Murray has received millions of tax dollars to torture monkeys in these ways and more: • Sawing off parts of monkey’s skulls • Suctioning out, burning, or injecting toxins into their brains to cause permanent damage • Isolating each of the traumatized animals in a small box • Repeatedly scaring them with fake snakes and spiders When she’s done with them, she kills them or “recycles” them into other studies. Her cruel experiments have not produced a single treatment for humans.

PETA ads are being placed around the facility and online. I

Take Action Now US readers: Please visit and urge NIH to stop funding Murray’s experiments and shut down her house of horrors. You can

“PETA’s ‘ResearchModernization Deal’ … offers a step-wise guide to eliminate misguided experiments on animals and instead prioritize more effective, ethical and economical non-animal research methods that will better advance human medical research for all.” – Martin Hamlette, Executive Director, National Medical Association

also call her directly at 301-443-7401.

Global 9



Q & A

Bodybuilding Biologist Fights for Reptile Rights “Being strong – of mind or body – is about using strength to do what’s right.”

Concrete backgrounds: ©

Appearances don’t tell the whole story. Nobody knows that better than Clifford Warwick, who looks like the powerful weightlifter that he is, while also working as a biologist and reptile specialist. As this snake protecting strongman will tell you, people sometimes make false assumptions about reptiles because of the way they look. He has assisted PETA with several cases, including the groundbreaking investigation into notorious animal dealer US Global Exotics – which resulted in the largest seizure of animals in US history. In this interview, he explains why animals who aren’t “cute and cuddly” still deserve respect and compassion. PETA UK: How did you get interested in helping reptiles? Clifford: When I was a boy, I kept many reptiles. It took me until the age of 14 to realise that confining them to small glass tanks was wrong. Since then, I’ve endeavoured to act as their ally by adding to the scientific evidence for their sentience, welfare, and protection. PETA UK: Together with PETA UK, you’re leading a campaign calling for minimum cage sizes for snakes. Why is this so important? Clifford: Ironically, many who like snakes – reptile keepers – are among their greatest abusers, imprisoning these sensitive animals in tiny, bare, and boring containers where they cannot even stretch out.

PETA UK: Have you run into the “boys will be boys” excuse when it comes to cruelty to animals? Clifford: Power confers responsibility: anti-bullying, anti-abuse, anti-aggression. Being strong – of mind or body – is about using strength to do what’s right. Kids’ unadulterated and naturally healthy and compassionate interest in species over whom they have power was part of the driver (besides just giving myself a laugh) behind my recent book The Worms ! PETA UK: You’ve been a vegan bodybuilder for nearly 25 years. What reactions do you get at the gym? Clifford: I recall in the 1990s weighing in at about 12 stone or 175 pounds (75 kg in newmoney) and constantly feeling the need to use my muscles. Then I discovered heavy weight lifting, and in a year I’d packed on 55 pounds (25 kg) of muscle: I was bench-pressing twice my bodyweight – all on only one extra bowl of cereal a day . I quickly left my “vegan-diet-doubting” gym compatriots behind, and shortly after the millennium, I was bench-pressing over 600 pounds (280 kg). When crowds gather around me at the gym and ask what I eat, I drop it in – if nothing else, it makes people realise that whether or not being vegan makes one strong, one can be strong being vegan!

Observational and other research science makes it absolutely clear that snakes must be allowed to straighten their bodies. Conditions where they cannot fully stretch out are associated with over 20 physical diseases and behavioural problems. PETA UK: People sometimes use “snake” to mean a slippery character. Why is this unfair? Clifford: For a start, snakes are not “slippery” – they are dry, often warm, and by nature behaviourally very “upfront and honest” about what they do. The further back one goes, the more one uncovers milestone evidence of derogation – “crafty” Kaa in The Jungle Book , and before that, Adam and Eve’s corruptive serpent, along with many other snake-demeaning biblical references. Basically, the “snake trolls” have been at it a long time, and fixing all that is going to take a while. Clifford: Don’t do it, and if you really must – then turn to a rescue centre! But before that, visit, which provides objective, user-friendly scientific guidance on the challenges of keeping any animal. Research shows that most reptiles die in their first year in the home , so they do not adapt to caged life in the living room – despite the sales twaddle and lies that a pet store may throw at you. PETA UK: What advice do you have for someone about to buy a snake, turtle, or lizard?

Send a strong message with this bold tee, available at . I

“Snakes are not ‘slippery’ – they are … very ‘upfront and honest’ about what they do.”

