PETA Global AU 2023 Issue 1
This online version of PETA Australia Global Times Issue 1 2023 is interactive, designed with clickable links, pop-up images, and videos to enhance your viewing experience. Happy reading.
10 PAGE 5 ways you may be hurting your pup Sniffing Out Abuse
Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptiles 12 PAGE Comfort Food Classics C zy up to everyday indulgences
Biologists know there’s lots to love about reptiles 14 PAGE Joanna Krupa On w men a d wool
PETA’s Li bear ation Project: Good Riddance to Roadside Zoos! 78 Bears Rescued, and Counting T hey’re called “tourist traps,” but tourists can exit them and go on with their lives. Bears truly are trapped at roadside zoos, cub-petting PETA entities have also sprung moon bears from squalid cages in the sweltering heat at Vietnam’s Cu Chi tunnels; rescued a sick, lethargic, deaf polar bear named Alaska from a circus in Mexico; and saved many others. appeared in a PETA video urging families never to visit cub-petting operations, and we educated Zac Efron after he appeared in a commercial with a real bear. We also exposed cruelty at Yellowstone Bear World in Idaho, which tears cubs away from their mothers so that tourists can take
operations, and other exhibits. They remain there, in cages, for life . Instead of exploring, foraging, and digging in the soft earth, these curious, energetic animals are reduced to pacing on concrete, begging for food, and fighting with incompatible cellmates. PETA is hell-bent on getting every last one of them out! So far, we have helped 78 bears escape from miserable concrete pits, backyard cages, or traveling shows and sent them to the ursine equivalent of the Ritz. We’ve also removed other animals from roadside dumps, over 200 of them: emus, lions, monkeys, coatimundis, foxes, and others. But as for the bears, keep reading. Himalayan black bears Sun and Moon were slated to be used as breeding machines by the owner of the notorious Three Bears General Store in Tennessee. He planned to take away their cubs, presumably so he could put them on display with the other bears he keeps in a pit behind his shop and use them for petting encounters. Through the generosity of the late Sam Simon, PETA rescued Sun and Moon and arranged for their transfer to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, where today they roamwide-open spaces, feel soft grass underfoot, and hibernate, instead of being forced to entertain tourists.
Speciesism makes people believe that it’s OK to destroy bears’ lives just for a photo op or a few minutes of amusement, and PETA is tackling that, too. Alec Baldwin
photos with them and have bottle-feeding encounters.
L !
Dog: © • Waffles: © Nicole Axworthy/BenBella Books • Joanna Krupa ad: © Photo – Mike Ruiz | Hair – Jose Cantu | Makeup – Jennifer Hanching | Special effects: Brittany Fontaine • Bears: © AB Photographie/ • Rat: © Iuliia Rybakova/
Whether they’re exhibited at roadside zoos, hunted, or skinned for the King’s Guard’s hats, PETA is intent on liberating all bears – and all animals everywhere. Read on to learn how. J
A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President
PETA brings home the gold! Golden retrievers, that is! PETA’s campaign against Texas A&M University’s deadly muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs led to the sound of tails thumping as the last of the dogs transferred from the closed lab to the vet school lab got their walking papers and were granted the right to be adopted. It took a damning exposé, many protests and disruptions, multiple lawsuits, 6 million supporter messages, and an outcry from scientists, veterinarians, human muscular dystrophy patients (including Johnathon Byrne, above), and 500 physicians. But persistence pays off, and the school ended its breeding program, the lead experimenter retired, and over 50 dogs were released. However, Texas A&M betrayed the last nine dogs, sending them to its veterinary school instead of setting them free. We fought back hard, and those dogs were allowed out, too. They have all been adopted and were slated to be in their new homes by the end of 2022. So Long, Lab. Hello, Lap! Texas A&MReleases Last 9 Dogs Betrayed by Closed Lab
I f you get a chance to experience PETA’s new “Alien Abduction” virtual reality exhibit, please do so. With NASA now speculating that there is probably “something out there,” our exhibit may not be all that far-fetched. Many astronomers are unhappy about projects to signal our presence on Earth to faraway planets. Stephen Hawking said that if we find intelligent life out there, we had better hope it’s more merciful than we have been to other forms of life on Earth. He, like others, believed an alien race would probably steal our resources, find us tasty or disgusting, scoff at the idea that our feelings are important, and consider us really, really stupid. That seems a reasonable conclusion. After all, here on Earth, forms of intelligent life are all around us in countless shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. And are we in awe of them? No. We steal everything that belongs to them, including their skin, their flesh, their freedom, their very lives. And we lump them all together as less important than us. If it seems impossible to change this speciesist behavior, it isn’t. But it requires us to act, to do something to educate others. At a demo against slaughterhouses and restaurants serving meat, people sat in the street with signs showing what the animals endure, reading, “This is a peaceful protest. Go vegan!” A radio show host who got stuck in traffic because of the demo was livid because she was late for work. But as she told her listeners, “As I sat there fuming, I read their signs and thought, ‘This is because of me. This is my fault.’ And I decided to go vegan.” There are lots of other ways to change people’s hearts and minds. Won’t you please pick one or two? We’re here to help you, with resources and tips.
