PETA AU Global 2020 Issue 2

This interactive online version of PETA AU Global 2020 Issue 2 is designed with clickable links, pop-up images, and videos to enhance your viewing experience. Happy reading!

Global ADVANCING THE ANIMAL RIGHTS REVOLUTION 22 PAGE Volcano Rescue! Taal animals saved 12 PAGE Taste of Maine A “lobster” roll even a lobster could love ISSUE 2 | AUTUMN 2020 Be a PETA ‘Butterfly’: Change Everything for Animals E A F L A

3 PAGE Mýa Over Matter Grammy Award winner and motivator!

Mýa: Photo: ©Brian Bowen Smith | Stylist: Mia Gyzander




Lobster Roll: ©Ilene Godofsky Moreno • Butterfly Badge: © • Frog & Butterfly: ©RooM the Agency/Alamy Stock Photo


They say the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in

Edwards subsequently signed a law prohibiting shelters from selling animals to laboratories.



Texas. Similarly, even the smallest choices you make, including how you interact with companies and organizations online, can have a powerful effect on animals in trouble thousands of miles away. Take PETA e-mail alerts: One action combines with millions of others every month, and that collective force means liberation or rescue for thousands and sometimes millions of sentient beings. When PETA sent out an action alert asking people to push Johnson & Johnson to stop using animals to demonstrate invasive medical device procedures for sales representatives, BOOM! Less than 24 hours later, the company announced that it would switch to superior human-patient simulators. When PETA found out that Louisiana State University was purchasing dogs from an animal shelter for use in deadly classroom training exercises, it mobilized nearly 23,000 “butterflies,” and Louisiana Gov. John Bel








For 30 years, the US National Institutes of Health funded


horrendous maternal deprivation experiments on baby monkeys. But after a PETA action alert generated nearly a quarter of a million e-mails, the laboratory in question closed – and the lead experimenter stopped conducting tests on animals forever.

Need more examples of the difference one person can make? Just ask Dillan, the suffering bear freed from a dismal roadside zoo after 150,000 PETA “butterflies” demanded his release to a sanctuary. Or Loleta, one of 151 greyhounds rescued from a canine blood bank that shut down after PETA members bombarded the parent company’s Facebook page with demands that it close the facility. These individuals and so many others are safe and happy today because people cared enough to fly to their defense. So the next time you learn of an animal in distress, cause a flap! J Read on for more ways to flap your wings and save animals every day.




A MESSAGE FROM Ingrid Newkirk PETA’s President

Mýa Over Matter

I f your house were on fire, what would you grab? When 13-year-old Troy of California and his family had to evacuate during a wildfire, he refused to leave until he’d transferred his fish to water-filled pots and got them into the car with the rest of his family. When his sister teased him, he said, “Fish have feelings!” PETA has been saying that for years and initially met with scorn. But, like Troy, we knew that sentient beings depend on us to raise awareness and take action to help them – like the eel whose terrible fear and pain I witnessed as he made eye contact with me at the very moment an angler yanked his whole throat out of his mouth while trying to remove embedded hooks. Thanks to PETA and people who speak up, fish are finally gaining some respect. At our request, GrandLife and Kimpton hotels stopped renting fish to guests for use as decorations. Walmart stopped selling them in its stores following PETA Asia’s exposé of cruelty to bettas, who are shipped all over the world and often die in transit. And acknowledging that lobsters feel pain, Switzerland outlawed boiling them alive. In a move also initially mocked, the town of Monza, Italy, banned keeping goldfish in bowls. Like Troy, Giampietro Mosca, the ordinance’s sponsor, refused to listen to critics, saying, “A fish kept in a bowl has a distorted view of reality ... and suffers because of this.” His proposal made the news, inspiring compassion and sparing many fish a miserable life.

Beatles Legend ‘Looking for Changes’

It is lunacy to pretend that watching small animals struggle to keep from drowning in beakers of water somehow sheds light on human depression. After hearing from PETA, Bayer and Bristol-Myers Squibb confirmed that they have banned the debunked “forced swim test,” joining Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and other Big Pharma players. In addition, King’s College London became the first university in the world to prohibit it, telling The Telegraph , “[W]e believe there are better behavioural tests available.” Pharma Giants Deep-Six ‘Forced SwimTest’

Grammy Award–winning singer Mýa was a longtime vegetarian before deciding to go vegan – and after experiencing the “wonders” that it has done for her skin, body, and overall health, she’s hooked. “If you want to see a huge difference in your life, give vegan a try!” she says. To hear more, watch the inspiring behind-the scenes video from her beautiful PETA ad shoot at . Hoo roo ay! Aussie Hair Care and Suave Go Cruelty-Free GLOBAL

Coronavirus Mask:Woman: © • Polar Bear: ©Riekus/ • Mýa: Photo: ©Brian Bowen Smith | Stylist: Mia Gyzander

Sir Paul McCartney has always rooted for an end to experiments on animals. To help push for a shift to superior, non -animal tests, he donated his 1993 protest song “Looking for Changes” to PETA, which created an animated video with it that debuted on

Many exciting changes have already taken place, thanks to PETA and its international affiliates – but the work won’t end until all animals are free.

Take Action Now Visit to share Sir Paul’s video on social media and to urge US lawmakers to end wasteful spending on animal experiments by the US National Institutes of Health, which is the world’s largest funder of these archaic tests.