Take Action Now Captivity kills. Please advise everyone you know never to buy an animal from a pet store or breeder.





Nutritionist to the stars Marco Borges – who helped Beyoncé get in shape for her lauded Coachella performance – teamed up with PETA on three exclusive recipe videos to show people how easy it is to prepare delicious, nutritious vegan meals in under 20 minutes. The recipes below are adapted from his popular 22 Days Nutrition Meal Planner, which helps people kick-start a compassionate new lifestyle. Visit to watch the videos or for more fromMarco. Eat L ike Beyoncé _

Change Like

Rihanna: © • Suit: © HUGO BOSS

The vegan fashion revolution is here! Rihanna’s fashion line, FENTY, has debuted a capsule collection of vegan leather items – including a corset dress and skirt, a hoodie, button down shirts, and more – earning her a PETA Compassion in Fashion Award. After talks with PETA Germany, HUGO BOSS launched its first 100% animal-free men’s suit, made of organic European linen. Most premium suits use animal-derived materials like wool, horsehair, or silk, and the manufacturing process can involve animal-based dyes, glues, and chemicals. But the BOSS suit avoids all that cruelty, earning it the “PETA-Approved Vegan” logo, which also appears on the offerings of more than 1,000 other fashion brands and designers worldwide. Rihanna _

Oats cup, squash bowl, and pasta: © 22 Days Nutrition • Beyoncé: ©

French fashion company SMCP Group – which owns Sandro, Maje, and Claudie Pierlot – gave fur the heave-ho in 2019. This year, it confirmed to PETA France that it has stopped selling any items made out of the skins of snakes, crocodiles, ostriches, kangaroos, and other exotic animals. SMCP Group joins an ever-growing list of brands, designers, and retailers – including Chanel, Victoria Beckham, Selfridges, Vivienne Westwood, and Paul Smith – in doing so. Netflix’s Unorthodox nabbed PETA’s Compassion in Costume Design Award for using faux fur to create the more than 100 shtreimels worn in the series. The fur hats – each made out of up to 30 sables, minks, martens, or foxes – are traditionally worn by Hasidic Jewish men on Shabbat and other occasions.

Berry Overnight Oats Crumble Cup Makes 2 servings

Courgette and Quinoa Bowl with Lemon-Cashew Dressing Makes 2 servings YOU’LL NEED 2 yellow courgettes, cubed 1 /4 tsp. plus 2 pinches sea salt 40 g. raw cashews, soaked in warm water for 30 minutes, drained, and rinsed 60 ml. water 2 tsp. nutritional yeast 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 40 g. rocket

• Blend the cashews, water, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, and 1 /4 teaspoonful of the salt in a food processor or high-powered blender until creamy. • Divide the rocket, lettuce, tomatoes, quinoa, chickpeas, and cooked courgette evenly between two bowls. Top with the sliced avocado, black pepper, parsley, and remaining pinch of salt and drizzle with the dressing.

YOU’LL NEED 70 g. rolled oats 355 ml. unsweetened almond milk 40 g. flax meal 2 tsp. ground chia seeds 1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. maple syrup 150 g. berries (try strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries) 1 banana, sliced

Pasta Puttanesca Makes 2 servings

YOU’LL NEED 100 g. uncooked pasta 1 yellow courgette, cut into bite-size pieces 1 tsp. olive oil or water 335 g. red pasta sauce or passata 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. Italian seasoning blend 1 tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 2 tsp. capers 70 g. roughly chopped olives Optional: salt, pepper, and chili pepper flakes, to taste

150 g. chopped romaine lettuce 200 g. halved cherry tomatoes 90 g. cooked quinoa 1 tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed

METHOD • Mix the oats and almond milk together in a glass container and store covered in the refrigerator overnight. • Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. • In a mixing bowl, combine the flax meal, chia seeds, and maple syrup. • Transfer to the baking sheet and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until slightly browned. • Remove from the oven and let cool for a few minutes. Divide the oats between two bowls and top each with half of the crumble, berries, and banana slices.

Marco turns PETA’s L.A. office

into a pop-up vegan cooking school.

1 /2 avocado, sliced 1 tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. dried parsley

It’s vegan! New BOSS suit gets PETA’s seal of approval.

• In a large pan, sauté the courgette in the oil until just tender.

METHOD • Preheat the oven to 180°C.

• Add the sauce, garlic, and Italian seasoning blend. Cover and cook for 1 minute then add the beans and cook until warmed through. Remove from the heat. • Stir in the cooked pasta, capers, and olives as well as the salt, pepper, and chili pepper flakes, if using.

