Monthly Activity Report of Animal Rahat for July 2019
Animated publication
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 1
Monthly Report for July 2019
Photograph: Simran & Sameer playing with Veeru at Sanctuary of Animal Rahat, photograph taken by Mr. Prasad Suryawanshi, Driver cum Office Assistant Summary of the activities carried out by Animal Rahat (AR) Teams during July 2019 S. No. Activities Solapur Pandharpur Sangli Satara HRB & OA 1. Rescues 07 ‐ 03 01 22 2. Confiscated Material 26 19 14 27 ‐ 3. Vaccinations (ARV/ 7 in 1/ TT/ FMD) 18 77 104 02 16 4. Rest and Rehabilitation Advisory 47 32 32 15 ‐ 5. Surgeries 11 02 37 ‐ ‐
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Page No.
Executive summary
3 – 4
Figures at a glance
Details of suffering animals attended
Animal rescues
7 – 19
Rest/ retirement advised
19 – 20
Torture devices confiscated
20 – 21
Home for Retired Bullocks & Other Animals Sanctuary
21 – 26
Animal Birth Control
27 – 28
Anti Rabies & Tetanus Vaccination
28 – 29
Stakeholder’s skill enhancement
Other Interesting Stories
29 – 40
Compassionate Citizen Programme
40 – 42
Friend’s Corner
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Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 3
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019 A s per plan CD Unit under CC Program organized an exposure visit of the students of Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra at sanctuary of Animal Rahat. Mr. Shashikar, Sr. CDM facilitated the presentation which Executive Summary: I n the month of July 2019, Animal Rahat team’s handled a total of 1419 cases. Out of total cases 261 cases were major. Majority of the cases treated are of worming, lameness, skin infestations, wound, digestive disorders, ectoparasitic infestation, eye problem, swelling, pyrexia, yoke gall/ swelling over neck etc. D uring this month we have rescued 33 animals, birds and reptiles. Rescued animals include horses, ponies, dogs and cat. Rescued bird includes pigeon and the rescued reptile includes snakes. T he most important and awaited activity of the month were media events in all the intervention districts of Animal Rahat i.e. Solapur, Sangli and Satara. The response from the media was amazing in all three districts event. In all three event initially Dr. Chetan Yadav welcomed the guests and narrated the reason of the meet & greet event to the media personnel's and then Dr. Naresh made a small presentation with couple of slides for sharing the vision, mission, operational area map, Animal Rahat 15 year video and few selected rescue videos. After the presentation the media asked few questions to us and couple of electronic Medias also took the bite of Dr. Naresh and Dr. Chetan Yadav regarding the interventions of Animal Rahat. Team has also displayed the torture devices of different types during the event at one side and media took interest in knowing what was that and for what this was being used and same was explained to them by us. F or community development through awareness and promotion of better management practices among bullock owners, several focus group meetings and demonstrations have been done by Animal Welfare Units (AWU) with bullock owners of different villages. During the month 05 grooming demonstrations for 27 bullock owners and one demonstration for 15 donkey owners was done. Similarly, one hoof cleaning demonstration was done for twenty donkey owners and two hoof trimming demonstrations for seven donkey owners. I n this month altogether 23 village level meetings were organized with different agenda. Four meetings with villagers as well as Panchayat members of villages has been done on the need of animal birth control and anti rabies vaccination (ABC & ARV) program, by Mr. Kiran Naik and Mr. Gorakh. Villagers have agreed for this program and will create pressure on Panchayat for the same. Four meetings with twenty‐three owners were done on the issue of early age painless castration. At Satara unit alone through 15 meetings on welfare friendly Bail Pola celebration we were able to save 482 bullocks and 902 other animals from chemical colour and painful horn shearing. We have done training of volunteers and Local Health service Providers (LHP) which were participated by nine and eleven participants respectively.