Take ActionNow Eli Lilly is still treading water on this issue. Please visit and tell the drugmaker to stop

tormenting mice.



PETA Face Masks Point to the Culprit Behind Coronavirus

So come on in – the water’s fine! Join

Find Ingrid’s PETA bunny necklace, these newly designed tees, and more animal rights apparel at .

Aussie hair care’s signature kangaroo will have some company on the product label: PETA’s “Beauty Without Bunnies” logo. Suave – which makes

an anti-fishing protest, post a

body wash, lotion, deodorant, and more – has also added the iconic cruelty-free bunny symbol. Working alongside PETA, both brands took steps to ensure that their products are never tested on animals anywhere, including in China, which is notorious for its draconian animal-testing requirements. “Our consumers care about animals and so do we! That is why we are proud to be certified cruelty-free by PETA,” Suave spokesperson Bérengère Loubatier said.

pro-fish PETA ad on social media, or share the parts about fish in my new book, Animalkind . You’ll be teaching humans something and also helping misunderstood underwater animals. Nothing changes if we let the fear of ridicule silence us.

As COVID-19, the disease caused by the deadly new strain of coronavirus, quickly spread around the world, PETA unveiled these eye-catching face masks to urge people to help prevent future outbreaks by avoiding meat like the plague. Coronavirus, as well as all strains of influenza, including the 1918–1919 pandemic that killed at least 50 million humans, is believed to have come from confining animals – primarily birds, pigs, and, in the case of influenza B, even seals (hunted and eaten) and ferrets (factory farmed for fur and bred to be “pets”). The source of COVID-19 was a Chinese live animal market. At slaughterhouses worldwide, waste from live animals who may carry transmissible viruses that can infect and kill humans sometimes spatters and sprays onto meat. Get your mask at to show that there has never been a saner time to go vegan and close all meat operations.

PETA boxed up more than 200 fur coats – donated by kind people who’d had a change of heart about who they were wearing – and sent them to Life for Relief and Development to be distributed to families with inadequate shelter facing freezing temperatures in Kabul, Afghanistan. Take Action Now Nothing can bring back animals who were caged and killed for their fur, but the clothing that they died for can at least be put toward a good cause. Please pledge to shop vegan from now on, and visit to make a donation of any fur items you already own. PETA Gives Fur Coats to Freezing Children

Take Action Now Make sure your go-to brands aren’t tested on animals by searching PETA’s database at .

Global 3






PETA Wins for Badgers One of Europe’s largest suppliers of shaving products, The Executive Shaving Company, will now sell only brushes made without animal hair after a PETA investigation into China’s badger-brush industry revealed that “protected” badgers are illegally hunted with snares or violently killed on factory farms. PETA’s graphic footage has prompted nearly 100 brush manufacturers around


Big news for small animals: All three airports in Phoenix, Arizona, stopped using glue traps at PETA’s urging, and Australia’s premier discount variety store, Cheap as Chips, removed them from its shelves after a concerned customer prompted PETA Australia to get involved. “We take the ethical treatment of animals seriously,” the chain’s CEO said. Recognizing the suffering inflicted by these traps, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, and Victoria have also banned them.

PETA Germany made history when it filed a complaint on behalf of the country’s male piglets, challenging the constitutionality of the painful castration that they routinely endure. The filing – the first in Germany involving animals as the legal plaintiffs before a constitutional court – argues that castration without pain relief violates German law. The case received prominent backing from Berlin’s newspaper Tagesspiegel , which wrote, “In the Roman Empire, there were free humans and slaves – today, animals are our slaves.” Abused Piglets Set Judicial Precedent

the world, including high end cosmetics retailer Cult Beauty, to ban badger hair.

Joe Exotic: ©Santa Rosa County Jail • Mouse: © • Pigs: ©Mark Peters Photography

Donkey: © Aneesh Sankarankutty • Ozzy Photo: © Martyn Goodacre | Blood: © • Badger: ©


Just deserts never tasted so sweet. After a long running campaign targeting JosephMaldonado Tiger Torturer Caged for 22 Years

Victory! Kenya Shuts Down the Donkey Skin Trade Some 1,000 donkeys were being slaughtered every day in Kenya so that their skins could be used for ejiao , a traditional Chinese medicine. But after a PETA Asia investigation revealed that the donkeys were packed onto trucks, forced to endure long and grueling journeys, denied food and water, and violently beaten before finally being killed in state-sanctioned slaughterhouses, more than 200,000 PETA supporters sent letters demanding a halt to the killing. The government responded by shutting down the slaughterhouses. Take Action Now The Northern Territory allows the export of donkey hides and live donkeys to China, where they’re bludgeoned and slaughtered to make ejiao. Please go to to urge Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ban live exports immediately.

Take Action Now Want to help pigs? Don’t eat them. Go to to get a free vegan starter kit for yourself or a friend.

‘Prince of Darkness’ Declares: Declawing Is Evil


Passage – aka “Joe Exotic” – PETA bid him a not-so-fond farewell. He will be sent upriver for 22 years after being convicted of murder for hire as well as crimes against wildlife, including trafficking in endangered animals and killing tigers at his decrepit roadside zoo. PETAworked tenaciously to shut him down, conducting undercover investigations, taking legal action, and getting 45 animals at his facility into reputable sanctuaries.


