Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 21
Dr. Visalkar informed to Dr. Chetan Yadav, Clinical Quality Assurance Manager regarding the rescue call. Then as per the plan Mr. Koustubh Pol climbed down the gutter with the help of a wooden ladder and tried to catch the cat with hands but that cat ran away from Mr. Koustubh. After that Mr. Ankush Kamble also climbed down the gutter from another end and caught the cat with dog catching net and safely took out the cat from gutter. Then Dr. Avinash Visalkar observed the cat and no injuries were observed on the body, but the cat was in fear and stress. Then the team shifted the cat to AWU Sangli office and provided rest and on 27 July 2019 Dr. Chetan Yadav sterilised and vaccinated the cat with Anti‐Rabies vaccine and post surgery the cat was provided one day rest and on 28 th July the cat was released in the same area from where cat was rescued. During this month end 22 horses and ponies has arrived from Mumbai. Many of them are rescued by Mumbai police as their owners were found violating the traffic rules and making their animals to run on the roads causing danger to animals as well as the human beings.
While sterilising the rescued cat
While releasing the cat in same area
Home for Retired Bullock and other animals (HRB & OA) S. No Date /Species Location Brief description
30/07/2019 Horses (09)/ Ponies (13)
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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