Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 18
AWU – Satara S. No Date
Brief description
/Species 29/07/2019 Snake
Sadar Bazaar
At 1130 hrs, Mr. Kaka Kavade came to AWU Satara office and informed about a snake who has entered in his house. Immediately Mr. Shinde, Driver cum Veterinary Assistant, AWU Satara and Mr. Awad, Scout, AWU Satara reached to the spot. After reaching the spot, Mr. Shinde caught the snake with the help of stick and Jar. Then snake was observed by the Vet and as there were no injuries observed on the body, so team released the snake in Yevateshwar forest. At 2300 hours Mr. Koustubh Pol, Animal Welfare Inspector, Animal Rahat received a call from one of our staff of Home for Retired Bullocks & Other Animals Mr. Girish, Caretaker regarding a dog who has fallen down in 60 feet deep well at village Bedag and villagers have already tried to rescue the dog from the deep well using a cradle, but villagers failed to rescue the dog and then informed to Animal Rahat. Then Mr. Koustubh immediately passed the same information to Dr. Avinash Visalkar, Veterinary Field Officer, AWU Sangli. Immediately Dr. Avinash Visalkar informed about this to Dr. Chetan Yadav (Clinical Quality Assurance Manager, Animal Rahat). After Brief description
AWU – Sangli S. No Date
/Species 14/07/2019 Dog
Bedag Village
Dog inside the well
Shifted and sedated the
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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