Take Action Now US readers: Please visit to urge your representative to cosponsor the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act, which will

After nearly losing some of his fingers to an infection, Ozzy Osbourne gave fans a feel for declawing. His riveting PETA ad shows what the cruel practice really entails: 10 separate

hold animal exploiters accountable when they break the law.

amputations – removing the last joint of each toe – which can cause nerve damage, chronic pain, and difficulty walking and using the litterbox. “Amputating a cat’s toes is twisted and wrong,” the heavy metal icon says. “If your couch is more important to you than your cat’s health and happiness, you don’t deserve to have an animal! Get cats a scratching post – don’t mutilate them for life.”



PETA Australia supporters held an eye-popping protest just days ahead of the Sydney FishMarket’s 36-Hour Seafood Marathon, netting media coverage around the world. Some 700 tons of sea animals are killed and sold during the “festive frenzy” holiday sale. More fish are killed for food each year than all other animals combined – as many as 2.7 trillion individuals – and each one can feel pain. Biologist Culum Brown, who studies fish sentience, says that “it would be impossible for fish to survive as the cognitively and behaviorally complex animals they are without a capacity to feel pain.” Fish Protest Makes Global Splash


What’s the “secret ingredient” in the treatment for diphtheria? Cruelty to horses! But that’s changing thanks to the PETA Science Consortium International. For more than 100 years, horses have been repeatedly injected with diphtheria toxin and subjected to blood withdrawals in order to collect their antibodies. Inspections of facilities that bleed horses to make drugs found disregard for animal welfare regulations, including keeping horses – many suffering from anemia, diseased hooves, infections, parasites, and malnutrition – in filthy, severely crowded enclosures. Some die in agony. But fortunately, the Science Consortium funded a project that has created human derived diphtheria antibodies, which will spare horses, prevent allergic reactions caused by equine antibodies, and address the global diphtheria antibody shortage. Breakthrough! PETADevelops Cruelty-Free Diphtheria Treatment

Can you feel the paradigm shifting? Last September, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that – after 20 years of pressure from PETA – it will phase out toxicity tests on mammals. Now, it’s partnering with PETA and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine on a series of public webinars about replacing animal experiments. The US Food and Drug Administration and National Institutes of Health may want to watch out for falling dominos.

Take Action Now Your donations help end tests on animals. Please visit .

Take Action Now Visit to sign PETA’s petition to end the use of all animals in antibody production.

Take Action Now Stop floundering : Go vegan. Visit to get started.

Global 5


You’ve Got the Power A s Patrik points out, true strength isn’t about flexing bulging biceps – it’s about extending kindness, standing up to bullies, and putting your compassion into action. Exercise Your Animal Rights Udder Nonsense Once a week, my friends and I I U S E A F L A P •

For the Love of Tofu With visions of tofu pad Thai

So many athletes are going vegan after watching James Cameron’s documentary The Game Changers , I’ve started leaving PETA vegan starter kits at my gym and am helping family members and friends up their game by hosting Game Changers movie nights (with delicious vegan snacks, of course!). – Michelle Kretzer

occupy a local Starbucks to protest the chain’s upcharge on vegan milks – and we’ll keep at it until Starbucks wakes up and smells the coffee and stops charging people more for making animal- and eco-friendly choices. – Melanie Johnson


and tofu tacos in her head, Carmen walked into the DMV to change her license plate to “ILVTOFU.” Well, it seems that the DMV folks had a different interpretation of her message and rejected it. When she shared the story online, it educated tons of people about the joys of eating vegan.

Car: © Rumiantsev • Runners: © • Elephant: © • Fist Bump: ©



There are a zillion ways to do this, starting with opening other people’s eyes, hearts, and minds. Here are a few real-life examples from caring people who thought, “ I can do that!” May they inspire you to take action, too. See how many ideas you can replicate or come up with on your own to get the word out every single day.










Stick(er) Up for Animals I remember reading about the importance of animal rights bumper stickers, but


Hundreds of wonderful victories for animals – from bans on animal circuses, foie gras, and fur to the closure of factory farms and laboratories – have occurred only because PETA supporters took action to show others that animals deserve respect.



Maybe you can’t lift a car off the ground like Germany’s strongest man and self-described “vegan badass,” Patrik Baboumian, but you still have the strongest muscle in the human body: a heart!

Stop Cruelty! My niece saw this stop sign

I don’t have a car, so I improvised – with my bicycle! – Ashley Guy

in Brooklyn and thought it was a clever way to spread the word. Stickers like this one are available at . – Chrissy Matthies




Cut! I Stopped a Cruel Film A local movie theater was planning to show a movie featuring a captive

Make Birthdays Count



Naked Bike Rider! Every year, Seattle holds a summer solstice festival that kicks off with a huge naked bike ride. I realized that it would be a great time to express my animal rights views! – Zachary Toliver

My sister asked me to go vegan for her birthday in lieu of buying her a present. I agreed – and I’m still vegan more than two decades later! Now, I suggest that others go vegan when they ask me what I want for my birthday. – Joel Bartlett

No Betta Blues I organized a “Take the Betta Test” demonstration with another activist. We gave passersby a dollar to stand in a cramped space for three minutes while watching PETA’s investigative video about betta fish. The footage shows that the fish are

Alpha Activist Lots of stores have alphabet letters for sale. I like to rearrange them to leave a pro-animal message,