Take Action Now Join the revolution: Visit to find out how easy it is to upgrade your wardrobe with animal-free fashions.

• Oil a baking sheet or line with parchment paper. Add the courgettes and sprinkle with a pinch of the salt. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

METHOD • Cook the pasta according to package directions.

Global 13


Emily in Deep Water Emily has waded through hurricane floodwaters to reach a trapped pelican, painstakingly rescued countless goldfish of all sizes from an abandoned pond, and crawled under a dilapidated shed to pull out an injured cat whose hind feet had been severed. Her passion is working to get dogs off chains, and she has helped to get anti-chaining laws passed in the rural North Carolina and Virginia communities surrounding PETA’s headquarters. “I see dogs on heavy chains that sometimes weighmore than they do,” Emily says. “All they have is some useless ‘shelter’ – maybe just a piece of metal against the fence – in themiddle of amud puddle, and their food bowls are dirty and empty. The tips of their ears are eaten off by flies drawn to their accumulatedwaste. They are eaten alive by fleas, andmany suffer fromheartworm,

which is endemic to this swampy area. I amdetermined to change their lives for the better.”

Globe: ©

Emily and her team have helped win many lifesaving chaining restrictions. And public opinion toward animal welfare is changing. Recently, she received a call from someone concerned about a dog left outdoors without food, water, or shelter. She investigated and determined that there was a valid reason for the neglect: The dog was a statue.

You can probably guess the first person she told.

Take Action Now Make a friend or family member your animal rights “twin” with a gift membership to PETA for just $16 a year at . “Our mom jokes that she donated her kids to PETA.”

Elisa demonstrates the superiority of greens – for wearing and eating – during the unveiling of Lady Gaga’s statue at Madame Tussauds wax museum.

T he Allen twins: Elisa and her younger sister (by six minutes), Emily, let nothing stand in the way of twin ning for animals – not even the Atlantic Ocean. Elisa runs PETA UK, while Emily runs the PETA US fieldwork division. They’ve also been spotted – together – aiding horses forced to carry tourists up Taal Volcano in the Philippines, as well as helping PETA reunite dogs with their grateful guardians after Hurricane Katrina. The sisters didn’t speak a word of English before they moved fromGermany to the US when they were 8. They agree on almost everything – but not what got them into animal rights. Elisa says it was PETA’s vegan starter kit. Emily says it was seeing Alicia Silverstone’s anti dissection ad for PETA. But now, neither can imagine doing anything else. Elisa and the Bull Elisa made headlines worldwide when she went to bat for a bull named Benjy who wasn’t interested in mating with the cows on his farm in Ireland – but seemed drawn to his fellow bulls. The farm decided to send him to slaughter because he was of no use to them, but Elisa set out to save him. She stirred up global support for “Gay Benjy,” enlisting the LGBTQ+ community. A PETA member ponied up the funds to retire him, and soon Benjy was happily grazing at a sanctuary. Elisa’s not afraid of bulls or bullies, often facing off with Piers Morgan and other hotheads on TV. In response to a sheep farmer’s claim that we “need” to wear wool, Elisa fired back, saying, “We’re not cavepeople! We no longer need to drape ourselves in the skins or the bits of animals.”

SISTER ACT PETA Twins Win Animal Rights on Two Continents

Emily gives Precious the snuggles she craves even more than the food and shelter that PETA provides so many "backyard dogs" with.

Elisa and friends add some watercooler fodder to Londoners’ morning commute.

Emily and Elisa with just a few of the hundreds of animals they helped rescue as part of PETA’s emergency response team following Hurricane Katrina




How PETA Is Revolutionizing

Teala Dunn | Photo: © Piper Ferguson • Makeup:Anthony Merante • Hair: Bradley Leake | Frogs: ©

Science Education

PETA’s Frogsaver Lily Pad – which attaches to a pool ladder or wall or the edge of a garden pond – saves small animals by helping them get out of the water. Learn more at . I

Honorary PETA Director Alan Cumming once starred in a PETA ad campaign calling on Dairy Queen to add a vegan option. Today, the acclaimed star of the stage and screen is royally pleased that the ice cream chain has introduced a vegan version of the classic Dilly Bar. Available now at DQs across the US and soon to be distributed internationally, it’s made with coconut cream and covered with vegan chocolate. Cows on dairy farms are treated worse than serfs. They are violently inseminated on “rape racks.” Once they give birth, their calves are taken away from them so that humans can consume their milk – a perversion that persists even though much of the world’s population can’t properly digest dairy. Once cows’ bodies wear out – generally by age 4 or 5 – they’re sent off to the slaughterhouse. Their male calves are typically killed for veal, while the Dairy Queen Debuts New Dairy-Free Dessert

