PETA AU Global Issue 3
PETA AU Global 2021 Issue 2 is interactive, designed with clickable links, pop-up images, and videos to enhance your viewing experience. Happy reading.
10 PAGE The taste of the sea without the suffering Kelp Yourself
25 ways to get active today Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptil s 4 PAGE Alan Cumming Starbucks, stop milking vegans
That’s Bananas! Vegan leather with real appeal 20 PAGE
FromTabbies and Tigers to Trout, PETATackles Speciesism
Cat fishing isn't only online. In 2019, a disturbing case rocked a small Pennsylvania town. A man had baited hooks with food and dangled them off his porch, snagging unsuspecting stray cats. One cat was rushed into surgery to remove hooks embedded in his mouth, tongue, and throat. The man was arrested, charged with cruelty to animals, and sentenced to jailtime. But, wait a minute. Isn’t there a double standard here? Every day, people bait hooks and snag other living beings through the mouth. They brag about it to their friends and urge others to join in. Sometimes, they even display their victims on their walls. And they eat them, too! The difference is that the animals being caught in the water have fins, not fur. But they also endure terrible pain and a miserable death. Shouldn’t we object? Why is one considered acceptable and the other not? The answer is speciesism , the belief that one species is worth respecting – even loving – and another isn’t. People who have come to know fish think differently. Dr. Sylvia Earle, one of the world’s leading marine biologists, said, “I wouldn’t deliberately eat a grouper any more than I’d eat a cocker spaniel.” Felines and fish actually have a lot in common. For example, fish enjoy physical contact and gently rub against one another –
just the way cats rub against our legs.
Anyone whose feline family members wait near their bowl at mealtime knows that cats can tell time – and so can fish: At the University of Plymouth in the UK, fish learned to collect food by pressing a lever at specific times – no clock needed! Fish have a wonderful sense of fun, just like kittens: Cichlids have been seen playing with a bottom weighted thermometer, intentionally knocking it over just so they could watch it bounce back up again. And fish have a longer sustained attention span than we do! One study found that they can concentrate for nine
Goldfish: © Isselee/ • Cat: © Wirestock/ • Model: © Courtesy of Stella McCartney • Vegan scallops: © Lauren Hartmann/ • Alan Cumming: ©
seconds – compared to only eight for humans – and remember an escape route seven years after they found it.
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All animals deserve to be treated with compassion. Read on to learn how PETA defends the finned, the feathered, and the furry.
A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President
When 17 million minks were killed after a mutation of the novel coronavirus infected workers at a Danish fur farm, PETA UK blitzed Copenhagen with ads calling for a ban on the cruel, filthy facilities. For Paris Fashion Week, PETA France “coronaviruses” urged organizers to ban fur from the catwalk. After enduring more than a decade of campaigning by PETA and grassroots activists, Saks Fifth Avenue is shuttering its notorious “fur salons.” Feeling the heat from hundreds of thousands of PETA members and supporters, US-based Alice + Olivia and Pendleton Woolen Mills said no to fur, too. All major UK brands are now fur-free following PETA target Alexander McQueen’s decision to shed fur. PETA France to Paris Fashion Week: Fur Makes Us Sick!
Win! PETA UK Closes Rabbit Farm Before It Can Even Open
Mena Suvari ad: © Photo – Diana Koenigsberg | Art Director – Greg Garry • Guinea pigs: © Charles Long/ • Rabbit: © kudanya/
A rabbit farm? PETA UK wasn’t going to allow that! So when an application was filed to open an enormous facility in Cornwall where 10,000 rabbits annually would get slaughtered for their flesh and fur, they got busy – and so did their supporters. After receiving a letter from PETA UK
After years of determined pressure from PETA and its supporters worldwide, Canada Goose is ditching fur, sparing coyotes a violent death in a steel trap. The global campaign included eye-catching protests, shareholder activism, hundreds of thousands of e-mails and social media messages, celebrity support, and ad campaigns. Next: getting Canada Goose to ditch down. Take Action Now Please thank Canada Goose for banning fur and ask that it ban down, too, at . Win! Canada Goose Drops Fur – Are Feathers Next?
signed by more than 33,000 people, the Cornwall Council showed T&S Nurseries the door.
T his is no fish story. Well, it is, but it’s also the truth: I’ve been a slow learner. For years, I wore fur and enjoyed hideous dishes such as liver and wild boar. It took witnessing various forms of cruelty firsthand (a pig left to die, a lobster boiled alive, a fox in a trap), words from a knowledgeable friend, and a book (Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation ) to change my awful habits.
Take Action Now Change the world for animals! Visit
Take Action Now During Kering’s annual meeting, Gillian Anderson called on the fashion house, which owns Saint Laurent and Brioni, to ban fur. Join her at . to sign petitions and sign up for action alerts.
Animal Liberation is available at .
Mena Celebrates Green Cuisine
Saved! Penny and Peanut
I say that I wasn’t knowingly cruel because, while the idea of animal rights hadn’t yet dawned on me, I did try to mitigate animals’ suffering.
Saved! Donkey Delivered From Deathtrap I
In Florida, I saw people fishing and tossing their catch into a dry bucket, where the fish gasped and flailed – or stringing them through the gills. I would politely ask them to cut the fish’s spines because I’d read that doing so rendered them insensate. I meant well, but it wasn’t true. I still fished and ate fish. It never occurred to me that I could simply have stopped doing those things. When I was about 7, my family lived for some months in a fancy London hotel called Claridge’s. At lunchtime, I always ordered the same thing – “Dover sole” with lemon – and I’d eat it while the jazz band played. Years later, I visited my parents in Ireland, where their house sat on a cliff above the North Sea and freshly caught fish were delivered to their kitchen every day. My mother was aghast that I had just become a vegetarian and persuaded me to “have just a little bit of fish.” Without support, I fell off the (vegetarian) wagon for a year. Transitions require willpower – and information. I am forever grateful for the words in Singer’s book, the pictures of factory farming that my friend Linda Tyrrell showed me, and what I learned as a humane officer, all of which helped me understand what was at stake and stay the course. I encourage you to be the catalyst for change by supporting some other slow learner, because animals depend on us to get other humans to respect them and leave them alone, too.
