PETA Global AU 2023 Issue 3


12 PAGE Super Summer Recipes Get your vegan vitality

10 PAGE Getting Cows out of Clothing

Rescued From Earthquakes & War Behlul’s reunion with teen survivor 16 PAGE

Cactus leathers, fabric feathers & more!

PETA vs. Goliath: Closing In on the World’s Largest Funder of Animal Experiments

T here’s a big bully tormenting tiny animals, and PETA is working to take it down. It funds animal experiments all over the world to the tune of about $20 billion per year. It’s the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and among the thousands of experiments it bankrolls are ones in which mice are stitched together and injected with toxins or their intestines are punctured so that Sue the Bastards! Sepsis experiments are exceedingly cruel – and useless: NIH itself acknowledges that mice and humans don’t experience the same condition. PETA has launched a landmark lawsuit to show that bankrolling these experiments violates NIH’s obligation to fund research for the improvement of human health and minimize the use of animals. NIH tried to get our suit thrown out, but a federal judge refused. We – and mice – will get our day in court! No Oversight Overseas NIH funds stroke-inducing experiments on monkeys in the UK , hepatitis E virus experiments on bats in Australia , gruesome wound studies on rabbits in Canada , and innumerable other horrors around the world. feces and bacteria leak into their stomachs, causing painful sepsis, an extreme response to infection.

normalize by labeling it “science.” PETA helped shut down the laboratory of notorious baby monkey abuser Stephen Suomi. Next up is Margaret Livingstone, who tears newborn monkeys away from their mothers and puts vision-distorting goggles on them or refuses to let them see a face just to find out how badly it damages their brain and visual development. She has even sewn their eyelids shut. More than 380 scientists, doctors, and academics – including renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall – have joined PETA in demanding an end to Livingstone’s NIH-backed atrocities. Speciesism keeps animals in cages and “science” in the dark ages – from experimenter Elisabeth Murray's terrorization of brain-damaged monkeys with rubber snakes to alcohol addiction experiments on mice, to inflicting misery on thinking, feeling beings held captive in the US’ seven national primate research centers and in other countries.

Peach melba: © Photo – Karin McKenna | From Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior by Jane Esselstyn and Ann Crile Esselstyn • Mouse: © Hamara/ • Bird:









See inside to learn how PETA liberated more than 280 animals from disgusting labs in Colombia. PETA’s Research Modernization Deal will save even more animals and humans – and you can be a catalyst for this vital change.



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The behemoth is faltering, and PETA is determined to bring it crashing down. Read on to learn how. J Bit by bit, PETA is exposing the abuse that NIH tries to

Emily Miller, star of the steamy reality show Too Hot to Handle , teamed up with PETA UK to urge fans to keep their bedroom eyes cruelty-free with synthetic lashes. “Some companies may claim they sell ‘cruelty-free’ mink lashes, but that is a scam,” Miller says. Cruelty in Every Blink




Actor Emilio Rivera knows there’s nothing macho about abusing animals. Rivera was near tears as he talked about dogs who are chained outdoors 24/7: “Yeah, sometimes you think, Why is my dog barking so much? Because you got him chained up. That’s why he’s Mayans M.C. Star: Dogs Belong Inside

A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President

Be Part of It! Visit to urge Lilly Lashes to drop

“What is more enchanting than the voices of young people when you can’t hear what they’re saying?” If essayist Logan Pearsall Smith was talking about that screaming child two seats over, OK! But nothing is more enchanting than hearing young people advocating for animals – on school campuses, to friends, and even to the annoyance of their family members who would prefer to stick to old, dirty habits like pouring cow’s milk into their coffee. Young people must not be alone in objecting to what is considered “normal” and yet is truly unspeakable. I mean, how can slaughterhouses be considered normal? Slaughterhouses! And how is it OK to confine a petrified baby monkey to a lab and implant electrodes in his head? We must all roar until these things are universally considered shameful.

screaming. He wants your help. It’s heartbreaking, because they give us so much love.” PETA’s fieldworkers routinely find chained dogs who endure scorching heat, freezing cold, and severe neglect. Some have even been found dead on their chain.

fur lashes immediately.

James Cromwell: © DFree/ • Emily Miller ad: © Photo – Ruth Rose | Mink head – | Mink body – iStock/MikeLane45


PETA Stops Med School’s Pig Mutilations Victory!

After the Irinjadappilly Sree Krishna Temple pledged never to use real elephants, PETA India and actor Parvathy Thiruvothu presented it with a jumbo gift: a realistic, life-size animatronic elephant who waggles his ears, lifts his trunk, moves his head, and performs ceremonies, even spraying water. As highly social beings, elephants need to live with their families and walk miles every day, but those used in temples are beaten, chained, and isolated. PETA India has freed some – including Sunder and Gajraj, who went to sanctuaries – and urges all temples to use only mechanical elephants. As this temple’s priest says, “Real worship is to protect all forms of life created by God.” Robots vs. Real Elephants in Temples Big Win!

Be Part of It! Catch a video from Rivera and a surprise Sons of Anarchy costar at , and share it with everyone you know.