I t looks like a frog and feels like a frog, but it isn’t a frog: It’s SynFrog ™ – an astoundingly lifelike model with the potential to prevent millions of sentient beings from being killed and cut up for school lessons each year. It features a synthetic membrane that gives students the same feel as cutting through a real frog’s skin but without the cruelty of killing an animal – not to mention the yuck factor and the dangerous formaldehyde preservatives – and allows them to remove the “organs” for examination. SynFrog came to “life” after PETA proposed the idea to SynDaver, an innovative maker of hyper-realistic human and animal surgical training models, in 2018. It turned out that the company had had the same idea, and a winning partnership was launched! PETA chipped in US$150,000 to fast-track the model’s development, and it’s now available worldwide. Reinventing the Frog As PETA President Ingrid Newkirk points out in her book Animalkind , frogs are excellent communicators who use unique combinations of chirps, croaks, whistles, and other sounds – some even dance! – to establish territory, deter rivals, attract mates, and warn others of danger. Like real frogs, SynFrog is also an excellent communicator – it communicates compassion for animals. And unlike the monochromatic internal organs in formaldehyde-preserved animals, SynFrog accurately represents colorful living tissues. It also teaches students biology without forcing them to choose between their ethics and a science education. Ever since PETA first exposed the seedy dealers that supply animals for dissection years ago – and released video footage showing that rabbits were drowned and cats were embalmed while still alive, among other horrors – students have been setting down their scalpels and teachers have been cutting cruelty from their curricula. PETA’s undercover investigations have blown the lid off companies like Bio Corporation, where eyewitnesses saw live pigeons packed into crates and

Allan Cumming “Not a Dairy Queen”: © Allan Cumming by Mike Ruiz • Torn paper: © • Calf: © Animal Equality

drowned and live crayfish injected with liquid latex. Workers described frozen turtles who came back to life and were refrozen and cats purchased from animal shelters for a few dollars each. Following PETA’s investigation, Bio Corporation was charged with 25 counts of cruelty to animals.

Teala Dunn is one of the stars teaming up with PETA to help students cut out dissection.

Making It Easier to Be Green In many US states and parts of Canada, laws allow students to choose an alternative to animal dissection.

Everywhere else, they can invariably opt out as a moral choice – and PETA is ready to help them do just that.

India banned dissection for undergraduate and

postgraduate zoology and life science courses after PETA India pointed out that the use of non -animal methods to teach anatomy and complex biological processes has been shown to be as effective as – or often more effective than – the use of animals. Other countries are phasing out dissection, in part because of students’ distaste for it and also because of the superior options presented by PETA and its international affiliates.

females are exploited as milk machines like their mothers.

Countless frogs are captured every year to be killed for dissection. Not only does SynFrog spare frogs’ lives, it’s also improving science education.

Take Action Now Treat cows and yourself by dethroning dairy and going vegan. Get recipes and tips at .


Do it for him!

Take Action Now Parents, teachers, and students: To learn how to get SynFrog and other humane

Tell everyone it’s time to get the knives out (of education) with this stylish tee from . I

dissection options into classrooms, please visit and .

Everyone: Please urge Project Lead the Way – a company that creates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curricula – to ditch dissection in favor of superior, humane, non-animal teaching methods at .




Not Even a Pandemic Can Stop PETA

While the novel coronavirus pandemic brought nearly everything to a standstill – including, thankfully, many horse races, bullfights, rodeos, and dog shows as well as Canada’s annual seal slaughter – PETA made sure that the world continued to hear about the plight of animals. Turning social distancing into an opportunity to go the distance, PETA’s COVID-19 web posts received more than 1 million views.



PETA FIELDWORKERS ON THE FRONT LINES PETA staffers kept right on caring for neglected animals in Virginia and North Carolina, sterilizing more than 1,300 cats and dogs in PETA’s mobile clinics and delivering hundreds of bags of free food for companion animals in one month alone. In the Philippines, PETA Asia fed hundreds of homeless dogs and cats daily during the lockdown, and donated 2.5 tons of food.

