PETA AU Global Issue 3

A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President




When 17 million minks were killed after a mutation of the novel coronavirus infected workers at a Danish fur farm, PETA UK blitzed Copenhagen with ads calling for a ban on the cruel, filthy facilities. For Paris Fashion Week, PETA France “coronaviruses” urged organizers to ban fur from the catwalk. After enduring more than a decade of campaigning by PETA and grassroots activists, Saks Fifth Avenue is shuttering its notorious “fur salons.” Feeling the heat from hundreds of thousands of PETA members and supporters, US-based Alice + Olivia and Pendleton Woolen Mills said no to fur, too. All major UK brands are now fur-free following PETA target Alexander McQueen’s decision to shed fur. PETA France to Paris Fashion Week: Fur Makes Us Sick!

Win! PETA UK Closes Rabbit Farm Before It Can Even Open

Mena Suvari ad: © Photo – Diana Koenigsberg | Art Director – Greg Garry • Guinea pigs: © Charles Long/ • Rabbit: © kudanya/

A rabbit farm? PETA UK wasn’t going to allow that! So when an application was filed to open an enormous facility in Cornwall where 10,000 rabbits annually would get slaughtered for their flesh and fur, they got busy – and so did their supporters. After receiving a letter from PETA UK

After years of determined pressure from PETA and its supporters worldwide, Canada Goose is ditching fur, sparing coyotes a violent death in a steel trap. The global campaign included eye-catching protests, shareholder activism, hundreds of thousands of e-mails and social media messages, celebrity support, and ad campaigns. Next: getting Canada Goose to ditch down. Take Action Now Please thank Canada Goose for banning fur and ask that it ban down, too, at . Win! Canada Goose Drops Fur – Are Feathers Next?

signed by more than 33,000 people, the Cornwall Council showed T&S Nurseries the door.

T his is no fish story. Well, it is, but it’s also the truth: I’ve been a slow learner. For years, I wore fur and enjoyed hideous dishes such as liver and wild boar. It took witnessing various forms of cruelty firsthand (a pig left to die, a lobster boiled alive, a fox in a trap), words from a knowledgeable friend, and a book (Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation ) to change my awful habits.

Take Action Now Change the world for animals! Visit

Take Action Now During Kering’s annual meeting, Gillian Anderson called on the fashion house, which owns Saint Laurent and Brioni, to ban fur. Join her at . to sign petitions and sign up for action alerts.

Animal Liberation is available at .



Mena Celebrates Green Cuisine

Saved! Penny and Peanut

I say that I wasn’t knowingly cruel because, while the idea of animal rights hadn’t yet dawned on me, I did try to mitigate animals’ suffering.


Saved! Donkey Delivered From Deathtrap I

In Florida, I saw people fishing and tossing their catch into a dry bucket, where the fish gasped and flailed – or stringing them through the gills. I would politely ask them to cut the fish’s spines because I’d read that doing so rendered them insensate. I meant well, but it wasn’t true. I still fished and ate fish. It never occurred to me that I could simply have stopped doing those things. When I was about 7, my family lived for some months in a fancy London hotel called Claridge’s. At lunchtime, I always ordered the same thing – “Dover sole” with lemon – and I’d eat it while the jazz band played. Years later, I visited my parents in Ireland, where their house sat on a cliff above the North Sea and freshly caught fish were delivered to their kitchen every day. My mother was aghast that I had just become a vegetarian and persuaded me to “have just a little bit of fish.” Without support, I fell off the (vegetarian) wagon for a year. Transitions require willpower – and information. I am forever grateful for the words in Singer’s book, the pictures of factory farming that my friend Linda Tyrrell showed me, and what I learned as a humane officer, all of which helped me understand what was at stake and stay the course. I encourage you to be the catalyst for change by supporting some other slow learner, because animals depend on us to get other humans to respect them and leave them alone, too.

Known for her characters in iconic films like American Beauty and American Pie , actor and PETA pal Mena Suvari marked her first pregnancy by encouraging other moms-to be to go vegan, too. “I wanted to raise my son to be a kind, loving, and empathetic person,” said Mena,

PETA Gets Test Tubes In, Guinea Pigs Out

The opening was not much larger than a utility-access hole, but a donkey in Solapur, India, still managed to fall 8 feet (2.4 meters) down into an old, dry septic tank. Thankfully, a villager noticed and called Animal Rahat, a PETA-supported veterinary and emergency rescue charity in India.

PETA India persuaded the Bureau of Indian Standards to replace a cruel test in which gentle guinea pigs were treated like, well, guinea pigs : They were injected with feed samples to determine if deadly pathogens were present, which would cause them to bleed to death. The new test is guinea pig–friendly and precise according to the standard approved by the Food and Agriculture Division Council.

Within minutes, a team had rushed to the scene, fashioned a makeshift harness, and hoisted the donkey gently to safety. After giving her food and water and treating her injuries, they sealed the opening to the tank to prevent other animals from falling in.

a vegan since 2017, “and that can start with how we eat as a family.”

Take Action Now Expecting? Congrats! has tips for a healthy vegan pregnancy and raising vegan kids.

Take Action Now Help more donkeys in need at .

Take Action Now Saving animals from experiments is a finger swipe away. Go to to sign up for PETA’s mobile alerts.

Global 3


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