Lemonade Stand for Animals

elephant and promoting animal circuses, so I wrote to the theater’s managers to let them know about the abusive training methods used in movies and circuses. They

such as “END DISSECTION” or whatever there are enough letters to spell out! – Heidi Parker

After my grandmother showed me a video of animals being saved using oxygen masks, I set up lemonade stands and raised enough money to buy three animal oxygen masks for my local fire department. – Carly Gray

responded right away to say that they didn’t know about this issue and would cancel the screening and show a different film! – Nirali Shah

displayed on store shelves in small see through bags. “They’re little pouches of suffering,” one participant said. – Victoria

Global 7




Rave Reviews I post positive reviews of restaurants


A Compassionate Bookworm I belong to a book club, and we rotate who gets to choose what we read and discuss each month. When my turn came, I recommended Ingrid Newkirk’s new book, Animalkind (available at ). I hosted the meeting, providing guests with vegan snacks, and several people

of Heart When I found out a friend was fundraising for

with vegan options on Yelp and TripAdvisor, along with tantalizing photos of vegan meals. My favorite Chinese restaurant decided to feature my photo of its Kung Pao Tofu on its Yelp page with a caption noting that it’s vegan. – Rachel Stotts

the American Heart Association on Facebook, I explained that the association funds cruel animal experiments. She immediately changed


the fundraiser to one benefitting a health charity that doesn’t fund animal tests! Learn more about animal testing and animal-friendly charities at . – Amber Canavan


Fur Is Tutu Cruel My mom and I have a holiday tradition of going to a Nutcracker

Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix shows off his copy of Animalkind .

signed PETA’s vegan pledge ( ).

Girl with Laptop: © • Bouquet: © • Pig: ©


Fight Canada Goose Cruelty I volunteered to help staff PETA’s information table at a concert in Los Angeles, and we collected more than 50 pages of signatures on Canada Goose petitions. ( PETA Global readers can sign the petition at .) – Casey Kern

Reading Woman: © • Heart: © Biliavskyi

ballet performance, where we sometimes see people wearing fur. The last time we went, I wore a vintage blazer with the custom-embroidered message “Stop wearing animals,” which got a lot of attention and many compliments. – Ashley Frohnert

Driver’s Ed I’m a Lyft driver, and I

A Peacock Saves a Coyote Long Island Orchestrating for

keep a stack of PETA vegan starter kits in my car to hand out to my passengers who are interested in compassionate living. Order a supply at . – Jesse Johnson

Nature (LION) rescued a peacock who had been roaming a Long Island block for months, and I took him to a sanctuary. The reporter who covered the story was wearing a Canada Goose jacket with fur trim, so after the interview, I said, “I can tell you love animals,” and asked her if she knew how coyotes suffer in crippling traps. I told her the fur trim could be donated to wildlife rehabilitators, and she asked me to zip it off for her right then and there. – John Di Leonardo

‘Bridezilla’ Blasted

Care bnb I converted an apartment in my house to an animal-themed Airbnb rental. It’s advertised as vegan-friendly, and it’s stocked with vegan cookbooks, soy creamer, PETA literature, vegan starter kits, animal rights books, and more. It’s made an impact. One couple left a note in the guestbook saying that they are both going to try to go vegan. – Lori Kettler

When I learned that my bridal bestie planned to use live fish as centerpieces at her wedding reception, I threatened to stage a SeaWorld-worthy wedding boycott if she didn’t nix that idea. She went with flowers instead. – Maura McClure I


Teach Kindness I’m a high school teacher, and I filmed I

myself catching and relocating a spider and posted the clip on social media with the caption “Be kind.


Be a Savvy Traveler

Help an animal somewhere.” In response, over three dozen of my students filmed themselves helping spiders, bees, snakes, worms, and other animals! (Find humane bug catchers at .) – Dennis Yong


I refuse to book trips through travel companies that offer donkey or horse rides in their itineraries – and I let them know that animals aren’t tourist taxis. – Jessica Wood



Run for the Animals

I spread the vegan message to hundreds of other competitors and spectators at the Norfolk Harbor half marathon when I “amended” my race bib to read, “Go Vegan.” – Maria Reviello I




Costumed Crusader I volunteered to dress up in a rat costume for a PETA protest at a University of Delaware Board of Trustees meeting, in which we urged the university to end Tania Roth’s cruel experiments on rats. The school president could not avoid seeing us the whole time he was giving his presentation, and as we were

Message on a Bottle Singer-songwriter Aiden James was on food stamps when he first went vegan, and it helped him stretch his limited funds further. But he stayed vegan for animals. He uses PETA’s water bottle (available at ) to send a message wherever he goes.

‘I’m Me, Not Meat’ I created a “vegan intervention flier” telling the story of a cow killed for beef and hand it out to people I see shopping at the meat counter in the supermarket. A friend took it a step further and actually taped the flier to a package of meat. – J.Z.

Never Be Silent I witnessed pigs being starved and left to die from serious injuries. I called PETA, and they contacted law enforcement and made sure the farm was investigated. You can report abuse by e-mailing . – Anonymous

Fashion Statement I wore PETA’s #EndSpeciesism T-shirt (order yours at



Buzz Cut Here’s a hair-raising idea: I shaved my head

leaving, a professor stopped to let us know that he agreed with us. It was exhilarating and took just a few hours out of my day, yet it made a difference for animals and inspired me to get more active. To sign up for exciting demo opportunities like these, go to . – Agustina Sosa ) to a festival. I didn’t even make it out of the parking lot before people were asking me to tell them more about speciesism. – Ryan Hajek

with the words “GO VEGAN”! – Erika Wilkinson


Take Action Now Get more activist ideas and opportunities by signing up for PETA’s Action Team at .