Known for her characters in iconic films like American Beauty and American Pie , actor and PETA pal Mena Suvari marked her first pregnancy by encouraging other moms-to be to go vegan, too. “I wanted to raise my son to be a kind, loving, and empathetic person,” said Mena,
PETA Gets Test Tubes In, Guinea Pigs Out
The opening was not much larger than a utility-access hole, but a donkey in Solapur, India, still managed to fall 8 feet (2.4 meters) down into an old, dry septic tank. Thankfully, a villager noticed and called Animal Rahat, a PETA-supported veterinary and emergency rescue charity in India.
PETA India persuaded the Bureau of Indian Standards to replace a cruel test in which gentle guinea pigs were treated like, well, guinea pigs : They were injected with feed samples to determine if deadly pathogens were present, which would cause them to bleed to death. The new test is guinea pig–friendly and precise according to the standard approved by the Food and Agriculture Division Council.
Within minutes, a team had rushed to the scene, fashioned a makeshift harness, and hoisted the donkey gently to safety. After giving her food and water and treating her injuries, they sealed the opening to the tank to prevent other animals from falling in.
a vegan since 2017, “and that can start with how we eat as a family.”
Take Action Now Expecting? Congrats! has tips for a healthy vegan pregnancy and raising vegan kids.
Take Action Now Help more donkeys in need at .
Take Action Now Saving animals from experiments is a finger swipe away. Go to to sign up for PETA’s mobile alerts.
Global 3
Star Photographer Makes Viewers’ Skin Crawl USA
SAVED! Monkeys Rescued From Abusive Coconut Industry
Betta fish: © Akesin • Blank card: © • Chariot: © Desmania/ • Elephants: ©
Alan Cumming: © • Mike Ruiz ad: © Photo – Cinava Photography • Mouse: © Vadimrysev/
Celebrity photographer Mike Ruiz – who’s been behind the camera for many a PETA celebrity ad – was photographed
Alan Cumming to Starbucks: Drop the Vegan Surcharge
Fin Win! Hotel Grants Fish’s Wishes
After years of being abusively trained to pick coconuts, Odd (above) had become too aggressive to be handled and was relegated to a chain. But Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand and PETA Asia rescued the 12-year-old monkey and transferred him to a PETA-supported sanctuary where he can spend time with other monkeys. He’s one of 12 monkeys liberated from the cruel industry so far. Learning from PETA about Odd and others like him persuaded Kroger (the largest supermarket chain in the US), Albertsons, Raley’s, SuperValu, and Nam Dae Mun Farmers Market to stop carrying Chaokoh coconut milk – joining more than 33,000 stores worldwide that have banned monkey-exploiting brands. Take Action Now Visit to urge Publix to drop Chaokoh. Find cruelty-free coconut brands at .
himself for a 70-foot-tall
Appealing to Starbucks to “wake up and smell the coffee,” PETA Honorary Director Alan Cumming has urged the company to drop the vegan milk surcharge. The star of Schmigadoon! pointed out that Starbucks has already admitted that cow’s milk is its biggest source of CO 2 emissions, so it needs to stop penalizing consumers for choosing humane, eco-friendly vegan milks. So what’s the hold-up?
billboard outside New York City’s
Welcome to the Pearl Hotel California. … You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave happier – now that PETA has persuaded the San Diego landmark to stop using live betta fish as room “decorations.” The Pearl joins the GrandLife and Kimpton hotel chains in sparing sensitive bettas stress, illness, and a premature death. Take Action Now Never buy bettas or any other fish – and visit to urge Petco to stop selling them.
bustling Penn Station that’s getting under commuters’ skin – and for good reason.
Take Action Now Urge Starbucks to drop the upcharge at . Staying at home? Go to to find your next favorite
Take Action Now Save animals’ skin – always choose vegan leather (see page 20 to learn more).
store-bought vegan creamer.
The (Victoria’s) Secret is out – of the alpaca business, that is. The company dropped products made with alpaca fleece after PETA shared footage from its exposé in which alpacas were thrown to the floor, vomited in fear as they were violently shorn, and endured workers crudely stitching up their deep wounds without anesthetics. Victoria’s Secret joins UNIQLO, Overstock, Marks & Spencer, and other brands in being “angels” to alpacas. Success! PETA Persuades Victoria’s Secret to Ban Alpaca Fleece
Clownish, demeaning images of our primate cousins may increase the likelihood of their being captured and sold on the black market, and PETA’s found many housed in grossly inhumane conditions. After hearing Chains Pull Great Ape Greeting Cards
Victory! PETA Push Ends Cruel Tests Thanks to the hard work of PETA’s Laboratory Investigations Department – and the 73,000-plus supporters who e-mailed the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) – scores of animals will no longer endure cruel drowning and electroshock tests to establish anti-fatigue health marketing claims for food and beverages. The TFDA stipulated that companies must now base their statements on good science: safe and effective human studies.
PETA India Says, ‘Replace Elephant RidesWith Vintage Cars’
from PETA, Rite Aid, with 2,450 drugstores in the US – and Boots, with more than 2,300 stores in the UK – stopped selling greeting cards featuring chimpanzees and other great apes.
Years of campaigning by PETA India against cruel elephant rides at Amber Fort have finally paid off. A government committee has now recommended replacing the elephants with electric vehicles. PETA India immediately got to work with a top design company to create the “Maharaja,” an elegant electric car that looks like a royal chariot. The proposed design would allow tourists to ride in style while sparing elephants.
