Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019

Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019        24 

 Took follow‐up of horses for wound, lacrimation, given probiotics. Roushya having growth on  right eye was removed by Dr. Chetan Yadav and he has recovered well after surgery and the  discharge from right eye has reduced tremendously.   Hooves of horses/ ponies (20), bullocks (02) and a cow were trimmed by the Farrier Trainer,  Mr. Momta Ram during the month’s time.  During this month the care taker used jaggary in big and small drum and also placed green   Planted 37 new trees during this month with electric fencing protection, done drip water  supply line for all the planted trees, weeding work done for fifty seven trees ,  repaired seventy  wooden pole guards protecting trees which were damaged by residents, progressive growth  of trees is good, applied fertilizers for  seventy four trees for better growth, weeding work at  the back side of new bulding was done, done repair of  pipe lines  at five places,  developing   of garden and dog park is in progress. Repaired electric fencing at seventeen places during the  month.   Removed stones from bullocks, camels and horse cubicles and etc, repainted all water troughs  and round house with quick lime. Replaced mineral bricks at nine places. Done cleaning of sand  pit and all animal places/ sheds.  Given demonstrations to sanctuary staffs by Sanctuary Supervisor regarding correct method of  collecting blood samples from animals for sending to laboratory for further  examination.  Given demonstration to newly joined Vet intern and newly joined CF Trainee  and AWA trainer and AWA Trainer on grooming/ hoof cleaning/ dog nail clipping/ animal  handling and approaching animals etc.   Disposed off the dung by selling off to the neighboring farmers.   Exercise:    Now a day’s all bullocks, horses, calves and camels are ropes and halter free.   All dogs are leash free.   Exposure visit by students to AR Sanctuary: As per plan, on 26th July 2019, 30 students and  four teachers from ‘Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra’ visited the sanctuary, they interacted with  animals for  an hour and enjoyed much in interacting with residents,  side by side flute  maestro Mr Rasul Mulani was playing the flute which made the atmosphere pleasant,   students noticed the reactions of the residents during the flute play, they interacted directly  with the horses, dogs, and calves and were very happy with the atmosphere, they found  everywhere only animals, lovable, calm and kind animals all over, running, playing and  enjoying the music, students and teachers took selfies with the animals too, they were also  provided delicious vegan lunch. Media and press were present during this exposure visit, they  covered the entire programme and took few shots of the students in sanctuary interacting  with residents, and 02 students were interviewed by the media. Detailed work of Animal  Rahat was shared by Dr Naresh with the media. Mr. Shashikar, Sr. CDM briefed media about  the awareness required in the society on kindness to animals, also shared the work on  mechanization and governments role in helping the animals.   Mr. Gorakh, Sanctuary Supervisor and Mr. Kiran Naik, CF and Animal Rescue Officer have met  with with representatives of six villages in and around Animal Rahat sanctuary and acquainted  them with the benefits of ABC & ARV program, citing few examples of other villages where  100% ABC & ARV was done by Animal Rahat, they have assured to come up with the plan after  discussing in the forthcoming Gram Sabah (village forum). grass in the drums hanging with the shed roof as enrichments for residents.   Regular grooming of all animals and hoof cleaning of all horses was done.   Nail clipping of all the dogs was done during the month. 

 Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report                                                                 Dated: 12/08/2019 

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