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included the story of some residents of sanctuary. The most interactive session was question hour. It was not planned, but after the interaction with animals; children started few questions and surprisingly this session finished with more than ten questions from children and teachers. During this visit students also observed the reaction of sanctuary residents to the flute played by Mr. Rasul Mulani. Apart from this exposure visit altogether eight CC workshops were organized in schools which were participated by 576 students and 32 teachers. During exposure visit of students at Animal Rahat’s Sanctuary Media and press were also present there for some time; they took few shots of the students in sanctuary. Media interviewed two students. Detailed work of Animal Rahat was shared by Dr. Naresh with the media. Mr. Shashikar told about the awareness program and the importance of such activities in the society. He also shared about the need of mechanization and role of government in helping the animals. A part from above mentioned meetings AWUs have been doing individual interactions with bullock owners during regular scouting. Teams have convinced bullock owners about importance of tying by one side with long rope in place of both side tying that too tightly and 45 owners have started this practice. We convinced 07 bullock owners regarding shed for bullocks. Altogether 62 bullock owners have started to use Morkee while resting their animals. Similarly, through regular interaction and meetings on benefits of grooming including demonstration at many villages has resulted in, 43 bullock owners have started to groom their bullocks regularly. Team also interacted with many bullock owners on the necessity and benefits of clean drinking water and painting the water tank using lime and 23 bullock owners have cleaned their water tanks and painted them using lime. We have demonstrated use of tikkil to control ectoparasite at one site and 05 bullock owners have used this method. Apart from using tikkil we demonstrated cleanliness of shed, disposing dung & waste away from shed, grooming and burning waste after spraying tikkil. It is a holistic approach which is being done by us for ectoparasite control. Due to this approach 07 owners have improved the quality of their sheds i.e. softened their shed floors which is good for their bullocks. We have also convinced 04 donkey owners to use Bhorkadi; tying donkey below fetlock with loose rope. Team has promoted two owners for free shade (Mukt Gotha) for three animals. D uring this month team have demonstrated painless castration in 07 bulls and majority of these includes the young bull calves at villages. D uring this month our teams confiscated 92 torture devices which include 10 hobbles, 75 nose ropes, 05 wooden logs, 01 muzzle (to prevent calf from suckling mother) and 01 spiked bit. D uring this month 46 dogs (23 Males & 23 Females) and 01 cat (M) were sterilised at AWU Solapur and Sangli. This month we have done fourth and final round of sterilisation and vaccination of dogs at Bawachi village of Sangli district and in total 159 dogs were sterilised during these four rounds. Now Bawachi village dogs are 100% sterilised and vaccinated against rabies. T otal no. of animals advised rest is 126 animals (02 Horses, 09 Donkeys & 115 Bullocks). Maximum no. of rest was advised in cases of lameness. Animal Welfare Unit (AWU) – Solapur have ensured rest for maximum number of bullocks.
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Figures at a glance
S.NO. Activity
Animals treated
1 2 3 II 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 V 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 III IV VI
Major Minor
Follow – up
33 23 06 01 01 02 09 02 29 07 22 92 01 75 05 10 01 22 22
Horses/ Ponies
Dog Cat
Pigeon Snakes
Rest advised
126 115
Bullocks Donkeys
Retirement at owner’s home
Home for Retired Bullock’s (HRB) & Other Animals
Torture devices confiscated Sharp nails/ Sharp stick/ Sharp bits Nose Ropes/ Extra Nose rope
Wooden log on neck
Hobble/ Tether
Home for Retired Bullocks (HRB) & Other Animals
New resident
Animal Birth Control & Anti Rabies Vaccination (ABC &
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1 2 3 4 5
AWU – Solapur
AWU – Pandharpur
‐ ‐
AWU – Satara AWU – Sangli
Home for Retired Bullocks (HRB) & Other Animals
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019 DETAILS OF SUFFERING ANIMALS ATTENDED
Animal Rahat Monthly Report – July 2019 7
Horses Donkeys
Major: 57 Minor: 287
Total=N+F=415 New:‐ 344 F/O:‐ 71
Cows/ calves – 17 Buffalo – 02 Snake – 01
Cat – 02 Bird – 01
Pandharpur: Bullocks
Horses Donkeys
Dogs 161
Major: 83 Minor: 346
Cow – 17 Goat – 21 Buffalo – 08 Cat – 03
Total=N+F=578 New:‐ 429 F/O:‐ 149
Horses Donkeys
Major: 93 Minor: 253
Goat – 10 Bird – 01 Cow/ calf – 11 Sheep – 05
Total=N+F=395 New:‐ 346 F/O:‐ 49
Horses Donkeys
Major: 28 Minor: 272
Cow /calf – 09 Buffalo/ calf – 05 Camel – 07 Cat – 01
Total=N+F=353 New:‐ 300 F/O:‐ 53
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Clinical conditions treated by Animal Rahat Teams during the month of July 2019
100 120 140 160 180 200
Solapur Pandharpur
0 20 40 60 80
Sangli Satara
No. of Animals
Clinical Conditions
II. ANIMAL RESCUES: AWU – Solapur S. No Date /Species
Brief description
04/07/2019 Dog
Hotagi Road, Near Kinara Hotel, Solapur City
At 1530 hours, Dr. Varsha Panchal, Veterinary Field Officer/ Team Leader of Animal Welfare Unit (AWU), Solapur received a call from a person about a dog whose head was stuck in plastic jar. After receiving the information, Dr Varsha Panchal, Mr. Anand Birajdar, Animal Welfare Assistant (AWA), Mr. Sai Chavan, AWA trainee and Mr Rasool Saikh, Senior Driver cum Veterinary Assistant reached the spot within next 10 minutes’ time. They found the dog with a plastic jar stuck on dog’s head and he was with 2 to 3 other dogs. Mr. Anand Birajdar caught the dog using dog catching net
Pictures 1‐2: Dog was stuck in plastic jar
Picture 3: Dog was caught in dog catching net
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Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019 and then they sedated the dog. Once the dog was completely sedated, they removed the plastic jar from dog’s head gently and examined her. They couldn’t observe any external injury. Thereafter the plastic jar was crushed and disposed of properly to avoid any such incidence in future. After that Dr. Varsha Panchal discussed with one of woman of that colony, who was observing all the things, about how the plastic jar put the dog’s life in threat, so they should dispose plastic jar in dustbins after proper crushing which may save life of many dogs, that woman gave commitment to Dr Varsha Panchal for following this and also spread such message to other women of her colony. Then they brought the dog to AWU Solapur office, kept there for providing rest, food & water to her. On next day she was sterilized and vaccinated by Dr Varsha Panchal with support of Dr Rakesh Chittora, Senior Veterinary Trainer and Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure, Senior AWA as per protocol. Then they kept the dog for rest, food & water for one more day. On next day i.e. on 6 th July, dog was fine, she was made comfortable by grooming her and then shifted her in the cage and taken to same area from where she was rescued and then released. She was fine and mixed with other dogs of that area after release. In such a way AWU Solapur team saved life of a dog and relieved her from discomfort, hunger and thirst.