Take Action Now Please visit to urge the TFDA to eliminate cruel arthritis tests on animals from another
Take Action Now If you see these cards, ask the store manager to remove them from the shelves, and visit to urge American Greetings
Take Action Now Visit for tips on being kind to animals when you’re going places.
Take Action Now Sleep better: Always wear vegan! Visit to urge Anthropologie to drop alpaca fleece and other animal-derived fibers, too.
draft regulation on health claims.
to stop selling them.
Global 5
Saved! Mo and Curly are two of the 75 big cats PETA has rescued.
Revoked and Seized After PETA had urged the USDA to investigate GW for years, Lowe’s exhibitor’s license was finally revoked. He and his wife and two of their businesses are now being sued by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) under the AWA and ESA. Based in part on evidence obtained by PETA’s lawyers, including admissions regarding ongoing big-cat breeding (in violation of a court order) and testimony from Jeff Lowe that he housed big-cat cubs and juveniles in his home and let employees take big-cat cubs home with them, and evidence regarding the condition of the lions PETA rescued from him, DOJ officials seized 69 protected big cats from a new roadside zoo owned by the Lowes, Tiger King Park. The feds cited “ongoing Endangered Species Act (ESA) violations” as the reason for the seizure. GW has now closed, and nearly every animal abuser featured in Tiger King is in custody, out of business, or facing lawsuits or charges. The cub-petting industry’s days are numbered.
abuser Tim Stark – who gleefully admitted to beating a leopard to death with a baseball bat – and sued him under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). In a watershed victory, the court ruled that prematurely separating big-cat cubs from their mothers and using them in public encounters violates the ESA – a precedent that will help PETA take down the cub-petting industry – and ordered the transfer to accredited sanctuaries of all 22 tigers, lions, and hybrids at Wildlife in Need, Stark’s now-closed Indiana roadside zoo. PETA led the rescue, and, in a separate case, Stark was permanently banned from acquiring, exhibiting, or owning any exotic or native animals again. A few days later, PETA confiscated three juvenile lions from GW, run by Joe and Stark’s ex-business partner Jeff Lowe, a habitual animal exploiter. Stark had sent the lions there as cubs in violation of multiple court orders. PETA paid to have them transported to an accredited sanctuary. All three were thin, with flystrike sores on their ears. Nala, the smallest, was suffering from multiple broken bones and severe malnutrition. Today, they’re all thriving.
Joe Moldonado-Passage mug shot: © Santa Rosa County Jail • Mug shot background: © Productions
Tiger cubs weren’t the only infants traumatized by Tim Stark.
he fled GW. All of them are now living happily ever after at reputable sanctuaries. Take Action Now Help animals by never paying to pet them or pose with them – and never visiting roadside
PETA to the Rescue Not only was PETA instrumental in sending Joe Exotic
up the river – testifying at his trial and presenting the evidence that triggered the investigation into his violations of federal wildlife laws – it also helped rescue 39 tigers and several other animals before
zoos. Help friends and family plan animal-friendly vacations by visiting for humane travel tips. And go to to fill out action alerts to help big cats and other animals suffering at tourist traps.
PETA v. the ‘Tiger King’ &We Win!
Bullied as a cub at Dade City’s Wild Things, Luna is now free to be herself at her sanctuary home.
I t’s been a year since Netflix aired that titillating version of Joe Exotic’s sordid story. With rumors afloat of a second season in the works, here’s a reminder of what wasn’t shown and PETA’s role in taking down the “Tiger King.” Joe Exotic is where he belongs: in prison, after being sentenced to 22 years for trying to have a big-cat activist murdered and for many crimes against wildlife, including shooting five tigers in the head to make room for others he took money to board at his now-defunct Oklahoma roadside zoo.
Joe also churned out big-cat cubs, telling PETA that he sold them to people he knew would bash them in the head with a hammer when they grew too big for photo ops. Many newborns were only hours old when taken away from their mothers and dragged around the US so that people could pay to pet and pose with them. Citing Joe’s more than 200 violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), PETA pushed the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) not to renew his license and brought the same tenacity in targeting other lowlifes in Joe’s orbit.
acted on alarming information about his Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Memorial Park (GW) and sent an undercover investigator to document the real story at the decrepit hellhole that he billed as “an upscale zoo for rescued animals.” Shocking, Rampant Abuse PETA’s investigator found dead, dying, and injured animals; grossly crowded conditions; a lack of basic necessities; and untrained workers who broke up fights by beating animals with rakes and shovels or blasting them with fire extinguishers.
PETA Takes Out the Trash PETA filed complaint after complaint against serial
PETA was onto Joe Exotic (real name: Joseph Maldonado-Passage) long before this. In 2006, PETA
Crab: ©
Gardein fishless filets: © Gardein • Octopus ad: © Photo –
Eaten Alive Anyone moved by the Oscar-winning documentary My Octopus Teacher will be upset to learn that PETA has exposed restaurants in which octopuses are served and eaten alive. PETA is pushing for an end to that atrocity and recently scored a victory when Sik Gaek in New York agreed to halt the practice. Of course, if humans had three hearts, like octopuses, we would never capture them, let alone eat them. But we just need one compassionate heart to allow us to be kind to animals in all their forms.
those less aware times, I’d crack open her carapace, and suck the flesh out of her claws. Me, a women’s rights activist! Now, when I go into one of those places, I ask if they serve faux crab or faux fish, and I’ve been known to take them a few boxes of Gardein’s Mini Crispy Crabless Cakes or Golden Fishless Filets for them to try. Einsteins of the Deep And then there are the octopuses, who are also extremely clever. Each of their eight arms has a mini brain that allows it to act independently, and they have a central brain, making nine brains per octopus! Remember Inky, who was held prisoner in a New Zealand aquarium? He kept a vigilant eye out for a day when someone cleaning his tank would forget to put the lid back on. When that day came, Inky hustled across the floor and down the drain. Octopuses can squeeze through holes the size of their own beak! He must have been able to smell freedom – so he made his escape, maneuvering through 164 feet (50 meters) of pipe that empties into the Pacific Ocean.