When 97,000 PETA supporters – including PETA Honorary Director James Cromwell – demand action, they get results. Following a PETA campaign against the University of Tennessee Health Science Center – in which we confronted its chancellor and other officials during




campus events and spoke at trustees’ meetings – the university stopped using live animals to train surgeons


Maharashtra Prohibits Manja and Protects Pigs


The other day I put a WunderEggs vegan hard boiled egg on my salad. I defy anyone to tell the difference between that and one from a chicken, although there is a big difference: No bird was involved, no factory farming, no slaughter. My favorite shoes are a beautiful pair of French espadrilles with embroidered flowers.



Emilio Rivera ad: © Photo – Peter Yang | Art director – Greg Garry | Grooming: Kiki Heitkotter • Pig: © • WunderEggs: © Crafty Counter

and emergency physicians on its Chattanooga campus.

Be Part of It! Visit to push Oregon Health & Science University to switch to more effective

PETA India spoke up, and the Maharashtra government stepped up – with a ban on deadly manja. Used in kite-flying contests, this string coated with finely crushed glass, metal, or other substances slashes and even cuts off the wings or feet of thousands of birds every year. The state government also instructed local officials to comply with PETA India’s request to ban gestation and farrowing crates in pig farming. These crates are so small that sows can’t turn around or stand up in them.

human simulators.


Vegan. My face cream – not that any live up to their promises – is from No7 brand, no animals involved. Please show and tell people – it’s so blessedly easy these days. Opportunities abound. People come to the door, companies solicit your opinion of their product, social media posts clamor for comments, thousands of folks see a bumper sticker on your car. Try saying, “Excuse me – your dog was trying to sniff something interesting there!” or “What a lovely coat. It’s vegan, isn’t it?!” A moment on the lips to deliver vital tips! Act now. As The Rolling Stones sang, “You might wake up in the morning and find your poor self dead” – and your opportunity to change things, lost.


HelloFresh Drops Thai Coconut Milk

Following PETA Asia investigations and nearly 100,000 e-mails from our supporters, meal kit delivery giant HelloFresh removed Thai coconut milk products from its supply chain. In Thailand, infant macaque monkeys are kidnapped from their forest homes and chained, beaten, and forced to pick coconuts. PETA UK “monkeys” dumped humanely picked coconuts outside Whole Foods, demanding that it join retailers – including supermarket chain ASDA – that have banned Thai coconut milk. Be Part of It! Urge Whole Foods to end 365 brand Thai monkey labor at . Go to for brands that don’t use coconut milk from Thailand.

Following PETA India’s appeals, Haryana also banned manja, and Assam and Odisha outlawed gestation and farrowing crates. Be Part of It! Pigs dream, know their own names, and enjoy music. Help them and other animals by trying the vegan recipes at .

Global 3




Get the Feathers Out, H&M

For using cutting-edge computer-generated imagery rather than a real bear in the blockbuster film Cocaine Bear , PETA gave director Elizabeth Banks a “Beary Best” Award. PETA investigations reveal that animals used in movies and TV are deprived of a real life and are routinely whipped, shocked, starved, and abused in other ways to force them to perform. Be Part of It! Spot an animal used for film or television? Go to or call our whistleblower hotline at 323-210-2233. Thanks to Banks for Sparing Bears

PETA supporters flew to H&M’s flagship store in Tokyo to warn shoppers about down from ducks who suffer from gaping and bloody wounds, languish in dirty sheds, and are stabbed in the neck while conscious. PETA Asia’s investigation revealed that’s what birds endure on Vietnamese duck farms and in slaughterhouses that sell “responsible” down – including a producer that confirmed it supplied to H&M.


Elizabeth Banks: © Sbukley/ • Woman with toothbrush: ©



Mike Posner veg ad: © Photo – Ryan Schude | Photo Assistant – Joshua Culler | Art Director – Greg Garry | Special Effects Makeup – Monique Paredes and Eric Yoder

Be Part of It! Ducks are individuals who value their lives and love their families. Please ditch down, and tell H&M to do the same by visiting .


In 2021, PETA submitted public records requests to find out who sits on the Animal Oversight Board Has No First Amendment Right to Anonymity


PETA teamed up with singer-songwriter Mike Posner, who is using his clout – and sprouts – to promote the power of plants. “There’s a lot of different reasons to eat vegan, and they’re all good!” says the environmentally conscious, Grammy-nominated artist, who walked across the US and climbed Mount Everest before releasing the moving “I’m Not Dead Yet.” In addition to reducing their risk of heart disease and diabetes, each vegan saves nearly 200 animals a year. Mike Posner: Let Vegan Grow On You

University of Washington (UW) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) – the group that rubber-stamps experiments at UW’s notorious primate research center. UW IACUC members filed a lawsuit to block disclosure, PETA appealed, and in a historic victory, a circuit court agreed that IACUC members have no right under the US Constitution to keep their identities secret. Be Part of It! Visit to call for the immediate closure of the Washington National Primate Research Center.


More than 52,000 PETA supporters spoke out when we reported that food and beverage companies in Taiwan fed sugar water and bacteria to rats and then killed them and dissected their mouths. Why? To make dental health claims about their products. All those e-mails convinced the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to end the experiments and require only safe and effective human tests. Reason to Smile! Animals Saved From Dental Tests

Playing on the nostalgia of childhood puppet shows, PETA UK’s new sing-along video reveals the horrors of using animals for clothing. Harry Potter actor and comedian Jessie Cave joins Sheepy, Goosey, Cowey, and Snakey, who sing in graphic detail about how their real-life counterparts are treated for clothing. Be Part of It! Tell everyone you know never to buy shoes, belts, bags, sweaters, or anything else made from animals. Clothe yourself in compassion with a message tee or bag from . PETA UK’s Singing Puppets: Animals Aren’t Fabric!