Noting that the trade in exotic animal skins could cause the next pandemic, PETA urged Louisiana’s governor to close the state’s alligator farms, where concrete enclosures jam-packed with alligators in fetid, murky water are breeding grounds

PETA’s dancing block of tofu, its “Corona Chicken,” and its “Pandemic Pig” added something fresh to grocery shoppers’ carts: free vegan starter kits. In a Philadelphia suburb, a “bull” led a PETA parade of cars from a busy Aldi parking lot to a JBS slaughterhouse, which had closed because of the pandemic, to make the connection between the dead animals in people’s carts and deadly diseases. When COVID-19 infected workers at slaughterhouses in the US and

When military orders forced people who normally feed Romania’s homeless animals to stay indoors, PETA Germany came to the rescue with food and water for the animals. In India, stray animals were starving as the police beat anyone who ventured out of a stopped train to feed them. Animal Rahat – a PETA - supported charity in India and an essential service – patrolled the streets daily, feeding hungry cats, dogs, donkeys, bullocks, and

for salmonella, E. coli , and other pathogens.

When mink farm workers in the Netherlands contracted COVID-19 from the animals confined to cramped, filthy cages, PETA Netherlands members in hazmat suits called on the Dutch government to move up its 2024 fur-farm ban.

Canada, PETA protesters – including

“grim reapers” and one hardy soul who biked to a protest through the snow! – urged them

ANIMALS ARE NOT EXPENDABLE Background: © • Virus: © • Marines: “The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.” Socially distanced parades of honking PETA protesters cruised by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the homes of NIH Director Francis Collins and NIH-funded experimenters Shreesh Mysore and Elisabeth Murray to protest their pointless and cruel experiments on owls and monkeys. Although the novel coronavirus manifests differently in monkeys, experimenters picked up the scent of money and rushed to get grants to infect them, even as laboratories were giving away or euthanizing other animals deemed “inessential.” Renewing its call for the US Department of Defense to stop killing animals during the annual Cobra Gold military exercise, PETA emphasized that the activities during the “training” – including decapitating cobras and drinking their blood – not only are cruel but also put Marines and the public at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

to shut down permanently, for the sake of both animals and humans.

other animals whose food sources had disappeared.

You can spread the word about bean curd – while slowing the spread of disease – with PETA’s limited-edition face masks. Grab them


while they last at .

Mink: © We Animals Media • Toilet paper: © • Face mask: © • Pandemic puzzle: © • Puzzle box: © • Chicken ad: ©


LOOKING UP FROM DOWN UNDER PETA Australia’s plane banner circling overhead encouraged people waiting to cast their ballots in Queensland’s council elections to “vote vegan.” Puzzle-loving Prime Minister Scott Morrison also got a surprise from PETA Australia: a custom jigsaw puzzle asking him to put

AD IT UP Lockdown got you down? PETA Asia billboards placed (for free) in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore encouraged people to look on

the pieces together and stop future pandemics by going vegan. Get your puzzle at .

the bright side: Staying at home gives you the opportunity to spend more quality time with your animal companions!

After the media issued dire warnings about a so called “food shortage” resulting from slaughterhouse shutdowns, PETA reminded consumers that meat is non-essential – it’s the flesh of a sentient being, not “food” – in full-page ads in The New York Times , The Washington Post , the Los Angeles Times , and other major newspapers.

Take Action Now Help prevent the next pandemic: Share vegan starter kits like there’s no tomorrow – or there may not be. Visit to order your free copy and one for a friend! PETA is grateful to everyone who came out during the lockdown to make a difference for animals. Find out about actions near you by joining PETA’s Action Team at .





Reasons to Stop Crating Your Dog Right Now! 5 By Daphna Nachminovitch, Senior Vice President of PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department


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How PETA’s

Busted! PETA Asia Video Goes Global, Showing Live-Animal Markets Still Thriving

“One image is constant across these Asian wet markets ... the floors are covered with blood, guts and water.” – TMZ

2. It’s Cruel Dogs fear that they have displeased you when they’re locked away, because being denied freedom of movement is a punishment and they know it. They need mental stimulation and to run, walk, and move around – all of which are impossible while trapped in a cage.

Petri Dishes for Pandemics Nearly 75% of new infectious diseases

Disengage From the Cage Help your canine companion have a happy, healthy life by providing humane positive-reinforcement training, plenty of exercise, interactive toys, companionship, and a safe, dog-proofed home. If you can’t let your dog out during the day, enlist a trusted friend or neighbor or try a reputable, cage-free doggie daycare. To learn more, visit .

affecting humans originated in other species. The spread of the novel coronavirus and many other dangerous pathogens can be traced to live-animal markets, filthy factory farms, or slaughterhouses This is a global problem. While COVID-19 originated in a live-animal market in China, more than 80 of these disease-ridden facilities can be found in New York City alone, and they operate in many other cities around the world.