Picture 4: While removing of plastic jar from dog’s head
Picture 5: Dr Varsha Panchal while discussing with woman who was watching all happenings
Picture 6: Crushed plastic jar after removal from dog’s head
Picture 7: While sterilization (spaying) of dog by Dr Varsha Panchal and Dr Rakesh Chittora
Picture 8: While grooming of dog
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Picture 9: While releasing the dog in same area
Picture 10: After release
11/07/2019 Horse/Pony
Govind Shree Mangal Karyalaya, Jule Solapur
At 0040 hours (mid night) Mr. Parshuram Kokane, Reporter, Sakal News informed Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure, Sr. AWA/ Scout; AWU Solapur about a horse whose leg was stuck in an iron bar which was part of a frame of billboard displayed on road side. The Reporter got information from his colleague, Mr. Milind Inamdar who live in that area and spotted a horse. Mr Parshuram Kokane shared pictures with Mr Bhimashankar Vijapure on Whatsapp and after seeing pictures of horse; Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure rushed to the spot and reached there within next 10 minutes’ time. After reaching the spot, he observed the horse who was in lateral recumbency and his leg was stuck in an iron bar of displayed billboard frame. Mr. Bhimashankar tried to release horse’s leg but horse was struggling. So he made her relaxed by grooming with hands and released the leg from there. Then he examined her, there were minor scratches on her leg due to getting stuck in iron bar, so he dressed the wound and administered pain killer injection. After that he released her and she went away with her 2 other friends for grazing grasses at nearby area. On next
Pictures 1‐2: Horse’s leg was stuck in angle of frame of display of banner on road side
Picture: 3 while releasing of horse’s leg from angle by Mr Bhimashankar Vijapure, Senior AWA
Picture 4: After release from angle, horse went away with other horse
Picture 5: Same horse was spotted on next day
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day morning, Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure searched her, and found that she was grazing well and fine. In such a way Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure of AWU Solapur relived the mare from a nightmare in midnight . At 0730 hours Dr. Varsha Panchal, Veterinary Field Officer/Team Leader, AWU Solapur, received a call from a person about a pigeon who was dangling on a tree branch with some thread. Immediately Dr. Varsha Panchal forwarded the call to Mr. Ajit Mote, AWA/ Scout and within no time Mr. Ajit Mote reached the spot and observed the situation i.e. a pigeon was entangled in a kite flying string and dangling from a tree branch which was quite high. Mr. Ajit Mote informed the fire brigade staff for helping in the rescue of bird from the tree. Within 10 minutes, fire brigade vehicle reached the spot. Then fire brigade staff used their long ladder to reach near the pigeon hanging on the tree branch and cut the kite string by using hook fixed with long bamboo stick and released the pigeon from there. Then they removed the string as much as possible but could not remove all. Then Mr. Ajit Mote kept the pigeon in a ventilated cardboard box and brought to the AWU Solapur office. Then Dr. Varsha Panchal examined the pigeon thoroughly and gently removed the remaining kite strings and did antiseptic dressing of wound which was occurred due to the kite string and then kept in cage for
morning while grazing grasses
13/07/2019 Pigeon
Dutt Chowk, Solapur City
Picture 1: Pigeon entangled in kite string and hanging from tree branch at height
Picture 2: fire brigade staff climbing up on ladder to make pigeon free from tree
Picture 3: Fire brigade staff while making pigeon free from tree branch
Picture 4: fire brigade staff were removing kite string which was entangled around wings and legs
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providing rest and covered the cage with green cloth. Pigeon was offered food, water and multivitamin drops was also administrated. Team took follow up of pigeon for two more days and pigeon recovered well. On 15 th July evening, pigeon was released in nature and pigeon flew away very nicely. In such a way team Solapur saved the life of a pigeon who was entangled in kite string.