impressive 60 feet (18meters) away – they race back down into their burrows. Crabs can also take in a 360-degree panoramic viewwithout moving. We could do that, too, if our eyes were – as theirs are – onmovable stalks and made up of ommatidia. Their incredible brains combine all the images from the many ommatidia to create a picture of the world around them. Crabs often work together to gather food for their families, for mutual protection, and to protect females as they release their eggs. Kinder Choices Another confession: I used to pop in to some beach joint and order up a big bowl of female Chesapeake Bay crabs – females are said to taste sweeter than the males. In
Crabs and Octopuses Are People, Too By Ingrid Newkirk
Take Action Now This essay was adapted from
Ingrid Newkirk’s book Animalkind . Help open other people’s hearts and minds by buying a copy for your friends at .
O nce upon a time, chimpanzees were on TV and in circuses, dressed in little outfits, and people laughed at them. And they were on greetings cards, too, grinning. People thought they were funny until Jane Goodall told us that chimpanzees were individuals with feelings who were self sufficient in their own environment and that the “grin” was really a fear grimace. If you go
online today and type in “crab,” 99.9% of what comes up is recipes and videos of people being mean to crabs, setting them on the floor for the dog to harass, while the scared little crabs do the only thing they can do: put their claws up to try to defend themselves. Crabs may look different from us, they may be small, but that’s no reason to mock and harm them. It’s time to take a fresh look at crabs.
I took the little animal back to our hotel rooms, but somehow, in the night, with what must have been a
These two PETA supporters were “boiled alive” outside
the annual Maine Lobster Festival.
tremendous effort, the crab escaped the bucket and vanished, no doubt into a heating vent. I still think how awful it must have been for him to endure a prolonged death like that. While I can never make up for it, perhaps I can engender some respect for crabs now. Few people think anything of harassing or eating these clever little people, but clever they are. Crabs are decapods, with 10 appendages, at least six of which are legs used for walking, so they move pretty quickly. Crabs know that humans can be dangerous. As soon as they spot any of us coming – which they can do from an
Crustacean Contrition I have a personal regret: When I was about 4 years old, I spent hours trying to catch a crab off a pier in Edinburgh, Scotland, and I was delighted when I finally succeeded.
A PETA investigator documented workers tearing live crabs and lobsters apart at Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster.
Global 9
Make a Splash
Find Everything but the Wear this tee so everyone can be free. at Cat’s Pajamas
With Faux-Fish Dishes
“Liberate Animals” model: © • “Betta Fish Deserve Better” model: © • Torn paper: ©
Fish illustration: © • Recipe photos: © Lauren Hartmann/ • Mind Blown faux seafood: © Plant Based Seafood Company
Linguine and ‘Scallops’ with White Wine Cream Sauce Makes 4 servings YOU’LL NEED 450 g linguine 1 tin sustainable hearts of palm, drained 2 tsp olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste Whether you recognize that fish are sentient individuals, are concerned about the state of our oceans and rivers, or just want to reduce your cholesterol level, vegan seafood is the catch of the day. Vegan seafood products are increasingly available in supermarkets and through online retailers – but as “Rabbit andWolves” blogger Lauren Hartmann shows with her inspired recipes, which these are adapted from, it’s also easy to get the taste of the sea with ingredients you probably already have on hand. Whichever option you choose, no sensitive sea animal has to die for dinner!
For more recipes from Lauren, pick up a copy of her cookbook, Southern Vegan , at . I
Protect your cat’s nine lives with PETA’s first responder window sticker.
Get five necklaces in one with artist Sarah Kiser’s mix-and-match pussycat pendant.
towels for 10 to 15 minutes to absorb excess moisture. • Prepare the “fish” coating using three small bowls. In the first, whisk together the vegan milk and lemon juice. In the second, whisk together the corn flour, 1 teaspoonful of the garlic powder, 1 teaspoonful of the onion powder, the salt, and the pepper. In the third, mix the cornmeal and kelp powder. • Dip each piece of tofu into the milk mixture and then into the corn flour mixture, fully coating and shaking off the excess. Dip each piece back into the milk mixture and then into the cornmeal mixture, fully coating and shaking off the excess. • Place the coated tofu slices on a baking sheet lightly sprayed with oil. Spray the tops lightly with oil. Bake for 30 minutes, flipping halfway through and spraying the other side lightly with oil. • To make the tartar sauce, in a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, the lemon juice, the relish, and the remaining garlic powder and onion powder. • To assemble the sandwiches, spread 1/4 of the tartar sauce on each bun and add a “fish” patty and some lettuce.
• Add the garlic powder, nutritional yeast, and lemon juice along with more salt and pepper. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes, until the sauce thickens. • Toss the pasta in the sauce. Top with the “scallops” and a sprinkle of parsley. Southern Faux-Fish Sandwiches Makes 4 sandwiches
Adopt, don’t shop: All the cool
cats are doing it!
Get hooked on the great tasting vegan seafood from
Salt and pepper, to taste 12 to 18 vegan wonton wrappers Small bowl of water, for assembly 2 Tbsp vegetable oil Soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, or other favourite dipping sauce I , and find a list of more fish-friendly products at . In the UK, try Quorn Battered Fishless Fillets and Fishless Fingers , and in Australia, look for Gardein Golden Fishless Filets .
