Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 33
Gotha (free shed), drug dose rates etc. were discussed.
Volunteer’s workshop: AWU Solapur organized a volunteer’s workshop at AWU Solapur office on 21 st July 2019. Total 18 volunteers including 03 girls attended the workshop. During workshop animal welfare and issues with animal were explained and promoted them on how they can help animals by doing little things in their areas.
Trimming of excessively grown hooves of animals: During this month AWU Solapur trimmed over grown hooves of total 13 animals including horses, bullocks, buffaloes and cow. All animals over grown hooves were trimmed with help of Mr Momtaram, Farrier trainer, except one horse and one cow who were done by AWU Solapur staff with the help of Dr Rakesh Chittora. Mr Momtaram also explained bullock owners about need of trimming of over grown hooves of animals.
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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