Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 19
that Dr. Avinash Visalkar prepared the team which included Mr. Koustubh Pol, Mr. Dilip Shingana, Sr. AWA/ Scout, Mr. Kiran Naik, Community Facilitator and Animal Rescue Officer, Animal Rahat, Dr. Kumbhar, Veterinary Intern, AWU Sangli and Mr. Sagar Bhanuse, Driver cum Veterinary Assistant. The Distance of Bedag village is 20 km away from Sangli city. The team reached the spot in next 40 min with well equipped rescue kit. After reaching the spot, first team assessed the situation and condition of the well and the dog who has fallen down in the deep well. The well was not constructed properly and it was quite difficult for anyone to step down. Dr. Avinash Visalkar and team members made a plan for rescuing the dog. As per the plan Mr. Dilip Shingana climbed down with the help of rappelling equipment. That dog was friendly in nature and Mr. Dilip felt that the dog was quite happy after seeing Dilip. After that, Mr. Dilip took some time and gained the trust of the dog and after that gently pushed the cradle below the dog (already the cradle was suspended in the well with the help of rope) and after that Kiran Naik and Mr. Sagar Bhanuse slightly pulled the cradle out of the water and then Mr. Dilip sedated the dog. After attaining complete sedation the dog was safely taken on the ground. Then Mr. Dilip Shingana climbed up the well with the help of rappelling
dog in cradle
While hoisting the dog on the ground
Vet while doing castration of the dog
While releasing the dog in the same village
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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