YOU’LL NEED 1 block extra-firm tofu, drained
2 Tbsp vegan butter 30 g all-purpose flour
250 ml vegan milk 2 tsp lemon juice 60 g corn flour
425 ml vegan milk 60 ml white wine 1 tsp garlic powder 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast Juice of 1 lemon 1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley
Anyone with a furry feline friend understands the need for this warning.
11/2 tsp garlic powder 11/4 tsp onion powder 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black pepper 140 g cornmeal 1 Tbsp kelp powder (or crushed sheet of nori) Oil in a spray bottle 120 g vegan mayonnaise 2 tsp lemon juice 2 Tbsp pickle relish 4 sandwich buns 75 g chopped lettuce
Tell everyone fish are friends, not fripperies.
This is the only “tiger cub” you should ever take a selfie with. Proceeds support PETA’s big-cat campaigns.
METHOD • Cook linguine according to package instructions and drain. • While the pasta is cooking, slice the hearts of palm into pieces 2 cm thick. • Warm the oil over medium-high heat in a large cast iron skillet or a non-stick frying pan. Place the hearts of palm in a single layer and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook until browned, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a paper towel–lined plate. • In the same pan, melt the vegan butter. Add the flour and whisk for 1 minute. • Whisk in the vegan milk and white wine until fully combined.
METHOD • In a mixing bowl, use a whisk or fork to combine the cream cheese, carrot, kelp powder, sesame oil, agave, soy sauce, spring onion, salt, and pepper. • Place 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls of the filling in the centre of a wonton wrapper. Dip your fingers or a pastry brush in the bowl of water, wet all the edges of the wrapper, and fold point to point, making a triangle. Press the edges to seal. Repeat with the remaining wrappers. • Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook 2 or 3 wontons at a time for about 1 minute on each side,
‘Crab’ Rangoon Makes 6 servings YOU’LL NEED 60 g vegan cream cheese 25 g grated carrot 1 tsp kelp powder (or crushed sheet of nori) 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp agave nectar 1 tsp soy sauce 2 tsp chopped spring onion
METHOD METHOD • Preheat the oven to 225°C.
Turn your car into a canine crusader with a PETA sunshade.
until golden brown. Or cook in an air fryer. • Serve immediately with soy sauce or another dipping sauce.
• Stand the tofu on the small end and slice vertically into 4 even pieces. Place the slices between two layers of clean
11 Global
PETA Australia’s talented team includes Emily Rice, Laura Weyman-Jones, and Aleesha Naxakis, seen
Melbourne Cup protest: © NkT Photography • Lamb mulesing: © Patty Mark/ • Wool protest: © Steven Walker • Vegan BBQ protest: © Rob Stephenson • Koala meat protest: © Etienne Ortovent
here at our press worthy protests.
By Mimi Bekhechi Vice President, International Programs I ’ve always cared about animals, but like Dorothy at the beginning of The Wizard of Oz , I had a lot to learn. My family did, too. My grandmother had a huge heart and would nurse injured birds and squirrels back to health but also cook us beef stew. My mother has rescued and found homes for more cats than I can count, but, like me, she never gave much thought to wearing leather shoes.
In London, I met actor Stephen Berkoff, who may play bad guys but really has a heart as big as the Tin Man’s. During a protest outside Fortnum & Mason, he came up with the idea of pretending to force feed me, as ducks
a radio spot describing horses’ breakdowns and deaths and revealing that Australian horses who had been exported to South Korea were being slaughtered. We even persuaded Taylor Swift to pull out of performing at the race.
Directional sign: ©
Following the Yellow Brick Road to Oz Eventually, I was asked to take the helm at PETA Australia. It felt a bit like Dorothy arriving in Munchkinland, where winter is summer and sheep outnumber humans, but we have an excellent team down under that has made it easy.
But one day, I peeked behind the curtain, and everything changed. I read a book about animals in laboratories and suddenly realized that all animals need protection.
and geese are force-fed for foie gras. Another success: After years of pressure, Fortnum & Mason has finally stopped selling the torture in a tin.
Are Those Ruby Slippers Vegan? When PETA UK created a corporate department, we were
discussing the fact that companies use the “genuine leather” stamp as a mark of quality when it’s really a mark of shame, and that’s when the idea for our “PETA approved vegan” logo was born. Esprit was the first to use it – and it was an instant hit. Today, over 1,000 brands proudly display it. And we’ve persuaded hundreds of brands to stop using fur, angora, cashmere, mohair, and exotic skins.
I emerged from law school determined to liberate animals. I would have happily scrubbed floors to get a job at PETA. So when I got an offer to manage PETA UK’s London office, I jumped at the chance. A Whirlwind of Activism Like Dorothy in the tornado, I was swept up in demonstrations. One day, I found myself back in Brussels where I grew up, outside the EU Parliament. My father was so proud of me for graduating from law school and happily drove me there. Little did he know that I wouldn’t be going inside to meet with parliamentarians – I would be sitting outside in a farrowing crate protesting cruelty to pigs! But a few years later, he did get to see me take a meeting with Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy Tonio Borg, during which we secured the EU ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics.
Australia is the world’s largest wool exporter, and we’ve made this vile industry one of PETA’s prime targets internationally. PETA Asia and PETA US have investigated dozens of shearing sheds, documenting barbaric abuses, including punching, kicking, mutilating, and throwing sheep down chutes like garbage bags. We pushed Australia to suspend the export of hundreds of thousands of sheep on filthy, severely crowded ships to the Middle East during the hottest months of the year and helped persuade New Zealand to ban mulesing – in which farmers cut chunks of flesh off lambs’ backsides. We’re determined to get Australia to ban it, too. There’s No Place Like Home … to Share Animal Rights Once animal rights “clicked” for me, I showed my brother PETA’s “Meet Your Meat” video, and he was instantly converted. Next came my mom and dad and thenmy sister. Now, we’re all vegan. My brother even makes vegan cheese, and my mom and sister use PETA’s materials to teach their students compassion for animals.