Be Part of It! Power up on animal-free foods. Visit for your free vegan starter kit. And find out about Mike’s

inspiration for going vegan at .




After a push from PETA, Walmart stopped selling dog-breeding immobilizing stands. These “rape racks” restrain distressed female dogs so that they can’t flee or fight back when they’re mounted.

Be Part of It! Visit to urge Taiwanese food and beverage

Be Part of It! Mother dogs are treated as puppy-making machines in the cruel breeding industry. Always adopt animal companions – never buy them. Learn more at .

companies to end all animal tests.

Global 5


Follow the Money Down the Sinkhole FUCEP is part of a consortium that includes the Caucaseco Scientific Research Center (CSRC) and the Malaria Vaccine and Development Center (MVDC), run by husband-and-wife duo Sócrates Herrera Valencia and Myriam Arévalo Ramírez and their family.

Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (CVC) ordered the laboratory to end all experiments on monkeys and raided the decrepit facility. Together with the Colombian Office of the Attorney General, it completed the largest rescue operation in Colombia’s history, seizing 102 owl monkeys and six squirrel monkeys. Soon after, local authorities rescued the last remaining victims, 180 mice. Colombian officials shut down the entire CSRC campus and charged its owners, stating that it was “not safe for humans or animals.” PETA is calling for an investigation into the misuse of funds and the lack of scientific integrity. Surviving Monkeys and Mice Go to Rehab The monkeys, many of whom were disabled or suffering from fractures, amputated fingers, or other injuries, are finally safe. They are recovering at CVC’s wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center and receiving proper medical care. The mice – who had been deprived of water and crammed by the dozens into boxes designed to hold no more than five mice – are also recovering at the recently opened Animal Welfare Center in Cali, Colombia. Be Part of It! Urge Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, who oversees NIH, and NIH officials to stop associating with these shady laboratories immediately at .


Rescuers whisk survivors from the decrepit laboratory.

Rescued owl monkeys: © Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca • Woman rescuing mice: © Alcaldía de Cali

288 Animals Liberated

growing fungus. The laboratory was as shoddy as the “science” it claimed to conduct, made of chain-link fencing topped with construction mesh and plastic sheets that shifted in storms, leaving the animals exposed to the elements. PETA’s investigation, involving thousands of pages of official documents and the testimonies of 11 witnesses, uncovered that FUCEP experimenters deliberately infected monkeys with the malaria parasite and surgically removed their spleens before killing them or leaving them to die from infected wounds. There was no veterinarian on staff. Employees fed the monkeys dog kibble soaked in sugary water and used the same room for both necropsies and medical procedures, with no concern for contamination. One monkey was missing an eye, and 21 monkeys had simply “disappeared” from the laboratory without a trace.

Herrera and Arévalo lied on grant applications and apparently manipulated data to keep the funds flowing from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Yet the agency has never bothered to investigate the records or the facility. Since 2012, FUCEP hasn’t had any permits to experiment on monkeys or to breed them. No NIH Oversight NIH has put no process in place to monitor foreign institutions. It has given this institution $17 million so far without any oversight. Yet FUCEP, CSRC, and MVDC have never produced a malaria vaccine, the whole reason they’ve received US taxpayer funds. Colombian Officials Pounce PETA’s investigation persuaded Colombian authorities and elected leaders to act: The environmental agency

Lab Closed After PETA Exposes Death, Disease, and Despair

Help Us Derail the NIH Gravy Train!

In a ramshackle outdoor pen cobbled together out of backyard fencing and sheets of plastic, a baby owl monkey lay dead. It’s anyone’s guess how long his tiny body rotted in this makeshift Colombian laboratory before authorities, tipped off by PETA, discovered it. Although it’s too late for him, the festering hellhole where he died – known euphemistically as the Primate Center Foundation (FUCEP) – is no more: Following PETA’s damning 18-month investigation, Colombian authorities shut it down and charged the monkey abusers.

It’s Hard to See the Moon From Prison Aotus monkeys, also called owl monkeys or night monkeys, live by the light of the moon, foraging for fruit and leaves in the wee hours while much of the rest of the forest slumbers. They are adept leapers, bounding from branch to branch in the canopy of trees. But PETA exposed that at FUCEP, owl monkeys who had been snatched from their jungle homes or illegally bred into a life of exploitation were held in rusty cages so feces-encrusted that they were

Dr. Magnolia Martínez, lead projects manager of PETA’s Laboratory Investigations Department, digs deep to uncover the consortium experimenters’ dirty deeds.

RESCUED! Owl monkeys are devoted partners and parents – fathers play with, feed, and carry their young on their backs.





Vegan Yum, Everywhere Vegan food is mainstream, and PETA paved the way with provocative protests, celebrity ads, and behind the-scenes work to persuade businesses that they’re missing the boat if they fail to offer vegan options. Today, you can find vegan Butterbeer at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, vegan Reese’s peanut butter cups, vegan versions of Philadelphia cream cheese and The Laughing Cow wedges, and vegan “Easter lamb” from Aldi. Harrods sells vegan pastries, IKEA offers vegan meatballs and mousse, and UK restaurant VGN Boulevard concocted a 3D-printed vegan steak so convincing that some vegan customers won’t eat it! Be Part of It! If you’re waiting for a sign that you should go totally vegan, this is it! Visit to order a free vegan starter kit to use and share.

