Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 3
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019 A s per plan CD Unit under CC Program organized an exposure visit of the students of Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra at sanctuary of Animal Rahat. Mr. Shashikar, Sr. CDM facilitated the presentation which Executive Summary: I n the month of July 2019, Animal Rahat team’s handled a total of 1419 cases. Out of total cases 261 cases were major. Majority of the cases treated are of worming, lameness, skin infestations, wound, digestive disorders, ectoparasitic infestation, eye problem, swelling, pyrexia, yoke gall/ swelling over neck etc. D uring this month we have rescued 33 animals, birds and reptiles. Rescued animals include horses, ponies, dogs and cat. Rescued bird includes pigeon and the rescued reptile includes snakes. T he most important and awaited activity of the month were media events in all the intervention districts of Animal Rahat i.e. Solapur, Sangli and Satara. The response from the media was amazing in all three districts event. In all three event initially Dr. Chetan Yadav welcomed the guests and narrated the reason of the meet & greet event to the media personnel's and then Dr. Naresh made a small presentation with couple of slides for sharing the vision, mission, operational area map, Animal Rahat 15 year video and few selected rescue videos. After the presentation the media asked few questions to us and couple of electronic Medias also took the bite of Dr. Naresh and Dr. Chetan Yadav regarding the interventions of Animal Rahat. Team has also displayed the torture devices of different types during the event at one side and media took interest in knowing what was that and for what this was being used and same was explained to them by us. F or community development through awareness and promotion of better management practices among bullock owners, several focus group meetings and demonstrations have been done by Animal Welfare Units (AWU) with bullock owners of different villages. During the month 05 grooming demonstrations for 27 bullock owners and one demonstration for 15 donkey owners was done. Similarly, one hoof cleaning demonstration was done for twenty donkey owners and two hoof trimming demonstrations for seven donkey owners. I n this month altogether 23 village level meetings were organized with different agenda. Four meetings with villagers as well as Panchayat members of villages has been done on the need of animal birth control and anti rabies vaccination (ABC & ARV) program, by Mr. Kiran Naik and Mr. Gorakh. Villagers have agreed for this program and will create pressure on Panchayat for the same. Four meetings with twenty‐three owners were done on the issue of early age painless castration. At Satara unit alone through 15 meetings on welfare friendly Bail Pola celebration we were able to save 482 bullocks and 902 other animals from chemical colour and painful horn shearing. We have done training of volunteers and Local Health service Providers (LHP) which were participated by nine and eleven participants respectively.
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