A Horse of a Different Color Growing up, I rode ponies, and I never really thought much about how the horses must’ve felt carrying us on their backs. But years later in Mumbai, my colleagues and I held a peaceful protest to highlight the plight of the horses forced to pull Victoria carriages
in the city, during which over 100 men attacked our car, banging on the windows, terrifying us. They were enraged, but they couldn’t stop us: PETA India made its case, and Mumbai banned horse-drawn Victorias. Horseracing is such a big deal in Australia that the Melbourne Cup is a state holiday. So you can imagine the uproar when we took on this cruel institution, creating
Mimi with rescued sheep Boo at Tribe Animal Sanctuary in Scotland
Angry “koalas” warn that clearing land to raise animals for meat kills native species.
If we can make the connection, anyone can. And I’ll keep working until everyone does.
Global 13
Through a Pig’s Eyes
Kossakovsky: Absolutely! We’ve simply decided that we are the bosses here. Why are we the most important? Because we are the cruelest creatures in existence? And therefore, we allow ourselves to kill about a billion pigs per year? And let ourselves not think about it? With different words, Leonardo da Vinci and Leo Tolstoy said the same thing: One day, people must understand that killing a human being and killing an animal are the same – an act of killing. Without removing the act of killing from our behavior, humans won’t take any crucial step forward. Therefore, I think that the first step on this path could be an empathy revolution. My film Gunda is a call for empathy! PETA: Gunda has no dialogue, narrator, or voice-over. Kossakovsky: Yes, in my film, there is no music, either. I want you to spend time in a world of animals and see them as they are! When directors use voice-over, they provoke the viewers to use their brains to learn something new. But I want you to feel first – without any voice-over or instruction – because then you will be able to think of yourself differently. This is why cinema exists: to show you something you cannot see or something that you do not want to see or something that you decided not to notice. PETA: I believe you wanted your film to be called My Apology ? Kossakovsky: Yes. My film is my apology to animals. I hope that one day, humans will find their modest place on Earth – without killing, torturing, and mistreating other living, feeling beings. Take Action Now Tarrytown, an animal-friendly shopping center in Texas, features Gunda on its billboard. Visit to find out where you can watch the film today.
thing? We humans have intellect, yet we’ve almost destroyed our planet. Why? To live longer than 100 years? Greenland sharks can live for up to 500 years. Trees have no brain, but some of them can live more than 5,000 years. And they do not destroy the planet. They didn’t invent torture, nuclear bombs, or Novichok nerve agents.
All images: © Courtesy of NEON
Gunda Director Victor Kossakovsky Calls for an Empathy Revolution
Human 2-year-olds who have never seen their own reflection
need about 20 minutes to recognize themselves and
understand that left becomes right. A piglet needs just one look. We saw all of this during filming. We saw that each one has a personality. They help each other, feel empathy and happiness, and have fun. For example, in the episode when the piglets discover the first rain of their life, you can see they are happy!
F our-year-old Victor
Kossakovsky’s best friend was a piglet named Vasya. It didn’t
matter that they were members of different species – the two spoke the universal languages of play and friendship. One day, his family served Vasya for dinner. Devastated, Victor swore off meat. Today, as a filmmaker, he helps others see animals the way he saw his friend: as living, thinking, feeling beings who deserve respect. PETA spoke with him about his stunning new film, Gunda . PETA: What inspired you to make a movie about a pig? Kossakovsky: My relationships with animals and two masterpieces inspired this movie: “Kholstomer: The Story of a Horse” by Leo Tolstoy was written from one horse’s perspective, describing her life and relationships with past owners. And in the painting “The Bull” by Dutch artist Paulus Potter, the man does not look straight at us, but almost all the animals do look at us! It means Potter saw each of them as having a personality. PETA: How did you choose the pig who stars in Gunda ? Kossakovsky: We were planning months of research, but we found Gunda on the first day, on the first farm we visited close to Oslo. She came to me herself when I opened the door of the barn. She was so friendly from the very first minute and so communicative with her eyes that I told the producer, Anita Rehoff Larsen, we’d found our “Meryl Streep”! PETA: What did you learn about pigs? Kossakovsky: Even before the shoot, we read science books and articles and spoke with leading scientists who study pigs’ behavior. So when it came time to film, we already knew a lot about them, including that they are, in many ways, smarter than dolphins, elephants, dogs, and octopuses. But what is the most important
They also suffer. When Gunda’s piglets were taken away, she suffered badly. The final episode of Gunda is heartbreaking. PETA: We campaign against “speciesism,” discrimination against sentient beings based on their species, not their ability to feel. Does that resonate with you? Kossakovsky: I totally agree with PETA here. When I was 4 years old, I was in a village for a few months, and my best friend was a 1-month-old piglet. We were having a great, fun time together! But then he became my family’s dinner on Christmas night, and since that time, I’ve been a vegetarian. PETA: Mark Twain felt it was human vanity to call animals “dumb” when the problem is our inability to see and understand them.