Then: When a “luxury” car interior meant leather. Now: Hitting the road in leather-free cars from Honda, Mercedes-Benz, and more.


Then: Watching a distressed orca float listlessly at SeaWorld. Now: Swimming with an animatronic dolphin ( sea it to believe it at ).

Anna, safe at last, is enjoying her spacious new surroundings.

Then: “What’s a vegan?!” Now:

April, Anna, Lucy, and Cash

From caviar to Hershey’s bars, oysters to pork rinds – what’s not vegan?

Then: The stench of formaldehyde on dissection day. Now: Saving real frogs with SynFrog.

Then: Trekking to the one health food store for cruelty-free shampoo. Now: Finding cruelty-free faves like Dove everywhere.

Pointing man: © Roman Samborskyi/ • Background: © Burchak

24 Chimpanzees and Counting

Then: Searching high and low for a leather-free belt. Now: Which leather will

They were held captive – some for years – at Union Ridge Wildlife Center in Ohio – a backyard menagerie operating as an Airbnb accommodation. Confined mostly indoors and deprived of fresh air and sunlight, the chimpanzees had no autonomy and a poor quality of life. But PETA pushed for their release, filing complaints with state and federal officials, and all four were rescued and moved to a lush sanctuary! Humans have long treated chimpanzees as subhuman, denying them agency and using them for everything from photo ops at seedy roadside zoos and pictures on corny greeting cards to experiments that are as irrelevant as they are cruel. Challenging this abuse, PETA has helped people see that great apes aren’t amusements, props, or test subjects but keenly intelligent social beings who deserve to live free from exploitation.

Then: Going fishing with Dad. Now: Going “trash-fishing” with Dad.

I choose – grape, cactus, or pineapple?

Happy woman: © • Babybel cheese: © Babybel • Chik’n & Eggo: © MorningStar Farms • KitKat: © Nestlé • Volvo: © Volvo • Chimps: © Save the Chimps

These Are a Few of Our Favorite (Vegan) Things

Turning the Tables on What’s ‘Normal’ PETA Is K ing Charles banned foie gras and chose a vegan anointing oil for his coronation. The supermarket “dairy” aisle offers in tuberculin experiments and impoverished Black men in secret syphilis experiments. PETA is pushing people to see that all experiments on nonconsenting sentient beings should be off limits. people like Alec Baldwin and Alan Cumming , PETA has rescued dozens of bears, lions, tigers, chimpanzees, and other animals from decrepit roadside zoos, and we’ve dismantled the entire big-cat cub-petting

With major funding help from PETA, April, Anna, Lucy, and Cash are now relishing an expansive outdoor space to run, play, and climb; receiving quality veterinary care and nutritious meals; and making new friends. They are the latest among the two dozen chimpanzees whose rescue PETA has facilitated – and they won’t be the last.

plant milks and cheeses, and there is vegan everything, from shrimp to shoes. We have organs-on-chips for medical research and TraumaMan human simulators to replace animals in surgical training. Progress doesn’t just magically happen. For over 40 years, PETA has tackled the speciesist idea that other animals are there for the taking, existing not for their own sake but for human pleasure and profit. We are challenging society to stop the normalization of the unthinkable: caging and killing “others” because we fancy their flesh or want to use them as living test tubes.

industry. Broadway show Life of Pi won our first-ever Pony Award for creating a spectacular, lifelike Bengal tiger puppet, and CGI animals are getting star turns in blockbuster movies like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 . Fashion-Forward Buying a calfskin or snakeskin bag or shoes is as bizarre as buying a purse made of a dog’s skin – and PETA entities are helping people make that connection. After hearing from PETA UK, Helsinki Fashion Week banned leather. Stockholm Fashion Week banned fur and exotic skins. Pillow-Fight nabbed PETA’s Compassionate Business Award for its feather- and down-free bedding. Leading UK sofa maker DFS sells a “PETA-Approved Vegan” collection.

Be Part of It! Your donations make these

We’ve gone from hanging a banner on the Eiffel Tower to protest corporate cruelty to persuading Bayer and Pfizer to ban forced swim tests on animals. PETA scientists developed the revolutionary Research Modernization Deal and have presented it to governments around the world. After PETA’s undercover investigation started the dominoes falling on the hideous Envigo beagle-breeding factory, Prince Harry and Meghan adopted one of the 4,000 rescued beagles instead of buying a pricey “purebred.” Artistry Over Abuse PETA entities are also hammering away at the archaic use of animals as props and playthings. With help from

rescues possible. Please go to to help PETA continue this vital work. Visit

Turn the page to find out about the vegan fashion revolution! to speak up for primates living in misery at the (misnamed) Suncoast Primate Sanctuary. And please, never visit roadside zoos.

It was a joyous scene when the foursome was reunited after arriving at Florida’s Save the Chimps sanctuary, with hugs and hoots all around.