Picture 5: Dr. Varsha Panchal and Mr. Ajit Mote while removing remaining string from pigeons leg and dressing of wound
Picture 6: Kite string after removal from pigeon
Picture 9: Mr. Sai Chavan AWA trainee while releasing of pigeon
Picture 7: Dr. Varsha Panchal while examining the pigeon
Picture 10: Pigeon flew away nicely
Picture 8: Pigeon was inside cage during treatment
18/07/2019 Dog
Begum Peth, Solapur City
At 1030 hours Dr. Akash Jadhav, Veterinary Intern, AWU Solapur and Mr. Ajit Mote, AWA/ Scout, AWU Solapur, while scouting spotted a dog whose neck was stuck in broken plastic pot. Immediately they stopped the motorbike and offered biscuits to dog to make him comfortable. Meanwhile Dr. Akash Jadhav informed Dr. Varsha Panchal, Veterinary Field Officer/ Team Leader, AWU Solapur about the situation and asked for sending vehicle to the spot. Dr. Akash Jadhav and Mr.
Picture 1‐2: Broken plastic pot stuck on dog’s neck and
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Ajit Mote took the dog away from traffic by offering him biscuits. In the meantime Mr. Ajit Mote requested a woman (owner of nearby house) for taking this dog inside her house and explained her the reason of why they want to take away this dog from road and catch him for removal of plastic jar. So she allowed and Mr Ajit Mote took the dog inside her house by offering biscuits to him without any pause. Once the dog entered her house, Dr. Akash Jadhav closed the gate and then Mr Ajit Mote made him comfortable and caught by using behavioural method and sedated the dog. After achieving effect of anaesthesia, broken plastic pot was removed gently by Mr. Ajit Mote. The broken pot was crushed on the spot and disposed off. Dr. Akash Jadhav examined the dog thoroughly, and no external injury was observed. In the meantime, emergency van also arrived at the spot and dog was kept on stretcher with help of Mr. Rasool Saikh, Senior Driver cum Veterinary Assistant and shifted to van and then brought to AWU Solapur office for providing him rest, and doing sterilization and vaccination. After recovery from sedation, dog was offered food and ample amount of clean water to drink in the office. On next day the dog was sterilized and vaccinated by Dr. Rakesh Chittora, Senior Veterinary Trainer with the help of Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure, Sr. AWA/ Scout and thereafter he
Mr. Ajit Mote while offering biscuits to him
Picture 3: After removal of plastic ring, it was crushed and disposed off
Pic. 4‐5: Dog was sterilized by Dr. Rakesh Chittora
Pic. 6‐7: dog while eating food and drinking water
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was kept in office for one more night to get rest and food. On next day i.e. on 20 th July, dog was taken to same area and released there. In such a way AWU Solapur team relived the dog from discomfort. AWU Solapur received calls from local person at two different times about dogs whose head is stuck in plastic jar and dogs are roaming in city area. Immediately AWU Solapur team members named Dr Akash Jadhav, Veterinary Intern, Mr Ajit Mote, AWA/ Scout, Mr Somnath Deshmukh, AWA and Mr Rasool Saikh, Sr. DcVA, caught both dogs by using dog catching net and sack. Then they sedated the dogs, removed plastic jar from both dogs gently. Both were examined thoroughly for any external injury, there was minor injury to one dog. After removal, plastic jars were crushed and disposed off. Then both dogs were brought to office for providing rest, sterilization and vaccination. Both dogs were offered food & water for both days and also groomed & walked by staff. On 31 st July evening, both dogs were sterilized (spayed) and vaccinated by Dr Rakesh Chittora, Sr. Veterinary Trainer with the help of Dr Varsha Panchal, Veterinary field officer, Mr Anand Birajdar (AWA), Mr Ajit Mote. Thereafter on next day morning both the dogs were released in same area from where they were rescued. In such a way team saved both
Pic. 8‐9: While release of dog in same area
29/07/2019 Dogs (02)
Begum Peth and Juni police line
Pictures 1‐2: Dog’s head stuck in plastic jar
Pictures 3‐4: dogs were caught by using dog catching net and sack
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dogs from suffocation and starvation.