“I saw this film, I was struck by it, I’d never seen anything like it and so I was honored to support it in whatever way.” – Joaquin Phoenix, Executive Producer
Global 15
Shrimp illustration: © Studiop
EYE-CATCHING ADS HOOK VIEWERS’ ATTENTION From buses and ferries to the London Underground, PETA reminds passengers and passersby that marine animals are sea life , not sea food . I
S ince 1980, PETA has reminded people of a simple fact: Fish can feel. Pro-fish protests and campaigns by PETA and its international affiliates – from calling on aquariums to stop serving sea animals (SEA LIFE Brighton proudly displays PETA UK’s “Certified Fish-Free” certificate in its café) to warning parents, “Don’t Let Your Kids Become Hookers” – have helped wake people up to who fish really are. Memorable mascots like Gill the Fish, Frieda Fish, and even Elfish; a bevy of “mermaids”; and flailing “fish” blocking pet store aisles have spread the message that fish are individuals – not entrées or amusements. Stars are speaking out, too: Joaquin
Phoenix, Indian film sensation Amala Akkineni, and Australian actor Isabelle Cornish are just a few of the celebrities who have defended fish in PETA campaigns. Actions That Make a Splash PETA Honorary Director Alan Cumming schooled councilmembers in Scotland on the truth behind caviar when he sent them delicious CaviArt (vegan caviar) with a letter pointing out that breeding and killing fish “for a fleeting moment of taste is unjustifiable.” PETA Australia supporters netted global media coverage for protesting the Sydney Fish Market’s Seafood Marathon while wearing blue bodypaint and fishnetting.
Let Them Go, Petco PETA’s exposés of the betta fish trade have uncovered rampant neglect. At Petco stores around the US, dead and dying betta fish have been found floating in tiny cups of contaminated water, some left to languish with debilitating health
Fish ad: Photo – © Hongqi Zhang (aka Michael Zhang) | • “Dead fish” protest: © Steven Walker • Bird in fishing line: © Andrew Balcombe/
Fish Kiss? We know social media likes kissing gouramis, but in an experiment to see who’d get more love on Tinder, PETA found that made-up user “Alex” netted over 250% more “likes” as a trash fisher than as an average angler.
conditions. PETA Australia
“It is clear that there is ample evidence for pain in fish.” – Dr. Lynne Sneddon, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
secured a betta outcome for “pet” fish after persuading a shopping center in Geelong to stop sales of live animals. Faux Fish or No Fish! PETA “mermaids” baited Captain D’s and Long John Silver’s diners by giving away vegan fish fillets outside their restaurants to encourage them to offer vegan entrées. As more and more restaurants race to meet the growing demand for animal-free fare, PETA UK worked with popular take-away Simpsons Fish and Chips to add a vegan option. The company had originally planned
Take Action Now Visit to find out how
• Eating sea animals is not “sustainable” – commercial fishers in the Gulf of Mexico killed more animals in a single day than the largest oil spill in history, Deepwater Horizon, did in months. • Nearly half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made up of discarded fishing nets. • Not only is no tuna “tuna-safe” – it’s not even “dolphin-safe.” Commercial fishers in certain areas routinely slaughter dolphins, viewing them as competition.
to offer vegan fish and chips only for World Vegan Day (November 1) and then for the entire month of November. Now, it’s a permanent menu item, and Simpsons says that “customers love it.” Take a Deep Dive Into Fishing’s Devastation Netflix’s hit documentary Seaspiracy goes below the surface to reveal the widespread death and destruction caused by the commercial fishing industry:
Global 17 to switch to fishless fillets, and leave positive Yelp reviews when they do. Go to to watch PETA’s Petco exposé and find out how you can help. to host a Seaspiracy watch party. Order PETA’s free vegan starter kit ( ) for recipes to make fish-friendly meals for family and friends. Encourage restaurants
shelter, veterinary care, and – often – great homes.
After Anca and her husband lost their jobs, PETA Germany helped them spay, neuter, deworm, and vaccinate their 33 rescued cats and dogs.
Saving the Living Among the Gravestones – and More
Rescued From a Tight Spot
Chuckie was in deep trouble – literally. PETA Asia rushed out to save the young tabby in the middle of the night after passersby spotted him struggling to stay afloat in a canal. Now adopted by his foster mom, he is
During the monsoon season, community cats must seek refuge wherever they can, including in car engines, from which PETA India rescued this kitten and three others.
By the time the PETA-supported relief organization Animal Rahat received a call about a cat stuck in a metal window grate, poor Gatik had scrapes and
PETA’s Saving Cats Around the World
one of the more than 1,700 cats and dogs PETA Asia has sterilized and treated for mange, parasites, infections, wounds, and other health problems – all for free – in the Philippines.
bruises on his neck from struggling all day to try to free himself. Using sedatives and mineral oil, the team freed him and took him away for treatment and neuter surgery. To prevent more cats from struggling as strays in India’s notoriously chaotic streets, PETA India has worked with local groups to spay and neuter nearly 1,000 cats in Mumbai’s impoverished neighborhoods and has sterilized 100% of the cats and dogs in more than 20 villages . PETA India’s staff responds to more than 1,000 urgent calls a week and has provided well over 50,000 cats and dogs with veterinary care.
In Manila’s poverty stricken areas, people like street vendor Kuya Rolando live in cemeteries or abandoned shopping
O reo had a bitter beginning, but he’s living the sweet life today because a conscientious person thought to call PETA’s 24-hour emergency line when she spotted a video on Snapchat showing someone in boxing gloves viciously punching this dear cat. PETA immediately set about getting Oreo out of his abuser’s clutches by contacting the local police department, providing vital evidence, and guiding a kind officer through the process of charging the perpetrator, seizing Oreo, and rushing him to a veterinarian to be treated at PETA’s expense. Once Oreo had recovered (except for his permanently disfigured ear), staff drove the 16 hours roundtrip to bring him to PETA headquarters and help him begin his new life. What a Difference a Spay Makes Oreo is only one of many thousands of cats PETA and PETA Global Campaigns have helped via rescue and spay/neuter programs.
Last year, despite COVID-19, PETA’s fleet of low cost spay/neuter clinics sterilized more than 12,500 animals in low-income areas of Virginia and North Carolina alone. In fact, the group has “fixed” more than 194,000 companion animals in all, preventing about a zillion unwanted births.
afford. In some rural areas, PETA’s clinics offer the only veterinary care available.