Caged dog: ©

© Pangolin and her pup | Shukran888 | CC BY-SA 4.0 • Blood: © • Photo frame: ©

When PETA fieldworkers first met Fritz,

he was filthy, matted, soaked in his own urine, and locked in a crate without food or water. Freed from his bleak prison, he frolicked around PETA’s headquarters. He now lives with another dog rescued by PETA – and will never again see the inside of a cage.

3. It’s Unnatural A crate is not a “den” any more than a monkey is a “research tool.” It’s a cage . Crated dogs can’t do anything but wait and wonder when they’ll finally be set free.

“[C]rating dogs while their owners are at work is … disgusting,” says Dr. Michael Fox, veterinarian and syndicated animal-advice columnist. “Having to hold urine and feces for the long hours of

T he World Health Organization (WHO) said regulations were on the way. But PETA Asia showed that none of it was true: Filthy live-animal markets were doing business as usual in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and China – in fact, all over Asia, animals and public health be damned. Each market was as wretched, cruel, and dangerous as the one in Wuhan, China, suspected of being at the root of the COVID-19 pandemic. Newsweek , Sky TV, the Independent , the New Zealand Herald , the Daily Mail , and other outlets all over the world helped PETA blow the whistle by sharing video of bats (linked to COVID-19), civet cats (linked to SARS), ducks and chickens (linked to avian flu), and rabbits and cats – all crammed into stacked-up cages and covered with layers of rotten food and feces. One rabbit convulsed and died right in front of the investigator. In the Philippines, workers wearing rubber sandals walked across blood soaked floors and cut up fish and bird carcasses with their bare hands. In Vietnam, the corpses of butchered dogs were piled up on a counter near living animals.

Sickness spreads easily through these hellholes, as it does on filthy factory farms – essentially wet markets on a massive scale – where chickens, pigs, cows, and other animals are cooped up together by the thousands. Dead and rotting animals are left among the living, sometimes infecting workers. If WHOWon’t Do Something, What About YOU? WHO hasn’t taken action, so PETA and its affiliates are using PETA Asia’s damning footage to push for a ban on wet markets: a campaign supported by more than a quarter of a million people so far. Nurse Jackie and Tommy star Edie Falco, a PETA honorary director, is leading the effort to shut down New York City’s live-animal markets. Taking personal responsibility and raising awareness are also essential right now, so please chip in. Take Action Now Eating chicken wings isn’t any different from eating bat wings. Go vegan today. And please share PETA Asia’s video at with everyone you know.

4. It’s Confusing Spending hours in a cage is confusing to dogs.

confinement … is animal cruelty and neglect.”

I f your dog spends hours a day in a crate, I’ll bet you were told it was for his or her own good. But like other archaic “training” methods, we now know better. A study in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that 93% of kenneled police dogs exhibited signs of mental illness, including pacing, spinning, and circling. Your dog is an active, intelligent, highly social individual, not to mention a member of the family and probably your best friend, so it’s time to kick that crate to the curb. Here are five reasons why. 1. Crating Is Damaging to a Dog’s Psyche Putting a dog in a box is a human convenience that does not address the causes of behavioral issues and can actually make them worse – or even cause new ones – according to noted animal behaviorists, including Nicholas Dodman, Ian Dunbar, Warren Eckstein, and Victoria Stilwell. Crated dogs often develop separation anxiety, aggression, depression, hyperactivity, and other disorders.

Being forced to soil the crate can make puppies believe that they’re supposed to relieve themselves indoors, instead of outside. 5. They May Die in There – Yes, Really! Frightened dogs can seriously injure themselves trying to escape a crate. If someone breaks into your home – or in the event of a fire, earthquake, or accident – crated dogs are trapped. Stories abound of dogs who were unable to escape coming to a horrible end. Recently, a dog confined to a crate in a basement drowned during a flash flood in Virginia. Squad Goals – No More Crates! When US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a video of her crated puppy crying in distress, PETA wrote to her right away to let her know that family members don’t belong in boxes. Locking up a puppy is as cruel and wrong as caging a human child.

BOGO for Fido! Buy this toy at and make two dogs’ day – your own canine companion and one of the neglected “backyard dogs” who will receive a toy as a gift with every purchase.


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