Global 9



THEWALL: Vivisection Unveiled A t this moment, more than 100 million living, feeling beings just like you are being imprisoned in bleak,

• In a psychology study at the University of Chicago, a rat was stuffed into a tube and placed in a cage with another rat. The unrestrained one worked frantically to free the trapped one, ignoring chocolate that was offered as a distraction – a clear display of the empathy that their human tormentors lacked. Even in this technological age, with human DNA sequenced on the internet, organs on a chip, and high-speed computers programmed with human data, massive numbers of animals are still being used as laboratory tools.

cigarettes had been placed. And electrodes were inserted into dogs’ penises to measure the effect of smoking on sexual performance. • At Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, rabbits’ necks were cut open and blood clots were injected into their carotid arteries in order to induce strokes while they were fully conscious. They lost their balance, became paralyzed, and died. • In head-injury experiments at the University of Pennsylvania, experimenters cemented helmets onto the heads of sedated baboons and then used a hydraulic device to thrust them forward with an acceleration of up to 1,000 units of g-force in order to inflict severe head injuries. They were given no painkillers. Workers

From 2017 to 2018, US laboratories increased the number of animals used by 4%, including a 12.2% increase in the number of primates. In the UK, 3.52 million procedures were conducted on animals in 2018 alone. PETA will never forget these victims and will keep striving to reach a day when all experiments on animals are just shameful memories.

desolate, cramped cages in laboratories across the United States. Each is an individual with emotions like fear, loneliness, love, and pain, yet they’re deprived of everything that might make their miserable lives worth living. They’re constantly poked, prodded, biopsied, infected, injected, and robbed of their babies. They’re tormented in painful psychological experiments for maternal deprivation, sexual deviancy, and addiction studies. They’re shocked, hung by their tails, and denied food and water just to make them compliant. Yet all this “basic research” fails to lead to human treatments a staggering 90% of the time. Nearly all of these animals will be killed and thrown out with the biomedical waste. Since its founding in 1980, PETA has repeatedly exposed unethical, grotesquely cruel, misleading, pointless, and downright bizarre experiments and has stopped many of them. Now, PETA’s vivisection wall is traveling across North America to wake people up to the need for modern, non-animal methods. Following are true descriptions of the torture that animals have endured: • As part of the maternal-deprivation experiments at a National Institutes of Health (NIH) facility, experimenters terrorized newborn rhesus macaques, who innately fear snakes, with realistic electronic versions. Following an intensive year-long PETA campaign, NIH ended these experiments and shut down the laboratory. • At Boys Town National Research Hospital, experimenters starved cats, implanted tubes and wires in their throats, and screwed metal devices into their skulls. They also severed the nerves in kittens’ brains. Some kittens were subjected to experiments on the very day they were born. PETA stopped these experiments, too. • In tobacco experiments, dogs were forced to inhale cigarette smoke via mechanical ventilators or tracheotomies in which lit

Take Action Now US readers: Text WRONG to 73822 to urge NIH to stop squandering your taxes on

cruel, crude animal experiments and instead invest in far more effective, 100% humane, state-of-the-art, non-animal research methods.

then pried the helmets off with a hammer and a screwdriver – tearing off part of one monkey’s ear in the process – and made fun of the brain-damaged animals. After PETA released footage of this cruelty, the laboratory lost its funding. • To study ringing in the ears, experimenters at the University of Maryland–Baltimore drilled holes into ferrets’ and rats’ heads, inserted electrodes into their brains, and drove screws into their skulls to hold in place a metal post and a recording device that measured brain responses to sounds. The rats were locked in chambers and blasted with loud noise. Some were accidentally deafened, which made them useless for the experiment, so they were killed. • Amonkey known as #V357 was used in nerve-agent attack training in the laboratory at the US Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground inMaryland. Every eight weeks, experimenters injected himwith a massive drug overdose to mimic a chemical attack. He sweated profusely, violently convulsed, and struggled to breathe. Several of his fingers were bitten or torn off in fights with other monkeys. He died, alone in his cage, after experimenters injected himwith a chemical that severely restricted blood flow to his brain. The Army stopped these experiments following pressure from PETA.

WITHOUT CONSENT Imagine having your body left to science while you’re still in it. Since medieval times, people with power have experimented on vulnerable individuals. The victims have included immigrant women used in gynecological surgeries, orphans in tuberculosis and psychological experiments, GIs in LSD and poison gas experiments, and impoverished black men in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Today, it’s clear why such abuse was wrong, but our knowledge of the past must guide our present-day conduct. We are just one animal species among many, and having the power to exploit others does not give us the right. “Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: ‘Because the animals are like us.’ Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: ‘Because the animals are not like us.’” – Charles R. Magel (1920–2014), American philosopher, writer, and professor

“The only thing I care about is whether a monkey will turn out a property I can publish. I don’t have any love for them.