Pinky Cole Ad: © Photo – Tropico | Art director – Greg Garry | Prop stylist – Tamara Connor | Hair – Shanna Anise | Makeup – Latasha Wright
141 Criminal Charges in PETA’s
Turkey Farm Exposé
Chicken coop: © Brett Wilson
PETA flexed its muscles again when 141 charges of cruelty to animals (more charges than in any other case of cruelty to factory-farmed animals in US history) were filed against 12 former workers at Pennsylvania’s Plainville Farms, a supplier to major grocers nationwide. PETA’s exposé had revealed that workers were kicking and stomping on turkeys, including birds who were sick, injured, and unable to walk. Take Action Now Visit to urge Whole Foods and Global Animal Partnership to stop promoting the myth of “humane meat.”
Entrepreneurial Powerhouse Pinky Cole: Do It! Pinky Cole – with her infant, DJ, and toddler, D Ella – appears in this PETA ad to encourage families to reap the benefits of vibrant vegan meals. Cole told PETA, “I want my children to understand that you can live a cruelty-free lifestyle and it can taste good.”
Take Action Now Help take down another laboratory: Visit to help end maternal-deprivation experiments on baby monkeys.
When PETA heard that organizers of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) had copped out of their obligation to mitigate the climate crisis – and included meat, dairy, and other climate killers on the menu – we dispatched a Lettuce Lady pronto. She pointed out that animal agriculture produces nearly one-fifth of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and reminded the attendees that according to the UN’s own recommendations , we must go vegan to avoid the worst effects of the climate catastrophe. PETA’s Lettuce Lady Calls Out COP27
PETAKeeps the Pressure on the Thai Coconut Industry
A third investigation by PETA Asia has revealed that monkeys are still being beaten, whipped, and kept isolated and chained as slave laborers, forced to pick coconuts in Thailand. So PETA supporters are dumping hundreds of coconuts outside Thai embassies like the one in Washington, D.C., and protesting at the Royal Thai Embassy in London and the Theppadungporn Coconut Co. headquarters in Bangkok. Take Action Now Please don’t buy any Thai coconut milk products. And visit to urge HelloFresh to stop using monkeys.
Fe ar the Re aper – If You Wear Leather
PETA India’s trio of grim reapers spooked passersby in a bustling intersection as they dragged leather accessories to the underworld.
Take Action Now Take your closet from haunted to heavenly: Wear vegan .
Brett Wilson made sure his chickens had a close encounter of the fun and safe kind.
Take Action Now Visit to order a free vegan starter kit.
Global 3
DOT Stops Requiring
After learning from PETA France how ducks and geese are killed for down, French fashion group SMCP is phasing out all feathers from its international brands, including Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot, and Fursac. SMCP had already dropped fur and exotic skins thanks to PETA France. And vegan fashion brand and PETA Business Friend NOIZE helped customers choose compassionate fashion, teaming up with PETA to create a charming window. All SMCP Brands Go Down-Free
Years of pressure from PETA supporters and input from PETA scientists have helped persuade the US Department of Transportation (DOT) to drop a requirement that Skin-Corrosion Test on Animals
corrosive substances be tested by applying them to rabbits’ sensitive shaved skin. These tests for permanent skin damage were supposed to determine how the products should be handled safely in the event of spills. The DOT said the change will encourage companies to use animal-free tests.
Take Action Now Go to to tell the athleisure brand that down is out.
Take Action Now Rabbits are suffering. Visit to help stop their torment.
American Greetings Pulls Chimpanzee Cards
Experimenters at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) were arbitrarily pairing prairie voles, feeding them vast amounts of alcohol, and observing and then killing them Prairie Vole Abusers Must Pay PETA USA
A PETA campaign that included rallies at American Greetings headquarters and tens of thousands of messages from members and supporters finally persuaded the world’s second-largest greeting card company to stop selling cards featuring clownish photos of chimpanzees. The degrading images mislead the public into believing that chimpanzees are thriving and can increase the black market demand for them.
Rainey Qualley Makes a Splash
NOIZE window: © NOIZE • Feathers: © • Daisy Ridley: © Tinseltown/ • Elvira: © Featureflash/ • Chimpanzee mom and baby: © • Goat: ©
She usually puts on a gown for the red carpet or the runway, but actor model-musician Rainey Qualley climbed into a swimming pool for PETA’s new anti-SeaWorld campaign. “When [the shoot] is over,” she says, “I can leave and go live my life, unlike the orcas and dolphins [who] are … stuck in tiny tanks when they’re meant to have the whole ocean to swim in.” Take Action Now Visit to urge the company to send all the dolphins and whales it holds captive to seaside sanctuaries, and
(claiming to be studying human fidelity!). PETA requested the videos of the experiments under public records law. OHSU attempted to destroy them, and its police force illegally surveilled PETA. A judge ordered the school to pay PETA’s legal expenses and turn over the sickening videos. Take Action Now Tell the National Institutes of Health to stop squandering money on these ridiculous experiments at .
Rabbit: © Nitr/ • Prairie vole: © • Rainey Qualley ad: © Photo – Mallory Morrison | Art director – Greg Garry | Styling – Marc Eram | Makeup – Yasuko Shapiro | Hair – Ryan Richman • Crocodile: © CHAINFOTO24/
Take Action Now Visit to urge Hallmark to follow the example of American Greetings.
