PETA AU Global Issue 3 2020
Cow photo: © Aitor Garmendia
IT’S TIME TO STOP KILLING ANIMALS FOR FOOD This is a real individual, with thoughts, fears, the ability to feel love for his mother, his friends, his life. He was raised in filth, never treated as a living being but as a “thing,” then forced onto a truck, scared and confused, not even knowing what a truck was. Now he is about to lose his life in a place where blood and offal are spattered on the floor and walls, and he can smell the fear all around him.
He is made of flesh and blood, and so are you. No one needs meat. It causes heart disease, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.
Eat as if everyone’s life depends on it, because it does.
We will help you: free vegan starter kits, mentors, and recipes at
Published by: PETA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD PO Box 20308 World Square Sydney NSW 2002 (08) 8556 5828
MANAGING EDITOR Christina Matthies PHOTO EDITOR Marcy Dalton ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alisa Mullins GRAPHIC DESIGN Lawrence + Beavan
WRITERS Michelle Kretzer Heather Moore Paula Moore Alisa Mullins Jennifer O’Connor Lindsay Pollard-Post COPY EDITOR Teresa Miller
All portions of this publication not accompanied by the © symbol are not copyrighted and may be reproduced freely. ISSN: 0899-9708 Please note: Article references to ”PETA” refer to PETA US. Other PETA-named entities are specified by country or region.
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