Stopping Unethical Experiments As shocking as it seems now, orphans were once used

Global 9


profitable, they are sent off to slaughter. OF VEGAN FASHION The Bright, Beautiful Future T he first time I really understood how the juxtaposition of materials, textures, colors, and styles could capture someone’s attention, I knew department store chain Hudson’s Bay – a former fur trader! – confirmed that its entire portfolio of brands, including Saks Fifth Avenue, is fur-free. By Sascha Camilli , PETA UK senior PR coordinator and author of Vegan Style

Sascha Camilli

All these fabulous options have the leather industry desperately trying to discredit vegan leather. So we remind people that real animal skin is treated with cancer-causing mordants to stop its decomposition. And we have biodegradable vegan leather, such as Mirum from Natural Fiber Welding, as well as plant-based fur, such as KOBA from ECOPEL. We can always improve on the way we produce new materials – but it will never be acceptable to slaughter animals for clothing. Cruelty Isn’t Chic From fur to feathers to fleece and more, PETA has repeatedly exposed rampant cruelty in the clothing industry. On the world’s largest privately owned alpaca farm in Peru, PETA documented workers slamming pregnant alpacas onto tables, tying them to restraining racks, and pulling hard, nearly wrenching their legs out of their sockets – all while the terrified animals cried out and vomited in fear.

More than a billion cows, goats, sheep, and other animals are killed worldwide for leather every year – many without even being stunned first. Slaughter Isn’t Sustainable Just like meat, animal-derived clothing is destroying the planet. The Pulse of the Fashion Industry report found that leather was the most polluting material , the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s

then that I wanted to work in fashion. I became a freelance journalist and a fashion editor for one of the world’s biggest online retailers. I was surrounded by exotic leather, wool, feathers – even fur. Then I went vegan. Vegan en Vogue In 1980, when PETA was founded, many fashion insiders naïvely believed that fur was so desirable that it would never fall out of favor. Today, it’s almost impossible to find a big name in fashion that still uses it. Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Michael Kors, and many others are fur-free. And the very few holdouts in retail are falling fast. Less than 24 hours after PETA France launched a campaign targeting the children’s fashion brand Tartine et Chocolat, it dropped fur. Following a push from PETA, Canadian-based

It's not just fur. Chanel, Mulberry, Victoria Beckham, Paul Smith, Burberry, and many others have banned exotic skins. And more than 400 brands have ditched angora! One fashion executive said, “Look at what PETA did to angora. They virtually wiped it out.” Danish fashion brand Stine Goya confirmed to PETA UK that it is free of angora, fur, and exotic skins. Textiles and Tech Lab-grown leather, fur, and wool are revolutionizing the fashion industry. We already have plant leather made out of apples, grapes, pineapples, cactus, cork, corn, bamboo, mangoes, mushrooms, and much more. Tamarind leather even mimics the patterns of exotic skins. Tory Burch recently used Modern Meadow’s BioFabbrica Bio-Tex material for a vegan version of the iconic Ella tote, Stella McCartney and Hermès are working with mushroom leather, and Hugo Boss and Chanel have created designs made out of pineapple leather. H&M has featured grape leather as well as silk made out of orange peels in its Conscious Exclusive collection, which carries the “PETA Approved Vegan” logo. There are even fabric ostrich feathers. (The investigation into the production of the real ones is stomach-churning.) Vegan materials are going mainstream.

Model in bird-print dress: © niLuu • Handbag: © Peaux Neuves • Sneakers: © Onitsuka Tiger • Model in blue shoes: © Ethik • Model in moto jacket: © NOIZE

niLuu’s bird-print silk dress is “PETA-Approved Vegan” and fit for a queen.

Higg Index showed that silk had the worst overall environmental impact , and research group CE Delft found that a mink fur coat would always have several times the environmentally damaging impact of its faux-fur equivalent .


Be Part of It! Let’s respect animals as individuals, not exploit

PETA entities have gone into more than 100 wool industry operations worldwide and revealed that workers routinely punch, kick, and stomp on sheep as a matter of course. When the sheep are no longer

them for parkas and purses. Find fabulous animal-free fashions plus home furnishings and more at .

Peaux Neuves is raisin the bar on chic, cruelty-free handbags with grapeskin leather.

PETA Business Friend NOIZE gives an enlightened take on a classic moto jacket silhouette.

Animals won’t be singing the blues when you rock these vegan suede oxfords from India–based Ethik.

Following the stir caused by Schiaparelli’s three-dimensional animal-head designs, PETA supporters around the world strutted their own vegan versions.

Onitsuka Tiger’s classic MEXICO 66 sneakers kick skins to the curb, with cactus leather from DESSERTO.

Global 11



VEGAN! Vibrantly

Support Animals

METHOD • Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F. Line a sheet pan with baking parchment. • Scrub the potatoes and poke each with a knife. Place them on the sheet pan. • Wrap the onion chunks and peeled whole garlic cloves together in foil and place on the sheet pan. Bake for an hour, or until the potatoes are soft. • Carefully unwrap the onion and garlic and (along with the released juices) blend in a food processor until smooth. • Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, cut them in half lengthwise, scoop out the insides, and place in a large bowl. Place the empty potato skins in a baking dish. • With a fork or potato masher, mash the potatoes until smooth. • Stir in the onion and garlic mixture along with the nutritional yeast, cayenne, and black


Model: ©

I at

In 1984, when the research of her husband, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, pointed to the link between meat and dairy consumption and cancer and heart disease, Ann Esselstyn started creating whole-food vegan meals for her family without help from the internet or cookbooks. Now their thriving vegan family says that health and vitality are the greatest gifts they’ve received. Ann (86) and her daughter Jane (56) are still at it, helping others discover the disease-fighting and immune-boosting power of plants with their cookbooks and YouTube channel (when they aren’t running, weightlifting, or doing yoga). Enjoy these recipes adapted from Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior , and discover how vibrant vegan food can help you feel your best at any age.

