PETA Global 2022 Issue 1


Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins about the findings were ignored. So PETA went to the media.

facility that is demonstrating success at preventing critical animal welfare issues,” an understatement.

Sickness, Death, Contamination A damning exposé in the Arizona Republic and USA Today dropped bombshells – including that deadly diseases run rampant at the WaNPRC’s supposedly “pathogen-free” breeding facility. Monkeys there routinely become sick and die from Valley fever and have tested positive for campylobacter, shigella, salmonella, and cryptosporidia as well as for the pathogens that cause Chagas disease, tuberculosis, and even cholera. A toxic waste site just 550 yards from the facility has contaminated the wells and soil with perchlorates and lead. Injuries and Incompetence In PETA’s investigation, injuries and deaths at WaNPRC are described in detail. Amacaque died of dehydration because the water line to her cage hadn’t been connected. Amonkey strangled to death when he became entangled in a chain attached to his cage. Amonkey who hadn’t been properly fasted prior to surgery went into respiratory arrest and choked to death on his own vomit. Two stressed macaques escaped, and both incurred injuries to their hands and fingers. Findings from experiments on these contaminated monkeys are compromised before they even start.

Take Action Now Visit to demand the closure of the WaNPRC and the release of

the monkeys to sanctuaries, where they can finally experience security, comfort, and respect. You can help PETA succeed! Do it for Dorothy.

NIH Director Francis Collins has known since at least 2013 that sepsis – an extreme and often fatal response to infection – affects humans and mice differently. Some 150 drugs have treated sepsis in mice, but every single one has failed in human trials. Collins has acknowledged, “No wonder drugs designed for the mice failed in humans: They were, in fact, treating different conditions!” Yet NIH has continued to squander tens of millions of dollars to induce sepsis in mice, causing them to go into shock, experience multiple organ failure, and die in agony. PETA Sues to Stop Sepsis Experiments What PETA Alleges PETA’s groundbreaking lawsuit against Collins, NIH, and others alleges that funding sepsis tests on animals violates the agencies’ legal obligations to reduce the number of animals used in experiments, minimize the suffering of animals, and fund research for the benefit of human health. Following a PETA campaign, NIH has stopped funding sepsis experiments by an experimenter at the University of Pittsburgh, who punctured the intestines of mice so that feces would leak into their abdomens. PETA’s lawsuit pushes NIH to invest in non animal, human-relevant sepsis research that is truly lifesaving. Go to to help.

Time to Close All Primate Prisons Following PETA’s revelations, people are

Artwork: © Praxis

clamoring to close the WaNPRC and its breeding center. PETA has filed complaints against UW with the USDA for egregious violations of the Animal Welfare Act, and the agency did cite UW, noting that the school’s long and sordid violation record was “not indicative of a

“Dorothy” visiting the University of Washington campus

Dorothy (like the monkey shown in this photo) was taken from her cage to another room and locked into a “restraint chair.”

A t 22 years old, Dorothy was a senior citizen in macaque years when she ended up at the Washington National Primate Research Center (WaNPRC) at the University of Washington (UW). She had been used as a breeding machine for 20 years – all her babies had been taken away from her. And now, instead of enjoying her golden years perched in a tree, surrounded by her daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters, Dorothy found herself all alone, in a cold steel cage.

lock her into a restraint chair. She was kept thirsty so she would cooperate by looking at a screen for hours at a time just to get a sip of water. To control her even more, they drilled a hole into her skull and implanted a titanium post so that they could prevent her from moving her head. Driven to despair, she pulled out nearly all her hair and began to waste away. Dorothy got sicker and sicker under the strain of unrelenting experimentation, until she was just a shadow of her former self. After she died, her necropsy showed that she was riddled with cancer. No one had bothered to find out why she was so ill while she was still alive.

primate research centers operating at universities across the US. Each year, these relics from the 1960s rake in millions in federal funds and use the money to torment monkeys like Dorothy. They claim that their experiments will lead to vaccines for human diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and Zika. Yet in 60 years of inflicting abject misery on monkeys, they have not succeeded. For nearly two years, PETA researchers and scientists combed through tens of thousands of university and federal records, talked to multiple insiders, and even filed open records lawsuits to uncover the WaNPRC’s dirty deeds. All attempts to meet with UW President Ana Mari Cauce and soon-to-be-former National

PETA placed ads in newspapers, hung a banner from a highway overpass, ran classic and mobile billboards, and more.

Six Decades of Misery … Cruelty but No Cures The WaNPRC is one of seven taxpayer-funded national

Experimenters clamped a thick metal collar around her neck – mockingly calling it her “jewelry” – so they could

Global 7


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