Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 4
included the story of some residents of sanctuary. The most interactive session was question hour. It was not planned, but after the interaction with animals; children started few questions and surprisingly this session finished with more than ten questions from children and teachers. During this visit students also observed the reaction of sanctuary residents to the flute played by Mr. Rasul Mulani. Apart from this exposure visit altogether eight CC workshops were organized in schools which were participated by 576 students and 32 teachers. During exposure visit of students at Animal Rahat’s Sanctuary Media and press were also present there for some time; they took few shots of the students in sanctuary. Media interviewed two students. Detailed work of Animal Rahat was shared by Dr. Naresh with the media. Mr. Shashikar told about the awareness program and the importance of such activities in the society. He also shared about the need of mechanization and role of government in helping the animals. A part from above mentioned meetings AWUs have been doing individual interactions with bullock owners during regular scouting. Teams have convinced bullock owners about importance of tying by one side with long rope in place of both side tying that too tightly and 45 owners have started this practice. We convinced 07 bullock owners regarding shed for bullocks. Altogether 62 bullock owners have started to use Morkee while resting their animals. Similarly, through regular interaction and meetings on benefits of grooming including demonstration at many villages has resulted in, 43 bullock owners have started to groom their bullocks regularly. Team also interacted with many bullock owners on the necessity and benefits of clean drinking water and painting the water tank using lime and 23 bullock owners have cleaned their water tanks and painted them using lime. We have demonstrated use of tikkil to control ectoparasite at one site and 05 bullock owners have used this method. Apart from using tikkil we demonstrated cleanliness of shed, disposing dung & waste away from shed, grooming and burning waste after spraying tikkil. It is a holistic approach which is being done by us for ectoparasite control. Due to this approach 07 owners have improved the quality of their sheds i.e. softened their shed floors which is good for their bullocks. We have also convinced 04 donkey owners to use Bhorkadi; tying donkey below fetlock with loose rope. Team has promoted two owners for free shade (Mukt Gotha) for three animals. D uring this month team have demonstrated painless castration in 07 bulls and majority of these includes the young bull calves at villages. D uring this month our teams confiscated 92 torture devices which include 10 hobbles, 75 nose ropes, 05 wooden logs, 01 muzzle (to prevent calf from suckling mother) and 01 spiked bit. D uring this month 46 dogs (23 Males & 23 Females) and 01 cat (M) were sterilised at AWU Solapur and Sangli. This month we have done fourth and final round of sterilisation and vaccination of dogs at Bawachi village of Sangli district and in total 159 dogs were sterilised during these four rounds. Now Bawachi village dogs are 100% sterilised and vaccinated against rabies. T otal no. of animals advised rest is 126 animals (02 Horses, 09 Donkeys & 115 Bullocks). Maximum no. of rest was advised in cases of lameness. Animal Welfare Unit (AWU) – Solapur have ensured rest for maximum number of bullocks.
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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