Get a kick out of your neckwear. I

It’s the book that launched PETA, updated for today.

pepper. Add the nondairy milk as needed. Stir in the steamed kale and spring onions. • Fill each potato skin with the potato mixture, sprinkle with


Indulge in a non-guilty pleasure. Recipes: © Reprinted with permission from Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior : Live Fierce, Stay Bold, Eat Delicious by Jane Esselstyn and Ann Crile Esselstyn. Published by Avery, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC | Photos – Karin McKenna I

Colorful, comfy, and oh-so-right.

Twice-Baked Potatoes Makes 4 to 6 servings

1 /2 tsp. hot sauce 225 g. pad Thai–style brown rice noodles 1 onion, sliced into half moons 3 cloves garlic, minced 225 g. extra-firm tofu, cubed 15 g. julienned carrots 1 /2 red bell pepper, julienned 25 g. thinly sliced purple cabbage 3 spring onions, chopped 100 g. mung bean sprouts 30 g. roughly chopped coriander 1 avocado, cubed 50 g. coarsely chopped dry-roasted peanuts (no oil or salt added) 1 lime, cut into wedges

YOU’LL NEED 1 large Japanese sweet potato 6 medium Yukon Gold potatoes 1 large sweet onion, cut into 8 chunks 6 large cloves garlic 6 Tbsp. nutritional yeast Pinch cayenne pepper 1 /2 tsp. ground black pepper 250 ml. unsweetened almond or other nondairy milk 300–400 g. kale, stems removed, leaves chopped and steamed 3 chopped spring onions Sweet or smoked paprika, for garnish

Give small animals a leg up with PETA’s Frog Saver Lilypad.

the paprika, and bake for 30 minutes.

One(sie) can make a difference.


Peach Melba Makes 8 servings

Here's the best gift pack for a cat person.

YOU’LL NEED 280 g. frozen raspberries, slightly thawed 1 Tbsp. raspberry balsamic vinegar (optional) 340 g. lite firm silken tofu 115 ml. maple syrup 3 Tbsp. lime juice Zest of 1 lime 4 fresh peaches, each sliced into 8 sections

METHOD • In a small bowl, whisk together the tamari, rice vinegar, maple syrup, tamarind purée or ketchup, and hot sauce. Set aside. • Cook the noodles according to the package directions. Drain. • In a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat, cook the onion until translucent, about 3 minutes. If the pan gets dry, add 1 tablespoonful of water. Add the garlic and continue stirring for another minute or two before adding the tofu, carrots, red pepper, purple cabbage, and spring onions. If the pan gets too dry, add 1 tablespoonful of water at a time, as needed. • When the vegetables are tender-crisp, add the noodles to the pan along with the pad Thai sauce. Toss gently. • Serve topped with the mung bean sprouts, coriander, avocado, chopped peanuts, and lime wedges.

I Raise a glass to kind choices.

Pad Thai Makes 3 to 4 servings

METHOD • Blend the raspberries and vinegar (if using) in a food processor until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. • Clean the food processor and then blend the tofu, maple syrup, lime juice, and zest until very smooth. Refrigerate the mousse for at least 10 minutes. • To assemble, place 4 peach slices in each bowl. Cover with 2 to 3 tablespoonfuls of lime mousse and top with a tablespoonful of raspberry sauce.


YOU’LL NEED 3 Tbsp. low-sodium tamari

You can bring one of these legends home.

2 Tbsp. rice vinegar 2 Tbsp. maple syrup

This hare shows that you care.

1 Tbsp. tamarind purée or ketchup (with no high-fructose corn syrup)

Global 13


Harald and Andrea with their beloved dogs, Momo and Fionek

Fox: © • Cow: © • Dog: ©

From Germany

“I Want You to Change”: PETA Germany ran ads with this message in cities across the country, from Berlin to Wiesbaden. I

the PETA information table during the German leg of Paul McCartney’s world tour, he met Andrea, who was with a German organization that raised awareness of horrific experiments on animals. The two fell in love. Not long afterward, Harald moved back to Germany to set up PETA Deutschland, and now he had Andrea by his side. In the beginning, they did everything themselves, from stuffing envelopes to stripping down for “Fur Is Dead” demos.

fishing is cruel, it makes perfect sense,” Harald points out. “In another town, after butcher apprentices pass their exams, they traditionally jump into the public fountain. So we secretly poured in some red dye beforehand, and when the butchers emerged from the water, their white clothes had turned bloody red. After killing so many animals, it suited them!” When Harald and Andrea sent out an alert to PETA Germany’s supporters asking for help shutting

Harald’s work started a revolution in Germany’s auto industry, too, with more and more manufacturers offering fully vegan interiors. Today, even the German Airbus helicopter seat is available in high performance, cruelty-free Ultraleather. In poverty-stricken areas in Romania, PETA Germany’s rescue team provides homeless dogs and cats with shelter and veterinary care. And when war broke out in Ukraine, the team rushed in to save thousands of animals, like a dog called Atya, whose shoulder had been blown to bits but who is now healing both physically and emotionally. Wherever the long and winding road takes them next, each step that Andrea and Harald take is bringing Germany – and the world – closer to animal liberation.