When actor Daisy Ridley learned that gentle marmosets named after Star Wars heroes (including her own character, Rey) were being used to study menopause, which they don’t even experience (their skulls were cut open and electrode leads were threaded from their heads down through their abdomens), she drew her lightsaber pen and urged the University of Massachusetts–Amherst to halt the experiments. Longtime PETA supporter Cassandra Peterson, aka “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark,” blasted the real-life “horror film” and offered a common-sense solution: studying women who actually experience menopause. She even volunteered! ScreamQueen and Jedi Join Forces to HelpMarmosets
Overstock Gives Cashmere the Heave-Ho WIN!
never patronize it or any other abuse ment park.
Hermès: Filthy Rich? No, Just Filthy!
After taking stock of the abuse that goats endure in the cashmere industry – as PETA explained, the curious, playful animals scream in pain as their hair is torn out – banned cashmere. It’s another example of the online retailer‘s sterling record on animal protection, having already banned fur, badger hair, mohair, angora, alpaca, and exotic skins.
What brought PETA to Rodeo Drive and PETA France to an Hermès boutique in Paris? The company’s butchery of crocodiles for their skins. These animals endure immense suffering on factory farms linked to Hermès. They live crowded together in filthy concrete pits, and at
Take Action Now Visit to ask H&M to stop selling cashmere and mohair.
slaughter, they’re tied up and their brains are scrambled with a metal rod while they’re still alive so their skin can be turned into handbags, boots, and belts.
Take Action Now Visit to share the video and to urge the brand to ditch exotic skins.
Take Action Now Use the force of your voice to help at .
Global 5
A diverse group of celebrities has joined PETA’s campaign over the years – starring in ads, signing PETA UK’s petitions, and more – including Sir Paul McCartney, Stella McCartney, Pamela Anderson, Ricky Gervais, Joanna Lumley, the late Sir Roger Moore, Morrissey, Simon Pegg, Jerome Flynn, Hayley Mills, Sadie Frost, Twiggy, the late Dame Vera Lynn, and more. The Way Forward Together with the world’s top faux furrier, ECOPEL, PETA UK has created a faux bear fur that has passed all the MoD’s tests and performs as well as, if not better than, real bearskin – without costing any bears their lives. ECOPEL has
Background: ©
Faye Winter ad: © Photo – Ruth Rose
offered to meet and work with the MoD’s cap-makers and even supply them with free faux fur until 2030. But the MoD keeps making excuses and refusing to use the humane fabric, even though the caps are purely ceremonial and serve no military purpose. PETA UK has
GOD SAVE THE KING, but Will the King Save the Bears?
a dead bear, saying she “was probably a virgin. You’ve got a virgin bear right here. She’s f*cked now. Big time.”
K ing Charles is an environmentalist who has banned foie gras from royal menus and spoken in favor of vegan food. Now, PETA is asking him to help spare bears, as one black bear is killed to make every one of the King’s Guard’s caps. Every year. PETA entities have been pushing the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to stop supporting the slaughter for years and have engaged celebrities, politicians, the public, and even members of the British Army. Fashion experts and innovators have gotten involved, and PETA UK has worked with faux fur manufacturers to create an exact replica material for the iconic caps – one that stands tall, withstands wind and rain, weighs no more than the original, and looks every bit like bear fur – and they succeeded! But the MoD, now under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, refuses to budge. Our Investigation Shows the Bears Behind the Caps The MoD until recently has claimed that the fur comes from bears killed as part of Canadian government “culls,” but PETA found no evidence that such culls
exist – and now they’ve had to admit they only buy the final products and have no idea how the fur is sourced. In fact, hunters kill bears for “sport,” then sell their fur to auction houses. A PETA investigator traveled undercover in Canada with some of those hunters and exposed a sickening practice called “bait and shoot.” Taking advantage of bears’ keen sense of smell, hunters lure them to piles of food – using doughnuts, pizza, even skinned animals – and then lie in wait. The bears are usually shot multiple times before they die – some manage to escape but die slowly of blood loss or infection later. PETA’s video footage even shows a hunter shooting a mother
PETA’s Am bear sador Trails a Prince
Throughout the campaign, PETA supporters have done everything from holding a “die-in” to orchestrating a “21-bum salute” to the MoD in
London to keep the bears’ plight in the public eye. PETA’s “bear” mascot tailed the future king at public engagements in Canada and the US, including New York, where Camilla, then the Duchess of Cornwall, accepted a “Bearskins Are for Bears, Not Guards” leaflet.
filed a lawsuit to compel the MoD to give ECOPEL’s faux bear fur proper consideration..
Take Action Now “Off with their hats!” PETA has asked King Charles to share with the prime minister his
support for a changing of the guard from real bear fur to humane faux fur. Bears need your voice, too: Please visit to urge Rishi Sunak to put an end to the excuses and quick-march a faux fur cap into service.
Racism, Sexism, and Speciesism PETA’s investigator also caught hunters making crude racist and sexist jokes, a reminder that all the ugly “-isms” are inextricably linked. One hunter mocked
PETA supporters dressed as guards drenched themselves in “blood” just ahead of a milestone parliamentary bearskins debate, while others demonstrated at the late Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee.
bear with a cub in tow. Such orphaned cubs die, too – of starvation, exposure, or predation – with no mother to guide or protect them.