Pictures 8‐9: While sterilization of dogs
Pictures While removing plastic jar from dog’s head 5‐6:
Pictures 7: Plastic jars were crushed and disposed off
Pictures 10‐11: While grooming of dog
08/04/2019 Dog
Govt. Polytechnic College Campus, Solapur City
At 1730 hours, Dr. Akash Jadhav, Veterinary Intern, AWU Solapur, received a call on AWU Solapur emergency number about a dog having wound over neck, appearing red from a distance. Immediately Dr. Akash Jadhav and Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure, Sr. AWA/ Scout, rushed to the spot and within 15 minutes’ time, they reached the spot and observed the dog in a store room of boy’s hostel of that college. The dog was sitting under the scrapped bed and scratching over neck vigorously
Pictures 1‐2: Neck collar was embedded deeply in dog’s neck
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by his back leg and bleeding from wound. They made a plan to catch dog inside the store room and as per plan one person lifted the scraped bed and Mr. Bhimashankar Vijapure caught the dog by using dog catching sack. Then they sedated the dog and after achieving effect of sedation, dog was taken out from sack. Then Dr Akash Jadhav examined the dog thoroughly, wound was very deep, neck collar was embedded quite deeply. It was cut gently and removed from the dogs neck, then they did antiseptic dressing of the wound, painkiller medicines were administrated. In the mean time ambulance reached the spot, then they kept the dog on stretcher and shifted to ambulance and brought to office for further care. This dog was kept in office for 10 days for dressing, antibiotic and painkiller medicines. He was named ‘ Rocky’ by the staff. On daily basis, this dog was groomed, taken out for walking with the help of chest belt as there was deep wound on neck. He was sterilized and vaccinated during this period. In 10 days’ time wound started to heal and situation was in control. On 18 th April Rocky was release in same hostel and students who informed us about him were given responsibility to take care. After that, team took regular follow up of Rocky there. It took a month’s time to heal that wound completely and now dog is fine and doing very well. He
Pictures 3: While cutting and removal of embedded collar from dog’s neck
Pictures 4‐7: Daily dressing of wound by AWU Solapur staff (Dr Varsha Panchal and Mr Bhimashankar Vijapure)
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became quite friendly with AWU Solapur team members, once they go for follow up, he come near to them, play with them. In such way team Solapur gave new life to Rocky.
Pictures 13‐14: Now dog is completely recovered, doing well.
Pictures 8‐11: Daily grooming, walking, food and water
Picture 12: Follow up at hostel after release
AWU – Pandharpur S. No Date /Species
Brief description
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AWU – Satara S. No Date
Brief description
/Species 29/07/2019 Snake
Sadar Bazaar
At 1130 hrs, Mr. Kaka Kavade came to AWU Satara office and informed about a snake who has entered in his house. Immediately Mr. Shinde, Driver cum Veterinary Assistant, AWU Satara and Mr. Awad, Scout, AWU Satara reached to the spot. After reaching the spot, Mr. Shinde caught the snake with the help of stick and Jar. Then snake was observed by the Vet and as there were no injuries observed on the body, so team released the snake in Yevateshwar forest. At 2300 hours Mr. Koustubh Pol, Animal Welfare Inspector, Animal Rahat received a call from one of our staff of Home for Retired Bullocks & Other Animals Mr. Girish, Caretaker regarding a dog who has fallen down in 60 feet deep well at village Bedag and villagers have already tried to rescue the dog from the deep well using a cradle, but villagers failed to rescue the dog and then informed to Animal Rahat. Then Mr. Koustubh immediately passed the same information to Dr. Avinash Visalkar, Veterinary Field Officer, AWU Sangli. Immediately Dr. Avinash Visalkar informed about this to Dr. Chetan Yadav (Clinical Quality Assurance Manager, Animal Rahat). After Brief description
AWU – Sangli S. No Date
/Species 14/07/2019 Dog
Bedag Village
Dog inside the well
Shifted and sedated the
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that Dr. Avinash Visalkar prepared the team which included Mr. Koustubh Pol, Mr. Dilip Shingana, Sr. AWA/ Scout, Mr. Kiran Naik, Community Facilitator and Animal Rescue Officer, Animal Rahat, Dr. Kumbhar, Veterinary Intern, AWU Sangli and Mr. Sagar Bhanuse, Driver cum Veterinary Assistant. The Distance of Bedag village is 20 km away from Sangli city. The team reached the spot in next 40 min with well equipped rescue kit. After reaching the spot, first team assessed the situation and condition of the well and the dog who has fallen down in the deep well. The well was not constructed properly and it was quite difficult for anyone to step down. Dr. Avinash Visalkar and team members made a plan for rescuing the dog. As per the plan Mr. Dilip Shingana climbed down with the help of rappelling equipment. That dog was friendly in nature and Mr. Dilip felt that the dog was quite happy after seeing Dilip. After that, Mr. Dilip took some time and gained the trust of the dog and after that gently pushed the cradle below the dog (already the cradle was suspended in the well with the help of rope) and after that Kiran Naik and Mr. Sagar Bhanuse slightly pulled the cradle out of the water and then Mr. Dilip sedated the dog. After attaining complete sedation the dog was safely taken on the ground. Then Mr. Dilip Shingana climbed up the well with the help of rappelling
