PETA Global AU 2024 Issue 1
Disappearing Act
High school senior Jazmin made a thought provoking TikTok video imploring people to consider how chickens suffer for eggs. Singer songwriter Jessie Murph ’s TikTok video urging people to adopt animals from shelters and never buy from breeders or pet shops reached more than 6,000 viewers! Tik Off Animal Exploiters
PETA Australia Founder Ingrid Newkirk says, “Animals don’t need teary eyed tissue-wetters. They need change-making go-getters!” Let these go-getters and the changes they’ve made encourage and empower you. Then tell us about your achievements at and you may be featured in PETA Global . Here’s a great way to start: After you’ve read this magazine, pass it on to a security guard, an information desk volunteer, a toll booth operator, or a salon receptionist or leave it in a little library.
When Carla and Brian visit the mall, they leave up PETA Infor mall Activism
When Michelle sees promotional tickets for animal circuses at local
businesses, she informs management about circus cruelty. The tickets often magically
websites on all the Apple store computers. And they ordered a doormat with a mysterious QR code – which sends scanners to PETA!
Playdates With Purpose
Hop to It
Show Some Cat titude
Her Message Registered
Kareem , an educator and a member of the CBS Board of Education , was so impressed with a SynFrog demonstration by TeachKind – PETA’s humane education division – that she shared it on Instagram, informing her science
Be an Uber Advocate
Costume party? Fun run? Be a copycat and take inspiration from actor Jenna Fischer – and use every opportunity to make an animal rights statement.
When Cecilia ’s friend registered for a down comforter, she explained that gentle birds are restrained while their feathers are torn out. Out went the feathers; in went a stylish vegan throw.
Laura says, “I tell taxi drivers that I’m headed to a meeting and need to practice my talk, then read aloud about industries that hurt animals. They often respond, ‘I never knew that!’”
Dani and Alicia incorporate empathy lessons into their
daughters’ playdates. Find books and other freebies at .
Making Balloon Releases Float Away
FedEx cellent Opportunity
department about humane dissection options.
Brooke ordered PETA leaflets about deadly experiments on marmosets at UMass and opened the box at the FedEx store “to make sure everything is right.” Employees were intrigued and took leaflets to learn more. Order leaflets on any animal rights issue at .
Teenager Christian started the Desert Balloon Project to protect tortoises and other animals in the Mojave Desert from balloon waste. He has collected more than 3,000 used balloons and is working on legislation that would help prevent balloons from ending up in the desert.
Let’s Make a Deal
Instead of accepting
Emily commented about the cruelty of using animal skins on a BearPaw boots TikTok video. Enlightened people chimed in, and the company responded that it was working on vegan options. Her Swipe Was Right
payment for a month of cat-sitting, Daniella asked her neighbor to arrange four weeks of vegan meals for her company’s lunch order program. The office then voted for vegan Fridays!
Engaging with companies on social media – whether complaining about cruel products, requesting vegan options, or praising humane policies – drives change. Inspiring True Stories From Animal Advocates TO BE BOLD THEY’RE
Jenna Fischer: © Jenna Fischer • Goose: © • Frog: © • Smartphone texting: © innara • Cat and litterbox: © New Africa/ • Torn paper: © • Desert Balloon Project: © Desert Balloon Project • Jazmin: © Jazmin • Kareem: © Kareem
A Dosa Compassion
Seeing a gap in the marketplace, Arti started a company
offering healthy vegan Indian meals by mail. Customers rave about First Seed Foods .
Global 19
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