Global 7
American Humane Association: Infiltrated “No animals were harmed.” Really? A new PETA exposé reveals that American Humane – which issues those reassuring words in movie credits – has apparently been infiltrated by the very industries it’s supposed to be monitoring. • American Humane has given its seal of approval even when animals have suffered or died during movie productions, such as Luck , Life of Pi , and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey . • It gave its Humane Conservation Certification to the Miami Seaquarium, which has confined Lolita to the smallest orca tank in the world for over 50 years and is responsible for egregious animal suffering and premature deaths. • The American Humane farm certification program is a sham. Video footage from certified companies has shown live piglets’ tails being chopped off, chickens’ beaks cut with a hot blade, live baby turkeys and ducklings thrown into a grinder, and more.
Margaret’s Infliction of Irreversible Harm In Margaret Livingstone’s laboratory, newborn monkeys removed from their desperate mothers’ arms are kept in solitary confinement in cramped cages. Laboratory staff wear scary metal welding masks to prevent the babies from seeing facial expressions. These nightmarish conditions are Livingstone’s preferred method for damaging the babies’ “face-processing abilities.” Livingstone immobilizes the monkeys’ heads by surgically implanting a steel post in their skull, running a strap tightly under their chin, or forcing them to bite down on a bar. Sometimes she surgically implants electrodes in their brains to record how their damaged visual system responds to various stimuli. After years of this disgusting nonsense, she has the monkeys killed.
back and forth, or do nonstop backflips – behavior that shows they are trying but unable to cope with stress. These abused monkeys have abnormal sleep patterns and increased startle and stress responses to threats. But we already knew that, too. These experiments have never advanced human health. They are nothing more than a demonstration of one person’s infliction of trauma on helpless monkeys. Decades of Dirty Deeds Livingstone drinks from the same discredited well poisoned by Harry Harlow, the father of maternal deprivation experiments on monkeys, and Stephen Suomi, Harlow’s academic progeny, who coinvented the “rape rack” and the “pit of despair.” Following an intensive PETA campaign, NIH shut down Suomi’s laboratory, and he is no longer involved in experiments on animals. PETA has written to Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow and other administrators calling on the school to end Livingstone’s cruel experiments. So far, the school has violated its own motto of “Veritas,” or truth, by issuing a statement in which it defended the “worth” of these immoral and irrelevant experiments.
This mother’s baby was taken away and replaced with a toy monkey.
P Sewing Baby Monkeys’ Eyes Shut at Harvard E
Monkey with stuffed animal set of images: Figure 2 in “Triggers for Mother Love” | Margaret S. Livingstone | CC BY-NC-ND • Folder: © • Photo frame: ©
Margaret Livingstone’s ‘Sensory Deprivation’ Experiments
Take Action Now Please help shut these atrocious experiments down! Visit to sign PETA’s
letter to Harvard University calling for all surviving monkeys to be sent to a sanctuary immediately. And go to to call for the closure of the remaining US national primate research centers, each one a house of horrors.
W e thought this type of experiment had ended in 1985 when activists rescued baby Britches from the basement of a University of California laboratory. That tiny monkey had been taken from his mother, and his eyelids were sewn shut. The ensuing outcry led to historic amendments
Following a PETA campaign, NIH ended the cruel psychological experiments on baby monkeys conducted by Stephen Suomi.
Any babies, monkeys or not, who are taken away from their mothers at birth are damaged physiologically and psychologically. It’s well known that motherless monkeys are more fearful and aggressive, produce excess stress hormones, and frequently rank at the bottom of the social dominance hierarchy. These motherless monkeys are often unable to form any normal social relationships and cower in fear in the presence of other monkeys. They bite themselves, pull out their own hair, repeatedly circle or pace in their cages, rock Baby monkeys in Livingstone’s laboratory are torn away from their mothers and raised in emotionally impoverished conditions, without the possibility of seeing any faces – human or monkey – for a full year. I
Petco Partnership Condemned American Humane hired Petco’s former vice president, and its chief operating officer used to work for a PR firm that focused on attacking animal rights groups. It gave Petco a “certified seal of approval” despite PETA’s investigations into the company and its suppliers, which have revealed dead fish on store shelves, sick animals in crowded containers, reptiles deprived of warmth, and animals being gassed, frozen, and left for dead.
to the US federal Animal Welfare Act intended to prevent such horrors.
PETA exposed these types of experiments in 1985. Read more about Britches in PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s book Free the Animals or watch and share the video at .
But now, meet Margaret Livingstone, a career Harvard University experimenter who has spent
40 years torturing animals in laboratories, including tearing baby monkeys away from their mothers and sewing their eyes shut – or making sure they never see a human or monkey face – just to record how badly it damages their mental and visual development. Livingstone has received over $32 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to bankroll her indefensible experiments.
Livingstone is seen here, apparently where she works and spends a great deal of her time, surrounded by ghastly reminders of death.
Take Action Now Don’t be fooled by by American Humane's meaningless words. Watch
PETA’s exposé at and show it to everyone you know who cares about animals.
5 Ways You May Be Harming Your Dog Without Even Realizing It
like a prisoner 2
Locking up your pup
neck – literally 3
Being a pain in the
Subjecting your dog to terror and mistreatment “in the back”
Lock yourself in a crate for 10 hours and see how you cope with the frustration, boredom, inability to move around, and full bladder. Dogs are social, sensitive beings who need companionship, exercise, and mental stimulation as well as opportunities to relieve themselves. To leave dogs, who are pack animals by nature, alone all day in a cage is unnatural and cruel. Do better: Take your dog to stay at a reputable doggie daycare or with a trusted friend or family member who works from home. Dogs should be taken on several long walks during the day (if necessary, enlist a reliable friend or neighbor to help) and would appreciate chew and puzzle toys to help relieve the loneliness and boredom when you’re not home. If you aren’t willing to provide for a dog’s basic needs, please don’t adopt one.