dog in cradle
While hoisting the dog on the ground
Vet while doing castration of the dog
While releasing the dog in the same village
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equipment. Then Dr. Kumbhar thoroughly examined the dog and no injuries were observed on the body of the dog. Then Dr. Kumbhar instructed to well owner for constructing boundary wall/fencing of the open well. After that the dog was shifted to AWU Sangli office and on the next day i.e. on 15 th July, Dr. Avinash Visalkar sterilized the dog and administered Anti‐Rabies vaccine to the dog and excess grown nails were trimmed by Mr. Dilip Shingana. After recovery from anesthesia the dog was offered food and water and provided rest for couple of hours and after that the dog was released at the same village from where the dog was rescued. After releasing the dog happily ran away. At 1505 hrs, Dr. Avinash Visalkar, Veterinary Field Officer, AWU Sangli, received a call from a volunteer named Dr. Vore from Sangli city regarding a cat who has fallen down in a 15 feet deep gutter. After that Dr. Avinash Visalkar immediately shared the information with Mr. Koustubh Pol (Animal Welfare Inspector, Animal Rahat, Sangli). Then Dr. Avinash Visalkar prepared the team of 04 members (Mr. Koustubh Pol, Mr. Prasad (Driver cum Office Assistant), Mr. Ankush (Animal Welfare Assistant Trainee). The team reached the spot within next 10 minutes and first they observed the situation, location and crowd of people around the gutter and that gutter was full of flowing water. Mean while
25/07/2019 Cat
Mahavir Automobile s,100 Feet Road, Sangli
While catching cat inside the gutter
While hoisting the cat out of the gutter
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Dr. Visalkar informed to Dr. Chetan Yadav, Clinical Quality Assurance Manager regarding the rescue call. Then as per the plan Mr. Koustubh Pol climbed down the gutter with the help of a wooden ladder and tried to catch the cat with hands but that cat ran away from Mr. Koustubh. After that Mr. Ankush Kamble also climbed down the gutter from another end and caught the cat with dog catching net and safely took out the cat from gutter. Then Dr. Avinash Visalkar observed the cat and no injuries were observed on the body, but the cat was in fear and stress. Then the team shifted the cat to AWU Sangli office and provided rest and on 27 July 2019 Dr. Chetan Yadav sterilised and vaccinated the cat with Anti‐Rabies vaccine and post surgery the cat was provided one day rest and on 28 th July the cat was released in the same area from where cat was rescued. During this month end 22 horses and ponies has arrived from Mumbai. Many of them are rescued by Mumbai police as their owners were found violating the traffic rules and making their animals to run on the roads causing danger to animals as well as the human beings.
While sterilising the rescued cat
While releasing the cat in same area
Home for Retired Bullock and other animals (HRB & OA) S. No Date /Species Location Brief description
30/07/2019 Horses (09)/ Ponies (13)
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No. of animals ensured Rest
Species of animal Bullocks (47)
Conditions for which animals were rested
Lameness, Yoke gall, Enteritis, horn injury, fever, eye extirpation, suspected poisoning etc.
Bullocks (32) Lameness, wound, horn injury, simple indigestion, yoke gall, enteritis, fever, etc.
Bullocks (21) Donkeys (09) Horse (02) Bullocks (15)
Lameness, wound, colic, swelling, , etc.
Lameness, diarrhoea, wounds, pyrexia, tympani, etc.
III. RESTRAINT MATERIALS CONFISCATED: AWU – Solapur: Description Photos Sharp Nails – 0 Sharp wooden stick – 0 Nose rope – 20 Wooden log – 01 Whips – 0 Hobbles – 05 Extra nose rope – 0 Sharp bits – 0 Total – 26
AWU – Pandharpur: Description
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Nose rope – 19 Extra Nose Rope – 0 Hobble – 02 Wooden Log – 03 Sharp stick – 0 Muzzle – 01 Total – 25
AWU – Sangli: Description
Sharp nails, cylindrical spikes & spiral wires – 0 Sharp wooden sticks – 0 Hobbling/ tethering – 03
Nose ropes – 10 Wooden log – 01
Whips – 0 Total – 14
AWU – Satara: Description Sharp nails (all types) – 0 Nose Rope – 26 Hobble – 0 Sharp Bit – 01 Total – 27
Home for Retired Bullock (HRB) and Other Animals – Sanctuary:
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019 Activities done during the reporting month are: Total 19 animals were treated i.e. 02 bullocks, 11 horse, 02 dogs, 01 camel, 01 cow and 01 buffalo bullock which included treatment for colic, lameness, wounds, eye injury, debility etc. and 113 follow – ups were done which includes dressing of wounds, feed supplements for preventing joint pains in old aged residents and feeding them probiotics. Regular follow – up of the treatment of Nishan, Roushya, Barshya, Karbashya, Sonya‐S (bullocks) and Tracy (camel) for joint pain due to old age and other ailments was done during the month.