With Love

Harald Ullmann and Andrea Müller’s long and winding road to making PETA Germany a success required determination, heart, and a little help from Sir Paul McCartney

With nonstop hard work and dedication, Harald and Andrea built the fledgling foundation into the biggest and most effective animal rights organization in Germany. Seeing Red For Harald and Andrea, animal rights is a way of life. “We received a lot of media attention when we tried to persuade the mayor of Fischen (fishing) to change the town’s name to Wandern (hiking). Hiking is so popular in that region, and since

down a university’s experiments on pigs, it took only two hours and 2,000 e-mails before the school’s officials agreed to stop.

Since establishing PETA Germany in 1994, Harald and Andrea and the teams they have assembled have helped eliminate fur farms throughout the country. They’ve made animal testing for cosmetics a thing of the past and are getting live animals out of German movies. Once known for schnitzel and wurst, virtually all restaurants now offer vegan options. A Kindhearted Girl Meets a Determined Refugee Andrea grew up in a suburb of Stuttgart, where she passed a farm on her way to school. “Sweet rabbits I had petted just a few days earlier were lying dead on a table, skinned, their fur hanging from a wire.” But her “Aha” moment came later, when she was living near a slaughterhouse and the screams of pigs and cows could be heard through her bedroom window. When she called to complain, a worker said, “If you want your schnitzel tomorrow, this is what happens today.” At that moment, Andrea became an animal defender.

gave away his toys to less fortunate village children. Growing up amid violence and poverty sensitized him to social injustice and led him to commit to a life of nonviolence. When he traveled to the US for graduate school, a fellow student introduced him to animal rights. “It had never occurred to me that animals also deserve a life free of violence. The more I read about the horrors of animal exploitation, the more I understood that animals must be included in my nonviolent lifestyle.” Love Me Do After graduate school, Harald moved back to Germany. One day in 1986, he saw an ad stating that PETA US was hiring. He applied and soon after received a postcard from Ingrid Newkirk inviting him back to America to see if he and PETA would make a good match. So he crossed the ocean and volunteered with PETA for a couple of weeks. How lucky we are that those two weeks turned into 37 successful years!

S ecurity was tight. Lines were long. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s wife was inside the crowded store, promoting her meat-heavy cookbook. But somehow a 6-foot-tall orange “carrot” managed to slip in to deliver a message: “Go vegan!” It was just another day in the life of PETA Germany Senior Vice President Harald Ullmann and his wife, PETA Germany’s invaluable consultant Andrea Müller. Before this animal rights power couple shook things up, German animal welfare organizations tended to be unexciting and inconspicuous. “PETA was different,” explains Harald. “Colorful, flashy, provocative, humorous – the challenge was to introduce PETA US’ style into our culture.”

Harald was born in a World War II refugee camp in Austria. Though his family didn’t have much, Harald

Next, Harald found his other match. While working

Global 15


PETA’s Global Compassion Fund Members Help Save Animals Trapped in Disaster Zones Come Hell or High Water

only people with any excuse to wear them.

After receiving vital medical care, the animals rescued by PETA entities and their local allies were transferred to a partner sanctuary, shelters, and foster or adoptive homes. Some, like Behlul, have even


After food and a moment to calm down, Leona was OK.

The Global Compassion Fund rented a crane to rescue Leona, a cat whose cries were so desperate they were heard from the fourth floor. I

been reunited with their grateful guardians.



Following the devastating earthquakes and aftershocks that rocked Turkey and Syria and killed tens of thousands of humans, rescuers from PETA, PETA Germany, and PETA UK rushed to some of the hardest-hit cities, racing to save survivors. With support from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund (GCF) and the help of local animal protection organizations, they dug through rubble, scoured leveled neighborhoods, and dashed into buildings on the brink of collapse to pull animals to safety.

He Stopped Our Van and Led the Rescuers to His Paralyzed Friend This is Brus, a dog who jumped in front of the rescuers’ truck, stopped them, and led them to a bomb damaged house where his friend Tessa lay, unable to stand. GCF-supported Animal Rescue Kharkiv workers whisked them both to the vet. When the friends have recovered, they’ll be put up for adoption – together forever.


As the War Goes On, So Does PETA Germany All isn’t fair in war, particularly for the animals caught in the crossfire. Since the first week of the war in Ukraine, a crew from PETA Germany and its partners have been dodging rocket attacks and land mines to save injured and abandoned animals. Reunited! The team found Behlul starving and terrified in Hatay after his guardian was pulled from the rubble and hospitalized. Thanks to a microchip, Behlul was back in Elif’s arms that same day.


Bombs, Shelling, Schrapnel The rescuers know the risks. In Bakhmut, their van was pummeled. In Dnipro, they had barely crossed a bridge when it was bombed. But for the dogs, cats, donkeys, horses, chickens, and other animals still inside the country, these brave souls are a lifeline. They work through complicated regulations to ferry animals to partner shelters in other countries. And PETA Germany navigates challenging customs requirements to bring in supplies and food each month – more than 2,866,000 pounds (1,300,000 kilograms) so far. The rescuers intend to help for as long as they’re needed. Hurricanes, Floods, and More Supporters of the GCF have helped aid animals in Texas following Hurricane Harvey, in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, in the Philippines following the Taal Volcano eruption, in Beirut after a chemical explosion, and in many other locations following disasters. We hope you’ll be an important part of this work.