Choke and prong collars punish dogs by inflicting pain when they pull on the leash. These barbaric metal contraptions hurt and can cause serious physical damage, including spinal cord injuries
Never send your dog off to a “training facility” or let your animal go into any “back room” without you. Trainers, groomers, kennel workers, dog walkers, and even veterinary staff have all been caught harming animals. At a Florida training and boarding kennel that claimed to use “humane” and “caring” methods, a PETA investigator saw dogs caged for 19 hours straight with no water and workers jabbing a dog with a broom handle and tightly binding dogs’ mouths shut with leashes. At a “pet resort” in Arizona, dogs were found with empty water bowls in sweltering temperatures, and a 7-year-old dog named Ella apparently died of dehydration. A dog walker in California was caught on video kicking and whipping one of his charges. Do better: Seek references and recommendations from people you trust, read reviews,
Prong collars are painful and dangerous.
Caged dog: © Amber Aquart/ • Prong collar: © Chantal Ringuette/
and paralysis, a crushed or fractured trachea or larynx, asphyxiation, dislocated neck bones, and bruising of the esophagus – as well as emotional damage. Shock collars and “invisible fences” deliver painful jolts to dogs’ necks for crossing invisible boundaries and using their voices. They can cause anxiety, displaced aggression, burns, and cardiac fibrillation. Do better: Never use choke, prong, or any other type of collar that inflicts pain. Use a comfortable front-clip harness to reduce pulling during walks, surround your yard with a solid and secure fence, and/ or take your dog to a fenced-in area to play, such as a dog park.
Daphna and Elsie
and be extremely choosy about anyone who will have contact with your animals. Learn to groom your dog yourself, or hire a groomer who makes house calls and stay with your dog the whole time.
I t should have been a routine nail trim. But when CBS sports reporter A.J. Ross picked up her dog, Kobe, from the PetSmart grooming salon where she’d dropped him off 10 minutes earlier, he was dead. Surveillance footage appeared to show the tiny senior dog muzzled, suspended by two noose like restraints around his neck, and thrashing frantically while PetSmart workers kept right on clipping his nails. According to Ross, a veterinarian confirmed that Kobe’s airway had been crushed. Devastated, Ross appears in a new PETA video warning that “you are literally placing your [dog’s] life in their hands” if you leave your dog unattended with a groomer or anyone else. Dogs depend on their guardians to protect them. If you’re doing any of the following things, please stop – for your dog’s sake. By Daphna Nachminovitch , Senior Vice President of PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department
Turning walks into forced marches
Why do I have to watch the world go by?
Walks are the highlight of a dog’s day and essential to their psychological and physical health. They provide dogs with a much needed change of scenery, social interaction, exercise, and the chance to sniff the day’s “news.”
5 Raising your voice – and
never letting dogs use theirs
Rushing through a walk because you’re in a hurry, tugging at their necks, staring at your phone and ignoring them (not to mention any potential dangers), or taking them back indoors as soon as they relieve themselves is unkind and unfair. Do better: Take dogs out often, go to interesting places, let them choose the route wheneve r possible, and always let them set the pace and stop to sniff.
One study found that being shouted at raise levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. And bar as necessary to dogs as talking is to humans dog may be telling you something importan missed you so much!” or “The house is on fir e!” Do better: Guide your dog with treats and praise – nev or punish. Figure out what’s behind the bar king (boredom, frustration, anxiety, lack of exerc ise), and address it. And let dogs speak, too. After all , they patiently tolerate hearing us yap all day long. s dogs’ king is . Your t, like “I er shout
Make your dog’s day: These nutrient-dense treats, available at , are healthy and delicious.
Don’t rush! A walk is more than a bathroom break for a dog. It is an exciting excursion, the chance to be outside, to smell and to look.
Find Daphna’s necklace at .
and SımplyVega Satısfyin, Scrumptıou,
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve with animal-friendly tees and more from .
The “comfort foods” most of us were raised on often lead to un comfortable health issues, as well as causing the dis comfort of knowing that they contribute to the suffering of mother cows, calves, hens, chicks, and other animals. With her new cookbook, PlantPure Comfort Food (which these recipes are adapted from), Kim Campbell, the director of culinary education and development at PlantPure, replicates the familiar tastes and textures of old family recipes with vegan ingredients to create deeply satisfying meals. Grab a fork, because this is comfort food at its best!
Pick up this cookbook by
Kim Campbell at .
1 Tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. onion powder 1 /2 tsp. salt 1 /4 tsp. black pepper 1 medium onion, diced 220 g mushrooms (any type), sliced 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tin white beans, drained and rinsed 140 g fresh spinach, roughly chopped
minutes, stirring occasionally. If it’s too thick, stir in a bit more water. • Sauté the onion and mushrooms over medium heat in a high-quality enamel-coated or other nonstick pan or add a minimal amount of water. • Add the garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, beans, and spinach and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. • Serve the polenta topped with the spinach and mushroom mixture. Savoury Sweetcorn Fritters Makes 4 servings
Send friends and family a warm “hug” with PETA’s vegan hot chocolate kit. We have chocolates, too! I
Artist Betsy Baytos’ whimsical designs illustrate who animals are.
