Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 13
Ajit Mote took the dog away from traffic by offering him biscuits. In the meantime Mr. Ajit Mote requested a woman (owner of nearby house) for taking this dog inside her house and explained her the reason of why they want to take away this dog from road and catch him for removal of plastic jar. So she allowed and Mr Ajit Mote took the dog inside her house by offering biscuits to him without any pause. Once the dog entered her house, Dr. Akash Jadhav closed the gate and then Mr Ajit Mote made him comfortable and caught by using behavioural method and sedated the dog. After achieving effect of anaesthesia, broken plastic pot was removed gently by Mr. Ajit Mote. The broken pot was crushed on the spot and disposed off. Dr. Akash Jadhav examined the dog thoroughly, and no external injury was observed. In the meantime, emergency van also arrived at the spot and dog was kept on stretcher with help of Mr. Rasool Saikh, Senior Driver cum Veterinary Assistant and shifted to van and then brought to AWU Solapur office for providing him rest, and doing sterilization and vaccination. After recovery from sedation, dog was offered food and ample amount of clean water to drink in the office. On next day the dog was sterilized and vaccinated by Dr. Rakesh Chittora, Senior Veterinary Trainer with the help of Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure, Sr. AWA/ Scout and thereafter he
Mr. Ajit Mote while offering biscuits to him
Picture 3: After removal of plastic ring, it was crushed and disposed off
Pic. 4‐5: Dog was sterilized by Dr. Rakesh Chittora
Pic. 6‐7: dog while eating food and drinking water
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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