A PETA fieldworker named Alex found a terrified black cat huddling in a building that was tilting like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The two quickly bonded, and when Alex returned home to Virginia, Pisa went with him.

Amid Crumbling Buildings, Steadfast Resolve Rescuers saved Talia, an orange tabby cat who was dragging her broken hip down a street, and Hope, a dog whose gray fur blended in with the debris she was buried in for days, suffering with a broken leg. Rescuers also I

One of the most unusual calls came from a desperate fish breeder who was fleeing Bakhmut. The rescuers didn’t hesitate: All 1,000 fish are now safe. And after discussions with PETA Germany, the man had a change of heart, stopped breeding fish, and now works with GCF-supported Animal Rescue Kharkiv!

whisked 40 birds

out of a pet store in the basement of a teetering structure in

Kahramanmaraş in which all the other animals had been crushed.

Be Part of It! Visit or scan the code to support PETA’s vital Global Compassion Fund.

Freed! This bird was one of 40 saved from a crumbling pet store.

Meanwhile, PETA rushed assistance to partner organizations in other cities, also thanks to GCF donations. Those vital funds provided clean water, medical

Boni is on the mend after being attacked by a large dog in Ukraine. BONI


Thank You! PETA is grateful for Mimi Bekhechi, Alex Cutshall, Judith Pein, and Teo Zglimbea, the rescuers featured here, and everyone else who has rushed in to help animals in areas devastated by disasters.

Rescued! A homeless cat named Robin was so famished that she leapt toward the food that PETA’s rescue team offered to her.

supplies, leashes, carriers, blankets, and tons of food. We also sent hundreds of donated fur coats to the human victims left unhoused in the bitter cold – the

Global 17



This Baywatch Star Is a Real Lifesaver Actor Alexandra Paul entered a Hormel slaughterhouse to document ghastly conditions and rescued a pig in desperate need of medical care. “What’s important is helping these animals,” says Paul, who was arrested, went to trial, and was exonerated for her kind deed.

Emily joined the PETA Pack, running to raise money for PETA’s Global Compassion Fund. Whether it’s a marathon, a swim, a bike ride, or a walk around the block, visit to make it count. Join the Humane Race

Jean Editing

Members of PETA’s Students Opposing Speciesism set up a table at their high school to collect leather patches from Levi’s jeans – which they mailed to Levi’s with a letter asking the company to make all its patches vegan. Send your leather patches to PETA to use in educational ways! (Attn.: Leather Donations, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510)

Hippo: © • Chicken: © Dusan Kostic/

Rich and Patty booked their dream African safari – only to learn that the meals “couldn’t be” vegan. They canceled their trip and told the tour company, “We can’t rationalize spending the day working to protect elephants and rhinos and then spending the evening watching everyone eat pigs and cows.” Their action inspired PETA’s much-publicized list of animal-friendly African safaris at . Pointing Out Hippo crisy

PETA member Keli strategically places PETA literature on library shelves and inside books and magazines. E-mail for free leaflets to leave at the gym, in waiting rooms, and everywhere else you go. Connect with other activists by joining PETA’s private Facebook group at . By the Books

When Caroline ’s kids’ school announced a chick-hatching project, she crafted a respectful letter to the teachers, pointing out that chickens are intelligent, social beings who fare badly in classrooms. James spoke out against a petting zoo scheduled to visit his children’s school. Earn an A+ in Advocacy

You’re never too young or too old to correct misinformation. When an Oregon National Primate Research Center representative lied to sixth grader Zuma ’s class, describing the conditions for monkeys as good when they’re actually horrific, Zuma shared facts with her classmates and alerted PETA. The school then invited PETA scientist Dr. Katherine Roe to tell kids the truth. Visit for free humane education materials. Hear Something? Say Something

Ivy brought vegan cheese to her local pizzeria and asked it to make a vegan pizza, saying, “Vegan cheese is slice as nice!” She posted a photo on social media, and the restaurant reposted it. The picture received 80,000 views! Restaurant Re-Education

Alexandra pig rescue: © Direct Action Everywhere • Pizza: © Lelsoleil/ • Doorknocker: © • Zuma: © Zuma • Vegan carne asada ad: © Cow: Colombo • Little library: © Michaels

Easy and Inspiring Ways to Create Change When YOU Go All In, Animals WIN!

Sponsor a Can’t-Miss Message

Wear Your Heart on Your … Socks!

Leave a Message That Sticks When Alka goes on her morning walk, she tacks up PETA vegan starter kit QR code stickers on bulletin boards – and has seen them on little libraries and bathroom stalls.

Marc cycles in visibly animal friendly socks. Get your animal rights gear at .

When Taco Bell rolled out vegan carne asada in Ohio, Leonard sponsored a PETA billboard to persuade people to order it. (Ask Taco Bell to bring it back.) Go to to

sponsor an ad for your favorite PETA campaign.

US readers, get creative with the sticker sheet in this issue.

Let’s do it : In big ways, small ways, and all ways, we’re showing it’s easy to seize every opportunity to speak up for animals, stop cruelty, and encourage others to make compassionate choices – adding up to big wins for animals. Let these stories inspire you, and please send your own ideas and tales of success to .

Opportunities Knock When people knock on her door, selling something or advocating for a cause, Tricia advocates back , saying, “I’ll accept your booklet if you’ll accept mine.” And it works! “Everyone leaves with PETA literature,” she tells us. Visit for free leaflets.




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