Sweet Potato Waffles Makes 4 servings YOU’LL NEED 90 g uncooked quinoa, rinsed 80 g rolled oats
Find out how it all started with PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s riveting read.
2 tsp. baking powder 1 1 /2 Tbsp. mixed spice 1 /2 tsp. bicarbonate of soda 1 /4 tsp. sea salt
Heart ribbon: © • Car: ©
YOU’LL NEED 325 g sweetcorn 1 poblano pepper, seeded and diced 1 red pepper, seeded and diced 15 g finely chopped red onion 4 g chopped fresh coriander 235 ml unsweetened nondairy milk 45 g oat flour 45 g chickpea flour
METHOD • In a medium pot, bring the water to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-high and slowly stir in the polenta, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper, whisking continuously. • Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring for 1 to 2 minutes to avoid lumps. Cover and simmer for 15 to 20
150 g cooked sweet potatoes, mashed 350 ml unsweetened nondairy milk 1–2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
METHOD • Preheat a waffle iron.
Show off your streetwear style with this hoodie by vegan artist Phil America.
• Combine the quinoa and oats in a blender and process on high until it resembles flour. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until well combined. • Pour 125 ml of batter onto the hot waffle iron and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, until no steam is escaping and no separation occurs when the lid is lifted. Repeat with the remaining batter. • Serve with a fruit sauce or with fresh fruit and additional maple syrup. Hearty Polenta and Greens Makes 4 servings
40 g finely ground polenta 1 Tbsp. grated lime zest 2 tsp. chilli powder 1 /2 tsp. baking powder 1 /2 tsp. onion powder 1 /2 tsp. garlic powder 1 /2 tsp. ground cumin 1 /4 tsp. ground turmeric Salt and pepper, to taste
Rain or shine, these wiper covers send a message that’s as clear as day.
• In a medium bowl, toss together the sweetcorn, poblano pepper, red pepper, onion, and coriander. In another medium bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients to make a batter. Fold in the veggies and mix well. • Drop large spoonfuls onto the lined baking tray and flatten out. • Bake for 6 to 8 minutes on each side, or until golden. Serve warm.
Recipe photos: © Reprinted with permission from PlantPure Comfort Food by Kim Campbell (BenBella Books, December 2022) | Food photos – Nicole Axworthy • Raspberries: © • Torn paper: ©
METHOD • Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper or a silicone mat.
YOU’LL NEED 830 ml water 125 g instant polenta
What if You Were Beaten Up for Your Sweater?
Joanna Krupa SeaWorld ad: © Photo – Robert Sebree | Hair – Jose Cantu | Makeup – Jennifer Hanching | Bodypaint – Rebecca Hurwitz
An Actor and Supermodel Uses Her Body as a Tool for Change
– I’m on their side. Autonomy is a right that women are denied when they’re forced to cover their heads and hair, or even their faces, because someone else believes they should. In a free country, going naked for a cause is not scandalous. It’s empowering. Animals’ Bodies Belong to Them My body should be seen as mine, and everyone else's bodies should be seen as theirs, too. There’s been a lot of talk about bodily autonomy lately, but that is a luxury that animals simply do not have. I’m particularly bothered that sheep are kicked and cut up for the sake of a sweater and that foxes and minks are caught in steel traps, struggling and panicking before being skinned for a jacket. It’s no more right to do this to them than to a fellow human.
sharp metal clippers, throw them to the floor in shearing sheds, and cut off large swaths of their skin without any pain relief.
bodypaint to bring attention to the plight of orcas held captive in cramped tanks at SeaWorld. Perhaps you’ll join one of PETA’s powerful protests. Let’s put our energy and outrage where it belongs: Let's take action against those who would abuse and exploit the most vulnerable among us.
By Joanna Krupa
In Australia, the world’s top wool
producer, workers cut off lambs’ tails with hot knives and chunks of flesh from their hindquarters with shears – right in front of their desperate mothers, who can only call out frantically as their beloved babies are mutilated. PETA has released 14 exposés of 117 wool industry
P eople freaked out! When PETA asked if it could film a man punching me, knocking me to the ground, and tearing off my sweater, I said count me in. The assault was only make-believe, but the graphic clip draws attention to the real life violence sheep endure in the wool industry. I’ve seen the videos taken by PETA’s undercover investigators, and I’ll never wear wool because of that violence. Some people jumped all over me for “making light” of violence against women, something I would never do. Instead of focusing on the similarities between women’s and sheep’s experiences, they concentrated on the differences. My critics fell into the same narrow way of thinking that marginalizes women, responding with feelings of supremacy and relying on the belief that animals are “lesser” individuals whose experiences somehow don’t count as much as theirs do, if at all. Of course, my body belongs to me. I am free to decide when or if to cover up bits of it. And when women choose to use their bodies as political instruments – as Lady Godiva did in her quest to stop unfair taxation
Take Action Now
If we want control over our own bodies, we have to work to ensure that everyone has this freedom. Sheep in the wool industry get no say
Please don’t wear wool – or any animal’s hair or skin.
operations on four continents and found cruelty in every single one.