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Took follow‐up of horses for wound, lacrimation, given probiotics. Roushya having growth on right eye was removed by Dr. Chetan Yadav and he has recovered well after surgery and the discharge from right eye has reduced tremendously. Hooves of horses/ ponies (20), bullocks (02) and a cow were trimmed by the Farrier Trainer, Mr. Momta Ram during the month’s time. During this month the care taker used jaggary in big and small drum and also placed green Planted 37 new trees during this month with electric fencing protection, done drip water supply line for all the planted trees, weeding work done for fifty seven trees , repaired seventy wooden pole guards protecting trees which were damaged by residents, progressive growth of trees is good, applied fertilizers for seventy four trees for better growth, weeding work at the back side of new bulding was done, done repair of pipe lines at five places, developing of garden and dog park is in progress. Repaired electric fencing at seventeen places during the month. Removed stones from bullocks, camels and horse cubicles and etc, repainted all water troughs and round house with quick lime. Replaced mineral bricks at nine places. Done cleaning of sand pit and all animal places/ sheds. Given demonstrations to sanctuary staffs by Sanctuary Supervisor regarding correct method of collecting blood samples from animals for sending to laboratory for further examination. Given demonstration to newly joined Vet intern and newly joined CF Trainee and AWA trainer and AWA Trainer on grooming/ hoof cleaning/ dog nail clipping/ animal handling and approaching animals etc. Disposed off the dung by selling off to the neighboring farmers. Exercise: Now a day’s all bullocks, horses, calves and camels are ropes and halter free. All dogs are leash free. Exposure visit by students to AR Sanctuary: As per plan, on 26th July 2019, 30 students and four teachers from ‘Bharatiya Samaj Seva Kendra’ visited the sanctuary, they interacted with animals for an hour and enjoyed much in interacting with residents, side by side flute maestro Mr Rasul Mulani was playing the flute which made the atmosphere pleasant, students noticed the reactions of the residents during the flute play, they interacted directly with the horses, dogs, and calves and were very happy with the atmosphere, they found everywhere only animals, lovable, calm and kind animals all over, running, playing and enjoying the music, students and teachers took selfies with the animals too, they were also provided delicious vegan lunch. Media and press were present during this exposure visit, they covered the entire programme and took few shots of the students in sanctuary interacting with residents, and 02 students were interviewed by the media. Detailed work of Animal Rahat was shared by Dr Naresh with the media. Mr. Shashikar, Sr. CDM briefed media about the awareness required in the society on kindness to animals, also shared the work on mechanization and governments role in helping the animals. Mr. Gorakh, Sanctuary Supervisor and Mr. Kiran Naik, CF and Animal Rescue Officer have met with with representatives of six villages in and around Animal Rahat sanctuary and acquainted them with the benefits of ABC & ARV program, citing few examples of other villages where 100% ABC & ARV was done by Animal Rahat, they have assured to come up with the plan after discussing in the forthcoming Gram Sabah (village forum). grass in the drums hanging with the shed roof as enrichments for residents. Regular grooming of all animals and hoof cleaning of all horses was done. Nail clipping of all the dogs was done during the month.
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All the Sanctuary staffs were vaccinated against Rabies during the month. New plastic barrels at four more places have been arranged as part of enrichment. Photographs of residents and sanctuary activities:
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Residents grooming and hoof cleaning in progress
New and old staff attending demonstration on animal handling, grooming, nail clipping and practicing to take clinical parameters
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Repairing of grooming mat and removing stones, construction materials and preparing temporary shed
Exposure visit by students of ‘Bharatiya Seva Samaj Kendra’ NGO to AR Sanctuary
Residents utilizing the enrichment at sanctuary
Residents are enjoying and grazing everywhere due to growth of green grass
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Growth from Roushya’s right eye medial canthus was excised surgically
Trees plantation and progressive growth of trees at Sanctuary
Work and progress at New Sanctuary: S. No Construction/ Maintenance work
Obituary: S. No
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Home for Retired Bullocks S. No Date
AWU – Sangli S. No Date
15/07/2019 Dog – 01 (Male) AWU Sangli Office
23 rd to 26 th July 2019 Bawachi Village
Dogs – 35 (20 Male and 15 Females)