I never have. I don’t really like animals.” – Harry Harlow (1905–1981), experimenter who created the monkey “pit of despair”

Global 11


Your FamilyWill Love Rainbo fRecipe A


Mr. Rooster Proves That Every Chicken Is aWinner, Not a Dinner I t was a tough call, as thousands of avian competitors from across the US strutted their stuff, but only one beautiful bird took home the title of PETA’s Chicken Star: Mr. Rooster of Merced, California. PETA’s ‘MakeYour ChickenaStar’ Contest Champion

“Colourful, not complicated.” That’s the concept behind the vibrant vegan recipes that Ilene Godofsky Moreno shares via her popular blog and cookbooks. If you’re looking for delicious dishes that will satisfy your entire family – from a picky youngster to a sceptical spouse – but won’t leave you stuck in the kitchen for hours on a sunny day, try these recipes, adapted from Ilene’s newest book, The Colorful Family Table (available at ).

Easy Baked Artichokes with Lemon-Garlic Aioli Makes 4 servings YOU’LL NEED 2 artichokes, with the stem and top quarter cut off

1 tin coconut milk 2 medium russet potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 medium head cauliflower, broken into florets Juice of 1 /2 lemon 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill Salt and pepper, to taste 120 g vegan sour cream 40 g chopped spring onions 40 g sauerkraut Grilled “Cheese” Croutons (recipe follows) METHOD • In a large pot, sauté the onion and garlic in the olive oil over medium-high heat until lightly browned, about 7 minutes. • Add 470 ml of the vegetable broth and the coconut milk. Bring to a simmer then add the potatoes and cauliflower. Add the remaining vegetable broth if needed to cover the vegetables. • Lower the heat to medium and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Turn off the heat and use an immersion blender to blend the soup or, once cool, transfer to a blender and blend until smooth then return to the pot. • Turn the heat to low and stir in the lemon juice and dill. Season with the salt and pepper. To serve, ladle into bowls and top with the vegan sour cream, spring onions, sauerkraut, and Grilled “Cheese” Croutons. Grilled ‘Cheese’ Croutons Makes 2 to 4 servings YOU’LL NEED 60 g shredded vegan cheddar cheese 4 slices bread METHOD • Cover 2 slices of the bread with the vegan cheese. Top each with the remaining slices of bread.

10 cloves garlic 2 Tbsp. olive oil 70 ml lemon juice 230 g vegan mayo

Also affectionately called “Señor Rooster” or “Gallo,” our handsome winner loves pulling down the family’s grapevines so that his smaller hen friends can enjoy some fruit before he takes any for himself. They cool off together by dustbathing, and Mr. Rooster sometimes hops up on top of the shed to keep a lookout for the family. When a car pulls into the driveway, he joins the dogs in running up to check out the visitor.

2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast Salt and pepper, to taste

• Place the sandwiches in a panini press and grill until the “cheese” melts. • Transfer to a cutting board and cut into small cubes. ‘Lobster’ Rolls Makes 4 rolls YOU’LL NEED 2 tins hearts of palm, drained and roughly chopped 50 g diced celery 75 g diced red onion 86 g vegan mayo 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill 1 Tbsp. seasoned salt

METHOD • Preheat the oven to 220°C.

• Spread open the petals of the artichokes and stuff 3 cloves of garlic in the centre of each then place in a baking dish. Drizzle with the olive oil and 45 millilitres of the lemon juice. Cover with foil and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. • Mince the remaining garlic and combine with the vegan mayo, nutritional yeast, and remaining lemon juice in a small bowl. Season with the salt and pepper then cover and store in the refrigerator until ready to use. • Remove the artichokes from the oven and transfer to a serving dish. To enjoy: Dip each petal in the aioli and scrape the soft fleshy portion from the base with your teeth then discard.

Mr. Rooster’s social, curious, affectionate nature has inspired his human guardians, the Calderon family, to stop eating animals. “Once I saw for myself how social and wonderful chickens are, I knew I couldn’t eat them,” says Natividad, one of the family’s daughters. “From chickens to human beings, we’re all the same inside, and that’s exactly why I went vegan.”

When it comes to showing humans that eating chickens is a cock-a-doodle-don’t, Mr. Rooster is a star indeed.

Artichoke/Lobster Rolls/Potato Soup: ©Ilene Godofsky Moreno • Cookbook Cover: ©Ilene Godofsky Moren • Lemons: © • Mr. Rooster & Family: ©Natividad Calderon

Juice of 1 lemon Pepper, to taste 4 bread rolls, cut in half and toasted Vegan butter Lemon wedges

Take Action If you’re still eating smart, sensitive animals like Mr. Rooster, there’s no better time than now to go vegan. Request your free vegan starter kit at .

Loaded Cauliflower Baked Potato Soup Makes 4 servings YOU’LL NEED

Get All The Fake Meats!

METHOD • In a large bowl, combine the hearts of palm, celery, onion, mayo, dill, seasoned salt, and lemon juice. Season with the pepper. • Butter the rolls with the vegan butter. Divide the “lobster” salad evenly among the rolls and serve with the lemon wedges.

Mr. Rooster and the Calderons won a prize package including vegan chicken from PETA Business Friend . You can get your own Fake Meats at . Learn more about becoming a PETA Business Friend at .

1 medium onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tbsp. olive oil 470–700 ml vegetable broth

Global 13






Horses are routinely whipped to make them run faster when their bodies are telling them they’ve had enough. Welts were visible onMelbourne Cup winner Vow and Declare at the end of the race. Horses are also shocked with illegal “buzzers,” and a PETA investigator recorded jockeys and trainers laughing about smuggling them into races.

