PETA is upping the pressure on retailers that still sell wool, including Forever 21. Former Forever 21 pitchwoman Sofia Sisniega, star of Club de Cuervos and La Casa de las Flores , drew a crowd when she unveiled her riveting new PETA ad outside one of the retail giant’s stores in Mexico City. Workers kick, punch, and beat sheep during shearing, leaving sick and injured animals to die without care. WOOL BELONGS ON EWE, NOT YOU
Donkey: © • Cow: © • Elephants: © Shah
Sofia Sisniega: Photo: © Robert Sebree • Hair: Sean James • Makeup: Justin Mayfield • Painted man: ©
Following a PETA Asia investigation revealing that donkeys in China are hit in the head with a sledgehammer and their throats are cut so that their skin can be made into a traditional Chinese medicine called ejiao , a new PETA Asia exposé has found horrific abuse inside Kenya’s donkey slaughter industry, which exists only to supply ejiao. Frightened donkeys were trucked long distances to slaughter without being given any food or water. Some were gravely injured or dead on arrival. Workers were caught on film violently beating them. Thanks to PETA pressure, numerous companies – including,, eBay, VitaminLife, and HerbalShop – stopped selling ejiao. PETA Campus Mobilization representatives are reaching out to Chinese students on US campuses about this cruelty and urging them to spread the word at home.
Hey, Levi’s: Take the ‘Blue’ out of Your Blue Jeans Levi’s claims that it’s committed to sustainable, progressive practices – so why, in this day and age, does it still sew cruelly produced, environmentally destructive leather labels onto its jeans? PETA has purchased just enough shares in the company to submit shareholder resolutions and speak at its annual meetings to persuade the retailer to stop “waisting” cows’ lives and replace the leather with a vegan alternative.
From college campuses to concert venues, PETA and its international affiliates are getting to people’s hearts through their stomachs by giving away samples of vegan cheese and other vegan foods. For example, PETA has distributed vegan cheese to over 20,000 young people attending the High School Nation music festival. And PETA India teamed up with Pinkathon, India’s largest marathon for women, to distribute free literature and samples of plant-derived milk and meat to participants, in addition to ensuring that the race served only vegan food. PETA’s grassroots activism has helped persuade numerous restaurant chains to add vegan burgers and other items to their menus, including Del Taco, Burger King, Qdoba, Blade Pizza, Live Nation, Panda Express, and Starbucks. In addition, Morningstar Farms is making all its faux meats vegan, which will eliminate over 300 million egg whites annually! Weaning theWorld off Dairy
Take Action Now Visit to ask the Australian government to prohibit live donkeys from being sent to China for slaughter.
Take Action Now Visit to urge the retailer to protect sheep and ban wool, and please show PETA’s video to everyone you know.
Take Action Now Tell Levi’s to use vegan leather by visiting’s .
Historic! Racing Abuse Stopped in Its Tracks When nearly 30 horses died at California’s Santa Anita Park in six months, PETA raised the hue and cry, conducting a noisy protest at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office and working with the track’s owners to enact new rules to protect horses. Even California governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Dianne Feinstein got involved, calling on the track to suspend racing. As a result of PETA pressure, the DA launched an investigation and the track closed temporarily before enacting sweeping reforms, including banning all whipping and the use of more than a dozen drugs, increasing veterinary inspections, phasing out a controversial and debilitating diuretic administered to nearly every horse, and more. These historic changes make California’s horseracing rules the most progressive in the U.S., but PETA remains determined to end all horseracing cruelty worldwide.
Tim Burton Gives Dumbo aHappy Ending
SUCCESS! SUPREME COURT STOPS BULL TORTURE For nearly 500 years, during the Toro de la Vega festival in Tordesillas, Spain, young bulls were tortured with darts and spears, their tails were cut off, and then they were stabbed to death. But no more. Following pressure from animal protection groups, including PETA UK, Spain’s Supreme Court upheld a decision by the regional government outlawing the cruel spectacle. This victory is part of a wider push: To date, over 100 Spanish towns have banned bullfighting, and a recent poll showed that more than 80% of Spaniards oppose it.
Elephants don’t belong in circuses, and Disney’s classic Dumbo says so. When Tim Burton signed on to direct the live-action version of the film, PETA asked him to make it elephant-friendly by using only computer-generated elephants and letting Dumbo fly free. He did both. “I truly never liked the circus. … You’ve got animals being tortured,” he said. “It’s like a horror show. What’s to like?” PETA presented him with a Compassion in Film Award for giving Dumbo the “happily ever after” that all captive animals deserve.
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