As Joanna told PETA, cruelty-free vegan options let you “feel beautiful,
about their treatment. The videos show that workers punch them in the face, beat and jab them in the head with
If I can use my body to help draw people’s attention to this abuse, that’s my form of activism. Stripping to Stop Speciesism Over the years, I’ve posed in bodypaint as a tiger outside Westminster to put pressure on
glamorous, and you don’t have
the weight on your shoulder that some precious animal had to die.” Share her video, at , with everyone you know.
the UK government to ban the use of wild animals in traveling circuses. I also wore black-and-white
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the neck during races. PETA caught several jockeys on video with these abusive devices taped to their wrists.
Quarter Horse races before they were sold into the underground circuit. Owners can often make more money in these races than they would be able to in regulated racing. Take Action Now PETA has asked local and state law enforcement to prosecute electroshocked or injected with street drugs and there will be no more gruesome breakdowns. Please join us in urging the American Quarter Horse Association to ban any jockeys, trainers, or owners who participate in unregulated black market races. Visit . illegal conduct so that no more horses will be
Breakneck Speed, Battered Bodies The doping, whipping, and electroshocking puts horses at extreme risk of accidents and fatal injuries. Horses at these unsanctioned tracks break down frequently, usually ending in death. PETA filmed a race in March 2022 in which both participating horses died. One of the horses staggered on two badly broken front legs before collapsing and eventually being shot in the head. The winning horse died of a "heart attack," likely caused by having been doped and overdriven. A typical race day involves up to 20 of these potentially deadly races. Some jockeys also suffered severe – even fatal – injuries. Small Tracks, Big Bucks Gambling is a major part of these black market races. In addition to admission fees of up to $100, people openly wagered amounts that appeared to add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s a lucrative business, and some of the horses in these illicit races had previously been used in mainstream
Mother and foal: © Christy berry/Shuttersto
A jockey wears shock devices on his wrists.
Woman in balaclava: © • Bolt cutters: © • Barbed wire: © • Poodle illustration: © Cocaine, Meth, and Death
Jockey Roman Chapa rode a horse who fell and was fatally injured; Chapa later died from his own severe injuries.
Underground Bush Track Races
PETA Is Stopping
Racers experiment with drug cocktails to rev horses up and mask injuries.
PETA undercover investigators pulled back the curtain on this clandestine underworld of crime and cruelty, where racegoers wager hundreds of thousands of dollars and trainers and jockeys drug, whip, and electroshock horses in an effort to win at any cost. For months, a team of PETA operatives investigated unregulated Quarter Horse racing in Georgia, primarily at the largest bush track in the state, Rancho El Centenario, which is south of Atlanta. Brazen Doping PETA’s investigators caught race teams injecting horses in the neck shortly before races, often right on the racetrack. A variety of drug cocktails are used to rev horses up, mask injuries, and kill pain in hopes of achieving maximum speed. PETA was able to
collect 27 syringes or needles on six different dates, and laboratory testing revealed that the syringes contained cocaine, methamphetamine, Ritalin, and caffeine, sometimes mixed together. Whipped and Electroshocked PETA recorded jockeys whipping horses mercilessly during races, often over 20 times in a row, and other teammembers striking the horses from behind just as the starting gates opened. Jockeys and handlers whipped and hit horses before races, during loading into the starting gate, and inside the gate, either as punishment or as an attempt to control unruly behavior likely caused by the drugs. Many jockeys use electric shock devices (aka “batteries,” “buzzers,” “machines,” “ chicharras ,” or “ máquinas ”) to zap horses in
PETA found this carcass of a horse rotting just a few feet away from the track.
W hat in the world is a “bush track”? These underground racetracks are the dark underbelly of the wider Quarter Horse racing industry, which profits from breeding and selling horses who excel at sprinting a quarter-mile or less and then looks the other way when the same horses are exploited at secretive tracks.
“ The doping, whipping, and electroshocking puts horses at extreme risk of accidents and fatal injuries. ”
From Fur to Finance With a Bit of Fun Thrown In
Snag Kelly and Amber’s tee at .
Compassion by the Numbers As the vice president and director, respectively, of PETA’s Finance Department, Kelly and Amber – and their team – keep the organization humming. They handle payroll, corporate credit cards, bank and investment accounts, donor annuities, and accounting and budgets for various PETA entities. They work to ensure that PETA is frugal and fiscally responsible, and they have their eagle eyes on everything from expenditures to bequests. Kelly says that one of her favorite tasks is preparing the annual reports on gifts that donors designate for a specific issue or program that is dear to them. She also gets a kick out of annual audits. “To me, it’s a wonderful opportunity to prove every year that our work is top notch. I am confident in our processes and happy to have the outside auditors come in and confirm that we did things right.” Amber adds, “Our work keeps the finances clean and accurate. It’s all about integrity and loving PETA’s mission.” Checking All the Boxes Kelly and Amber didn’t grow up as animal rights advocates. When Kelly was 5 and living in rural Ohio, her mother surprised her with a puppy named Daisy, who was kept outside. During Daisy’s first winter, she had puppies, who froze to death inside the doghouse. (After that, she was spayed and allowed to live indoors.) As for Amber, she had a babysitter who would take her to her family’s farm in North Carolina, where
she recalls seeing pigs’ heads and body parts stacked up on tables on slaughter days.
Amber with Rhino: “the love of my life”
Luckily, various life events changed Kelly and Amber forever. In 1996, Kelly moved to Hampton Roads and happened to drive by PETA’s headquarters. “I knew in my soul that I wanted to be in that building. I wanted to work for PETA,” she says.