Many horses are crippled by arthritis and other chronic conditions by age 5 or 6, and thousands are sent to slaughter every year. That was nearly the fate of ex racer Coming Home, who was purchased by a “meat buyer” at a livestock auction and was just hours away from slaughter when PETA stepped in to save her, finding her a home on a longtime member’s vegan ranch.

PETA’s investigation into Steve Asmussen, a Hall of Fame trainer, revealed that horses are drugged, both legally and illegally, to keep them running when they’re sick or injured – often leading to fatal injuries.

Drugs, Beatings, and Breakdowns Galore


Photo Frame: © • Jockey on Horse: ©Lisa Ralston • Man Whipping Horse: ©Lisa Ralston

First-Ever Cruelty Charges





Here’s an outrageously cruel ending to a hard life: PETA filmed Australian and US-born Thoroughbred horses being beaten in the face with pipes as they were forced, trembling with fear, into the slaughter chutes at the Nonghyup facility, South Korea’s largest horse slaughterhouse. PETA’s footage caused such a public outcry that Korean authorities filed the first-ever cruelty charges against slaughterhouse workers in the country, levied fines, and pledged to implement a retirement program to keep horses from being sold for meat. In the US, at PETA’s urging, The Jockey Club created the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, which uses a portion of foal registration fees to care for ex-racers.


The image shared with PETA by a horrified whistleblower showed a dead racehorse named Bridget Moloney unceremoniously dumped at a landfill after being injured in her last race, her legs still in racing wraps, her body protruding from a pile of garbage. PETA pressure prompted a criminal investigation, but as the organization’s seven prior investigations into the racing industry have already demonstrated, it’s common for horses to be treated like trash.




“Incredible abuses to these precious animals and the willingness to just spit these animals out and literally take their lives is a disgrace.” – California Gov. Gavin Newsom

Leading the Way in California

When the horse deaths started mounting up at California’s Santa Anita track – 37 in one year alone – PETA responded with protests and demands for reform. Following a massive push, the Los Angeles district attorney conducted its first-ever criminal investigation into trainers and veterinarians who medicate horses for injuries and then send them back out onto the track. PETA also persuaded the California horseracing industry to implement some of the strongest horse-protection standards in the world, including banning more than a dozen injury masking anti-inflammatory drugs, increasing drug testing for horses, installing digital imaging equipment to detect injuries, requiring mandatory investigations into all horse deaths, and much more. As a result, California tracks have had to cut back on racing, because there aren’t enough horses who can meet the higher health standards. Attendance is down, and the amount of money wagered at one track plummeted by more than $50 million. But there’s still much more to do.

Take Action Now Never bet on or attend any horse race, and ask your friends and family members to follow suit. US readers: Please visit to urge your legislators to cosponsor the Horseracing Integrity Act to protect horses from drugging.




I spend every day saving bears, tigers, and others from roadside zoos. But some days, I think back on animals whose stories didn’t have a happy ending – like Smoky, a bear my family and I often visited when I was a kid. He lived in a cramped, round cage in a park near my hometown, and we used to watch him pace around inside it. He lived during a time when few people spoke out against keeping animals in such inhumane conditions. It didn’t occur to me then that he was deprived of anything, even though there was virtually nothing to keep him occupied other than a tire swing and a bowling ball. He died in that enclosure, without ever having set foot outside it for who knows how long. Eventually, I realized that bears deserve much more than to be locked up for human amusement, and now that I work for the PETA Foundation, I’m committed to rescuing animals held captive by roadside zoos, traveling shows, and the film and television industries. To date, PETA has secured the release of 73 bears from roadside zoos and traveling shows and facilitated their transfer to reputable sanctuaries, and it won’t stop until all such tawdry animal displays are a relic of the past. I’m also determined to get big cats, chimpanzees, and other species released from these places. One major goal is to set a precedent in a US court making it clear that big cat cub encounters violate federal law. In just one year, PETA rescued 39 tigers from decrepit conditions, and two more, Luna and Remington, went to their new home at an accredited sanctuary this past January.

Besides Smoky, there was another bear I spent a lot of time with in my childhood: a North American black bear who had been shot and killed by my father. That’s me playing on the bearskin rug in the photo. Thankfully, we can all grow and change. My dad put away his hunting rifle not long after that picture was taken. I changed, too. Today, I stand up for animals who are suffering. And so can you.

Butterfly Badge: ©

A New Life for Dillan

During the transfer of one animal rescued by PETA to his new home in a sanctuary, Brittany had a special visitor: Dr. Jane Goodall!

For 10 agonizing years, Dillan the bear was confined to a cramped, concrete floored cage at a “sportsmen’s” club in Pennsylvania – right next to a noisy shooting range. He was morbidly obese, had life-threatening dental issues, and repeatedly rocked back and forth, a sign of extreme psychological distress. But following a vigorous PETA campaign – which included TV and radio ads, actions taken by supporters, multiple complaints to the USDA, and an open letter from Alec Baldwin to Pennsylvania’s governor urging him to intervene – Dillan was freed and sent to an accredited sanctuary. such severe dental issues and obesity in a bear. But Dillan is recovering: On his first full day at the sanctuary, he stopped his repetitive rocking and embraced his new surroundings, relishing feasts of fresh fruit, splashing in his pool, and building his The sanctuary’s founder said that in 40 years of rescuing animals, he’d never seen

Take Action Now Oswald’s Bear Ranch in Michigan – my home state – acquires bear cubs who have

been torn away from their mothers and forces them to pose for photos with tourists. Several have died prematurely at this disreputable facility, and half a dozen or more have even been slaughtered. Please visit today to tell the seedy roadside zoo that it’s time to shutter its cruel operation and let all its captive animals go to accredited sanctuaries.









