Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 32
X. OTHER INTERESTING STORIES/ SPECIFC ACHIEVEMENTS TO SHARE Description with Date AWU – Solapur: Retirement of old age bullocks at owner’s home: AWU Solapur convinced 05 owners for retiring their old age bullocks at their home during this month period. Mr Somnath Deshmukh, Sr. AWA convinced two owners named Mr. Mallu Kardante of village Shingadgaon & Mr. Tamma Kumbhar of Wadji village. Mr Sudhakar Ohal convinced two owners named Mr Arun Swami of Telgaon village & Mr Pandhari Gund of Shivni village and Dr Varsha Panchal convinced one owner of Wadji village. This is good success of AWU Solapur that they were able to convince 05 owners in a month’s time for retirement of old aged bullocks at their homes.
Eye Extirpation surgery of Bullock: On 11 th July, 2019, at village Kardehalli, a bullock was operated as eye ball wall completely damaged and bullock blind from that eye, excessive lacrimation, hence eye extirpation surgery was done. After that regular follow up was done and now bullock has recovered well.
Local health service providers (LHPs) workshop: AWU Solapur organized workshop of LHPs on 17 th July 2019. Total 07 LHPs attended the workshop. It was facilitated by Dr. Rakesh Chittora, Dr. Varsha Panchal and Dr. Akash Jadhav. During workshop, animal handling, animal welfare, issue of nose rope v/s use of morkee, tying of animal with two side rope, promotion for Mukt
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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