PETA Global AU 2023 Issue 1
DOT Stops Requiring
After learning from PETA France how ducks and geese are killed for down, French fashion group SMCP is phasing out all feathers from its international brands, including Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot, and Fursac. SMCP had already dropped fur and exotic skins thanks to PETA France. And vegan fashion brand and PETA Business Friend NOIZE helped customers choose compassionate fashion, teaming up with PETA to create a charming window. All SMCP Brands Go Down-Free
Years of pressure from PETA supporters and input from PETA scientists have helped persuade the US Department of Transportation (DOT) to drop a requirement that Skin-Corrosion Test on Animals
corrosive substances be tested by applying them to rabbits’ sensitive shaved skin. These tests for permanent skin damage were supposed to determine how the products should be handled safely in the event of spills. The DOT said the change will encourage companies to use animal-free tests.
Take Action Now Go to to tell the athleisure brand that down is out.
Take Action Now Rabbits are suffering. Visit to help stop their torment.
American Greetings Pulls Chimpanzee Cards
Experimenters at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) were arbitrarily pairing prairie voles, feeding them vast amounts of alcohol, and observing and then killing them Prairie Vole Abusers Must Pay PETA USA
A PETA campaign that included rallies at American Greetings headquarters and tens of thousands of messages from members and supporters finally persuaded the world’s second-largest greeting card company to stop selling cards featuring clownish photos of chimpanzees. The degrading images mislead the public into believing that chimpanzees are thriving and can increase the black market demand for them.
Rainey Qualley Makes a Splash
NOIZE window: © NOIZE • Feathers: © • Daisy Ridley: © Tinseltown/ • Elvira: © Featureflash/ • Chimpanzee mom and baby: © • Goat: ©
She usually puts on a gown for the red carpet or the runway, but actor model-musician Rainey Qualley climbed into a swimming pool for PETA’s new anti-SeaWorld campaign. “When [the shoot] is over,” she says, “I can leave and go live my life, unlike the orcas and dolphins [who] are … stuck in tiny tanks when they’re meant to have the whole ocean to swim in.” Take Action Now Visit to urge the company to send all the dolphins and whales it holds captive to seaside sanctuaries, and
(claiming to be studying human fidelity!). PETA requested the videos of the experiments under public records law. OHSU attempted to destroy them, and its police force illegally surveilled PETA. A judge ordered the school to pay PETA’s legal expenses and turn over the sickening videos. Take Action Now Tell the National Institutes of Health to stop squandering money on these ridiculous experiments at .
Rabbit: © Nitr/ • Prairie vole: © • Rainey Qualley ad: © Photo – Mallory Morrison | Art director – Greg Garry | Styling – Marc Eram | Makeup – Yasuko Shapiro | Hair – Ryan Richman • Crocodile: © CHAINFOTO24/
Take Action Now Visit to urge Hallmark to follow the example of American Greetings.
When actor Daisy Ridley learned that gentle marmosets named after Star Wars heroes (including her own character, Rey) were being used to study menopause, which they don’t even experience (their skulls were cut open and electrode leads were threaded from their heads down through their abdomens), she drew her lightsaber pen and urged the University of Massachusetts–Amherst to halt the experiments. Longtime PETA supporter Cassandra Peterson, aka “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark,” blasted the real-life “horror film” and offered a common-sense solution: studying women who actually experience menopause. She even volunteered! ScreamQueen and Jedi Join Forces to HelpMarmosets
Overstock Gives Cashmere the Heave-Ho WIN!
never patronize it or any other abuse ment park.
Hermès: Filthy Rich? No, Just Filthy!
After taking stock of the abuse that goats endure in the cashmere industry – as PETA explained, the curious, playful animals scream in pain as their hair is torn out – banned cashmere. It’s another example of the online retailer‘s sterling record on animal protection, having already banned fur, badger hair, mohair, angora, alpaca, and exotic skins.
What brought PETA to Rodeo Drive and PETA France to an Hermès boutique in Paris? The company’s butchery of crocodiles for their skins. These animals endure immense suffering on factory farms linked to Hermès. They live crowded together in filthy concrete pits, and at
Take Action Now Visit to ask H&M to stop selling cashmere and mohair.
slaughter, they’re tied up and their brains are scrambled with a metal rod while they’re still alive so their skin can be turned into handbags, boots, and belts.
Take Action Now Visit to share the video and to urge the brand to ditch exotic skins.
Take Action Now Use the force of your voice to help at .
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