27/07/2019 Cat (01 Male)
AWU Sangli Office
36 Dogs (21 Males & 15 Females) & 01 Male Cat
AWU – Satara S. No Date
AWU – Solapur S. No Date
Dog – 01 (F)
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16/07/2019 Dogs – 06 (F‐4, M‐2)
19/07/2019 Dog – 01 (F)
31/07/2019 Dog – 02 (F‐2)
10 Dogs (02 Males & 08 Females)
AWU – Pandharpur S. No Date
AWU – Pandharpur S. No Date
1 2 3 4
24/07/19 29/07/19 29/07/19 30/07/19
Dog (01)
KBP College
Anti rabies vaccine
Donkeys (72) Tarapur
Vaccination against tetanus Vaccination against tetanus
Horses (02) Dogs (02)
Shivaji Chowk Adhiv Village
Anti rabies vaccine
AWU – Solapur S. No Date
1 2 3 4
02/07/2019 Donkeys (05) Pakni
Vaccination against tetanus Vaccination against tetanus
02/07/2019 Horse (01) 05/07/2019 Dog (01) 16/07/2019 Dog (06)
Solapur Solapur Solapur
ARV during ABC ARV during ABC
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5 6 7 8
19/07/2019 Dog (01) 27/07/2019 Cat (01) 29/07/2019 Bull (01) 31/07/2019 Dog (02)
Solapur Solapur
ARV during ABC ARV was given
Bakshi Hipparga ARV given post bite
ARV during ABC
AWU – Sangli S. No Date
01/07/2019 Donkey (10)
Vaccination against Tetanus procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sudhir
2 3 4
05/07/2019 Donkey (32) 05/07/2019 Horse (05) 05/07/2019 Dog (01)
Subhash Nagar
‐do‐ ‐do‐
Miraj Vashi
ARV procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sachin
08/07/2019 Dog (01)
Subhash Nagar ARV procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sudhir
09/07/2019 Dog (01)
ARV procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sachin Vaccination against Tetanus procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sudhir ARV procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sachin Vaccination against Tetanus procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sudhir Vaccination against Tetanus procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Dilip Vaccination against Tetanus procured by owner after being convinced by Mr. Sachin
11/07/2019 Donkey (22)
13/07/2019 Dog (01)
18/07/2019 Donkey (27)
10 18/07/2019 Pony (02)
11 20/07/2019 Horse (02)
AWU – Satara S. No. Date
17/07/2019 Dog (02)
Anti Rabies vaccine procured by owner
Home for Retired Bullocks (HRB) S. No. Date Animal
1 2 3 4 5
04/07/2019 Bullocks (07) 04/07/2019 Dogs (02) 17/07/2019 Bullocks (03) 25/07/2019 Bullocks (02) 9/07/2019 Bullocks (02)
FMD and BQ Vaccine
FMD and BQ Vaccine FMD and BQ Vaccine FMD and BQ Vaccine
During this month the team did capacity building of the local health providers and volunteers by organising workshops. IX. Stakeholders’ skill enhancement:
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X. OTHER INTERESTING STORIES/ SPECIFC ACHIEVEMENTS TO SHARE Description with Date AWU – Solapur: Retirement of old age bullocks at owner’s home: AWU Solapur convinced 05 owners for retiring their old age bullocks at their home during this month period. Mr Somnath Deshmukh, Sr. AWA convinced two owners named Mr. Mallu Kardante of village Shingadgaon & Mr. Tamma Kumbhar of Wadji village. Mr Sudhakar Ohal convinced two owners named Mr Arun Swami of Telgaon village & Mr Pandhari Gund of Shivni village and Dr Varsha Panchal convinced one owner of Wadji village. This is good success of AWU Solapur that they were able to convince 05 owners in a month’s time for retirement of old aged bullocks at their homes.
Eye Extirpation surgery of Bullock: On 11 th July, 2019, at village Kardehalli, a bullock was operated as eye ball wall completely damaged and bullock blind from that eye, excessive lacrimation, hence eye extirpation surgery was done. After that regular follow up was done and now bullock has recovered well.
Local health service providers (LHPs) workshop: AWU Solapur organized workshop of LHPs on 17 th July 2019. Total 07 LHPs attended the workshop. It was facilitated by Dr. Rakesh Chittora, Dr. Varsha Panchal and Dr. Akash Jadhav. During workshop, animal handling, animal welfare, issue of nose rope v/s use of morkee, tying of animal with two side rope, promotion for Mukt
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Gotha (free shed), drug dose rates etc. were discussed.
Volunteer’s workshop: AWU Solapur organized a volunteer’s workshop at AWU Solapur office on 21 st July 2019. Total 18 volunteers including 03 girls attended the workshop. During workshop animal welfare and issues with animal were explained and promoted them on how they can help animals by doing little things in their areas.
Trimming of excessively grown hooves of animals: During this month AWU Solapur trimmed over grown hooves of total 13 animals including horses, bullocks, buffaloes and cow. All animals over grown hooves were trimmed with help of Mr Momtaram, Farrier trainer, except one horse and one cow who were done by AWU Solapur staff with the help of Dr Rakesh Chittora. Mr Momtaram also explained bullock owners about need of trimming of over grown hooves of animals.
Animal Rahat July 2019 Month Report Dated: 12/08/2019
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