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Around the same time, a friend of Amber’s got a job with PETA. “She brought me the VHS tape of Meet Your Meat . I will never forget that night. I got sick. I cried. And I immediately went vegan.”
Soon, the two of them were working in PETA’s Finance Department, and they’ve proved themselves real assets to our work. They never miss a chance to bag straw for dogs left out in the winter cold and, until Amber moved, often paired up on weekends to deliver the straw to families in need. Kelly has protested while dressed as a nun, and she prepares vegan fried chicken for staff cook-offs. After 9/11, she traveled with PETA’s rescue team to New York City to help reunite stranded animals with their families. On a recent vacation to the Dominican Republic, she volunteered at a rescue group, walking the dogs and delivering food for the animals, as well as vegan treats for local residents. Amber has taught staff PiYo to keep them fit, is raising her children to respect all animals (during the pandemic, she and her sons watched PETA staff meetings together), and makes sure she keeps up her activism. She also reminisces about picketing a KFC store in Hong Kong with PETA Asia staff and says, “My poor mother was frantic that I would be arrested, and I couldn’t get her on the phone to tell her I was all right.” Today, she’s known as the “turtle lady”: In her rural community, which has high speed limits, Amber always stops to help turtles safely cross the roads.
I t was 2001 and Kelly Fidler was in New York City, determined to toss a tofu cream pie at big, bad, shameless fur designer Karl Lagerfeld. “Karl was too far away, but I knew it was a now-or never situation, so I just went for it,” Kelly says. “But as soon as I raised my arm, a cop ran up and blocked it, and my pie fell straight down onto me.” She had missed the mark, but her sisters saw her on Entertainment Tonight that evening, and her arrest was included in VH1’s 100 Greatest Red Carpet Moments . Oh, and Karl Lagerfeld eventually went fur-free. Amber Hogg is a wonderful activist, too. For her very first demo, she crashed a Thanksgiving parade in Chicago in her birthday suit, also to protest fur. “When you’re in your early 20s, it’s a lot of fun!” she says. “You hop right in with a banner and try to make it as far as possible before the police show up.” It’s not surprising that PETA staff members participate in colorful stunts to highlight animal issues, but you might be surprised by Kelly’s and Amber’s day jobs.
Kelly and her childhood dog, Daisy
Take Action Now Kelly and Amber are two of PETA’s unsung heroes. If you’re inspired to join them, we’re always looking for smart, compassionate, hardworking people. Visit today.
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Reveals Real-Life Horror for Animals in Laboratories VR Experience
I magine you finish a long hike through a deserted canyon with a couple of friends as night falls. Darkness is closing in, and you and your friends rush to the safety of your car. But you have a flat tire. And there’s no cell phone signal. So you lock the car doors and hope that someone will come looking for you. And someone does. Through the windshield, a blinding light pierces your eyes. The car starts to shake, and the hair on the back of your neck is standing up. Your brain is screaming, “Run!” but then everything goes black … You wake up groggy and try to focus on the room around you. You can see your friends strapped down to metal tables with strange, tall figures looming over them. Metal trays hold scalpels, drills, and saws. You struggle to break out of your own restraints, but it’s no use. Then, your heart pounds and your breath catches in your throat as one of the creatures turns toward you. As he approaches, the only sound you can choke out is "Noooo!!!"
It’s a nightmare scenario, but for the animals who are abducted from their homes and experimented on, it’s real. And that’s just the beginning. PETA’s new immersive virtual reality exhibit, Abduction , uses sensory perception to give users a glimpse into the panic and fear that animals surely feel when they’re torn away from their families without warning, strapped down, and cut open by “giant aliens”: human experimenters. The traveling exhibit invites participants to enter a “UFO” one at a time, put on a VR headset, and sit in a specially designed chair controlled by a PETA staff member. Abduction doesn’t include graphic footage from PETA’s laboratory investigations. Instead, as in many bone-chilling horror movies, it lets viewers conjure up in their own minds what they can’t see. University, where real-life experimenters drill holes into the skulls of baby mice and inject tumor causing cells into their brains, as well as inducing heart failure in rats by cutting open their chests, constricting their aortas with sutures, and then forcing them to run on a treadmill. Afterward, they kill and dissect all the "subjects." Next, it stopped at Princeton University, where experimenters cut into monkeys’ heads, carve out a portion of their skull, implant a recording device, and insert electrodes into their brains. Then they make sure the monkeys are dehydrated so they'll be motivated to respond to images on a screen in exchange for a juice “reward.” The Abduction tour is currently on college campuses across the US. It launched at George Washington
Aliens also “abducted” students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where experimenters implanted electrodes in the brains of mice and injected a toxin into one eye of some of them, causing considerable vision loss. These experiments and others like them are allowed to go on despite the fact that 90% of basic research – most of which involves animals – fails to lead to treatments for humans. At each stop, students are able to take action to protest experiments on animals
and push their schools to use sophisticated, non-animal, human-relevant research methods.
“ I never thought about what it’s like for animals. This is reallymore emotional than I was expecting it to be.”
Take Action Now Advanced scientific research shouldn’t look like a scene from Invasion of the Body
Snatchers . Ask your lawmakers to support PETA’s Research Modernization Deal at . And see if Abduction is coming to a school near you at .
“ I’m taking an animal cognition class so this is super relevant. They can definitely feel what’s going on and their confusion must be terrifying.”
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