Romania – one of the poorest countries in the European Union – is teeming with homeless animals like Cappy, found wandering the streets with a head injury. Now the lucky kitty lives indoors, thanks to PETA Germany and Eduxanima, which 22,000 Spayed in Romania
malls and can barely afford to feed their
Sun, Sand, And Spays
children, much less get their animal companions spayed or neutered.
PETA offers free rides for animals like Sunrize, whose guardians don’t have a car. Africa is much better now after PETA provided medication for lice and an upper respiratory infection that her impoverished guardians couldn’t
Joining forces with wonderful Mexican TV host Marco Antonio Regil and Cancún Mayor Mara Lezama Espinosa, PETA Latino sponsored its first-ever spay a-thons in Mexico. Cancún’s municipal secretary for social and economic development, Adolfo González, urged people to adopt homeless animals, saying, “A friend is neither bought nor sold.”
Globe: © • Cat: ©
Female cats can have their first heat cycle at just 4 months old, go into heat as often as every three weeks, and become pregnant while they’re still nursing.
So far this year, PETA has helped to sterilize more than 600 dogs and cats in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.
Take Action Now Support these lifesaving initiatives and others by donating to PETA’s Global
have teamed up to sterilize nearly 23,000 cats and dogs , as well as providing thousands more with food, water,
Compassion Fund at .
PETA’s Vegan Leather Campaign Bears Fruit Apple Skins, Not Animal Skins
Cow: © • Good Guys shoes: © Good Guys • Modern Picnic tote: © Modern Picnic • von Holzhausen wallet: © von Holzhausen • 02 Monde shoes: © 02 Monde
Model: © Courtesy of Stella McCartney • Cactus leather bags: © Desserto ® • Green heels: © H&M • Polestar car: © Polestar • Adidas Stan Smith sneaker: © Courtesy of Adidas • Downed cow: © PETA/Karremann
Mooove over, leather! Saving animals’ skins looks as great as it feels with chic vegan fashions from PETA Business Friends at .
Good Guys Don’t Wear Leather gives classic derby shoes a
compassionate update with durable microfiber vegan suede.
I t sounds like a wonderful treat, and it is: Desserto is an eco- and cow-friendly “PETA Approved Vegan” leather made fromprickly pear cactus, and it impressed H&M so much that the international retail giant is featuring it in a new collection showcasing sustainable materials. Plant leather like Desserto is one of today’s hottest trends, thanks in no small part to the groundwork laid by PETA through grassroots campaigns; eye-opening investigations showing gentle animals – from cows in North America to dogs in China – being branded on the face, electroshocked, or beaten to death; and provocative protests in which celebrities are “skinned alive” and “bulls” “stampede” at auto shows. PETA and its international affiliates have been working behind the scenes with clothing and car companies like Gap, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and more – buying shares and filing shareholder resolutions, meeting with executives, informing store buyers about the growing demand for vegan products, and persuading them to switch to faux leather and other vegan materials for the sake of animals, the Earth, and their bottom line. Prepare to Be Wowed Consumers can now take their pick of vegan leather clothing and accessories made from mulberry and teak leaves to apple skins and pineapple fiber. Longtime PETA friend Stella McCartney has created trendy bags, bustiers, and balloon-leg trousers out of mushrooms. Industry leaders like PUMA, Adidas, BOSS, and
StellaMcCartney created the world’s first garments – this bustier top and trousers – made from lab-grownMylo mushroom leather ( Adidas usedMylo to
Birkenstock offer vegan shoe lines, and H&M is also teaming up with London-based company Good News to produce a new sneaker line crafted from banana and grape fibers. PETA collaborated with Coalition LA on a vegan leather jacket, New York’s M4D3 on faux leather espadrilles, and French fashion retailer The Kooples on an exclusive vegan leather clutch – and we’ve worked with other companies around the world, including Australia’s Princess Polly and Germany’s Buffalo Boots to certify their products as “PETA-Approved Vegan” as well. Evenmore choices are sprouting up: An Oxford University student is earning rave reviews for his versatile vegan leather that’s rooted in Colombia’s fique plant. Start Your Engines You absolutely cannot be a leather-wearing environmentalist: That’s what PETA told electric carmaker Tesla at its annual meeting in 2015, pointing out that turning animal skins into leather requires the use of 130 different chemicals (including cyanide), produces massive amounts of carbon emissions, and contributes to deforestation – not to mention what it does to river life and the humans downstreamwhen effluent is expelled into waterways. Although Elon Musk grumbled a bit, just 18 months after PETA asked him to switch all Tesla interiors to vegan leather, he did! At least 15 carmakers now offer 100% vegan interiors, including Audi, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, and Volvo. Even Bentley is using vegan leather derived
from grape skins, stalks, and seeds left over after making wine. And electric carmakers Fisker, Lucid, and Polestar all offer vegan interiors. BMW is set to launch an all-vegan electric SUV next year, while Hummer’s new electric truck offers vegan interiors with faux leather chosen “to promote sustainability and avoid the use of animal hides.” Budget-conscious shoppers can choose among Chevrolet, Fiat, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Subaru, and Toyota – and that’s just for starters. Check out the list at . PETA ł Polestar This Swedish electric-vehicle startup offers animal free interiors made from recycled plastic bottles, recycled cork vinyl, and reclaimed fishing nets. The compassionate carmaker kindly donated a vegan car to be given away at PETA’s 40 th anniversary celebration.
Brown-bagging it gets a serious upgrade with Modern Picnic’s sleek mock croc lunch tote.
update its iconic Stan Smith shoes (shown below).
Take Action Now Give leather the boot, and encourage everyone you know to visit to see why vegan leather is the future of fashion. Shop for animal-free fashions at .
Put your best foot forward in O2 Monde’s sexy pink slingbacks made out of recycled fibers.
Lower your closet’s carbon footprint: von Holzhausen’s
proprietary Technik Leather is made from 80% recycled plastic water bottles.
Global 21
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