Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 14
was kept in office for one more night to get rest and food. On next day i.e. on 20 th July, dog was taken to same area and released there. In such a way AWU Solapur team relived the dog from discomfort. AWU Solapur received calls from local person at two different times about dogs whose head is stuck in plastic jar and dogs are roaming in city area. Immediately AWU Solapur team members named Dr Akash Jadhav, Veterinary Intern, Mr Ajit Mote, AWA/ Scout, Mr Somnath Deshmukh, AWA and Mr Rasool Saikh, Sr. DcVA, caught both dogs by using dog catching net and sack. Then they sedated the dogs, removed plastic jar from both dogs gently. Both were examined thoroughly for any external injury, there was minor injury to one dog. After removal, plastic jars were crushed and disposed off. Then both dogs were brought to office for providing rest, sterilization and vaccination. Both dogs were offered food & water for both days and also groomed & walked by staff. On 31 st July evening, both dogs were sterilized (spayed) and vaccinated by Dr Rakesh Chittora, Sr. Veterinary Trainer with the help of Dr Varsha Panchal, Veterinary field officer, Mr Anand Birajdar (AWA), Mr Ajit Mote. Thereafter on next day morning both the dogs were released in same area from where they were rescued. In such a way team saved both
Pic. 8‐9: While release of dog in same area
29/07/2019 Dogs (02)
Begum Peth and Juni police line
Pictures 1‐2: Dog’s head stuck in plastic jar
Pictures 3‐4: dogs were caught by using dog catching net and sack
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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