Page Tear: © • Dillan: ©The Wild Animal Sanctuary • Alec Baldwin: © • Governer Wolf: ©




By Brittany Peet, PETA Foundation Director of Captive Animal Law Enforcement How a Sad, Lonely Bear Inspired Me to Fight for Animals Brittany playing on her father’s bearskin rug U S E A F L A P

Dillan was rescued just days after PETA friend Alec Baldwin and Pennsylvania Gov. TomWolf took up his cause.

own soft straw bed. He finally

gets to enjoy the life he always deserved. PETA is pushing for his abusers to be charged with cruelty to animals.




Where yo

HELP PETA STOP THE GLOBAL Betta Fish Biz An Undercover Investigation

heart at?

Billie Eilish: Only

‘Bad Guys’ Wear Mink Eyelashes







flowing water that they need in order to be healthy. The investigators saw bettas floating on their sides as they struggled to swim and others whose eyes were so damaged that they protruded from their sockets. In light of these horrific findings, PETA has called on Petco’s CEO to end sales of fish, but so far, the company hasn’t budged. Pet Stores Rack Up Violations Bettas aren’t the only victims of Petco’s greed. PETA obtained records revealing that 12 Petco stores in Colorado racked up more than 80 animal welfare violations, including for withholding veterinary treatment from a thin leopard gecko for nine days as well as from a ferret with a painful prolapsed rectum and a suspected upper respiratory infection. Both animals died. Reptiles were kept in enclosures that were up to 20°F (11°C) too cold, and an “excessive amount” of dead fish and a “large amount of feces” were found in two stores, among other violations. A worker told the eyewitness that a tranquilizer is added to the water to keep the starving fish from eating their own tails. Obviously, many die before reaching their intended destination. and photos with your friends, family, and anyone you know who shops at Petco or other stores that sell live animals. While there, you can also let Petco hear from you by joining the nearly 217,000 people who’ve signed PETA’s action alert urging the company to stop selling bettas (as its competitor Walmart already has, following a decade-long PETA campaign and pressure from tens of thousands of PETA supporters). Together, we can end the cycle of suffering for these complex, sensitive animals. Take Action Now Please never buy any “pets.” And visit to share PETA Asia’s video



Swirling Betta: © • Man in Betta Tee: © • Page Tear: © • Butterfly Badge: ©












Pop phenom Billie Eilish gave a shout out to PETA’s campaign when she told her 40 million Instagram followers that people who wear mink fur eyelashes and slippers “disgust” her, asking, “Where yo heart at?” In 2016, PETA gave her its “Best Voice for Animals” Libby Award.

Beware! Purveyors of mink fur used for false eyelashes slap nice-sounding labels on their products

such as “ethically sourced,” “free-range,” and “cruelty-free.” But those designations serve only one purpose: to deceive consumers. PETA is making sure everyone knows that minks exploited for such items are kept in cramped wire cages and denied the opportunity to swim, burrow, or do anything else that would be natural and meaningful to them. They’re also killed by electrocution, bludgeoning, or gassing, or their necks are broken, and their skin is torn from their bodies – often while they’re still conscious. PETA’s efforts are paying off: Consumers are appalled and demanding vegan options. Faux mink is all the rage. PETA is urging the few companies that still sell mink eyelashes to switch to humane alternatives and put an end to the cruel trend.

PETA supporters are keeping up the pressure on Petco until it stops profiting from the misery of betta fish. Make a bold statement for bettas with this tee, available at .

A t first glance, the photo appears to show a man standing on a massive grated floor. But take a closer look. You’ll see that he’s actually standing on top of a vast array of bottles – thousands of them. Inside each one is a vulnerable living being: a tiny betta fish.

waterless trays for extended periods. According to one worker, those whose tails were considered imperfect would be “discarded.” Others were packed into bags not much larger than their own bodies. The fish were shipped without food to more than 20 countries around the world for sale in stores, including Petco in the US. A worker told the eyewitness that a tranquilizer is added to the water to keep the starving fish from eating their own tails. Obviously, many die before reaching their intended destination. More Misery in Store Conditions are no better for those who survive long enough to make it to stores. A previous PETA exposé of more than 100 Petco locations across the US revealed dead and dying bettas floating in cramped, waste contaminated cups containing just a tiny fraction of the minimum 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters) of clean, filtered,

Billie Eilish: ©Debbie Hickey/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images • Mink Lashes: © • Mink: ©Jo-Anne McArthur/#MakeFurHistory

This is Thailand’s betta fish export industry. PETA Asia’s exposé shows how hideously cruel it is.

Left to Die, Gasping for Air Dead bettas were found at every one of the 10 facilities visited by PETA Asia’s investigator. Some had been dropped on the floor, where they appeared to have suffocated to death, and their bodies were being eaten by ants. Others were found rotting in tanks amid live bettas.

Take Action Now Visit for a list of cruelty-free companies – including Urban Decay, Manic Panic, and e.l.f. –

that sell only vegan false eyelashes.

Workers roughly sorted live fish for shipment, leaving them writhing and gasping for air on





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